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No Navy Game This Year?

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This is Obama PR bullcrap. I would hope ND and its alums would pony up the money to help Navy travel and play us. It's the least we can do to continue the tradition and repay them for saving our school. If the Dems want to negotiate with Iran and Russia, but not the Republicans, let them; but we should keep this traditional game alive and well.


Obama controls congress? Yeah no. Its their mess not the executive branch's.


Also I doubt ND is gonna pay for Navy to travel. One, because its expensive and two because they don't want to be caught up in stupid Partison politics .

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AND it's the Republican controlled Houses job to put forth a budget that is amenable to both parties. The House controls the money and the Senate makes the laws. I may not agree with the ACA, but it's passed the house and the senate and been deemed legal by the US Supreme Court. It's a law, plain and simple. It's the Congress job to fund it, regardless of their opinion. Their opinion should've been expressed in the lawmaking process, the Republicans failed in that regard. Now they're basically being sore losers. I'm Active Duty military and I can't stand this kind of crap. I don't always get my way, but when I'm given a lawful order, I follow it. This political grandstanding is an atrocious miscarriage of the American system of politics. Now I have civilian co workers who can't work. These are are decent people being held hostage by tea party idealogues who can't stand that this health care law actually passed. They use disinformation and scare tactics to confuse their constituents and they've disrupted all of our lives for their own political gain. I've spent my entire adult life defending our constitution, I've never been so ashamed of the people who are supposed to perpetuate our prosperity by embracing that piece paper instead of pissing on it because they don't like the laws that it has produced.

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The Department of Defense on Tuesday suspended intercollegiate sporting events at the service academies. For now, Air Force can’t pay to fly to Saturday’s football game at Navy. And Navy can’t hold the game, anyway.


And here’s the problem with both of those things:


They. Are. Not. True.


This is a con. But it’s one with real consequences.


Navy officials said that a final decision on Saturday’s game will be made by Thursday morning. (The DOD must also decide on Army at Boston College.) But a source told me that if the shutdown isn’t over by Thursday, then Air Force-Navy won’t go on.


But this game isn’t a victim of the federal shutdown, as the media keep saying and the Department of Defense seems to be pretending. A source close to the situation told me that neither school would have to use any government funds to play the game.


Canceling the Air Force-Navy game would be a PR move and nothing more. It’s a political football that is actually a real football.


This game is in jeopardy of being called off because politically it looks bad if the government can’t provide services, but it can run a service academy football game.

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800k people are no longer drawing a salary and the politicians fiddle and grandstand.


If canceling football or closing parks is a PR stunt / control, so be it. If it gets people to call reps to act... That'd be awesome.

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Wrong, Flyinirish. The president submits a budget, the house amends it, the currently democrat controlled senate accepts or rejects it. The budget process should have been completed months ago before the start of the current fiscal year to allow for adjustments. However, as he has done for four of the past five years, Obama failed to submit a budget on time and that includes the years when the left had control over the house and senate, including a brief period when they had a super majority. The shutdown is a dog and pony show meant to show people that you just can't live without the government. It's scare tactics, plain and simple. If we had the type of economy we had 40-50 years ago, the government couldn't pull it off but we have allowed so many people to become inextricably dependent on the government because so much of our material production has been depleted by outsourcing and globalization, many people have no choice.


1qa, 2,000,000 federal employees are still drawing a paycheck so how is it a shut down? 800,000 people paid by your taxpayer dollars pales in comparison to the millions of people that have not returned to full time jobs paid by private enterprises. 0bamacare exchanges still opened(Poorly). Disability checks went out. The world has kept turning.


In the big picture, the service academy games mean diddly, as do all sports. I enjoy them but when you get right down to it, they're the modern version of ancient Rome's bread and circuses and we all know what happened to ancient Rome. Read up on it and you'll find some obvious parallels to today.


I could live without football at any level if it meant this country could go back to where it was forty plus years ago. Sports, TV, entertainment of any sort should never distract people from their primary goal of sustaining their families and they shouldn't have to rely on the government to do it. EOM. JMO. Flame away.

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I could live without football at any level if it meant this country could go back to where it was forty plus years ago. Sports, TV, entertainment of any sort should never distract people from their primary goal of sustaining their families and they shouldn't have to rely on the government to do it. EOM. JMO. Flame away.


A lot of people on both sides of the issue would agree with you that things were better off in the past; unfortunately, the economics of the last half century reveal that the private insurance companies upon which people depend for their coverage have continually used their leverage to gouge middle-class Americans to the point where many hard-working citizens legitimately cannot afford to keep their families healthy. At that point, it is the responsibility of the government to step in and stop the despicable, D-bag CEOs from buying their Bentleys on the backs of honest laborers.

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President Barack Obama and his administration seem to view budgeting as just one more political maneuver. His efforts have been so completely unserious that the President's 2012 budget was rejected by a vote of 97-0 in the Senate. And in April 2012, when Rep. Mick Mulvaney, R-South Carolina, sponsored a budget proposal based on Obama's 2013 budget plan, it lost in the House by a vote of 414-0.


That's right, not a single member of Congress cast a vote in favor of Obama's last two budgets. That is a stunning repudiation of his leadership. What it really represents is a total abdication of leadership.



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AND it's the Republican controlled Houses job to put forth a budget that is amenable to both parties. The House controls the money and the Senate makes the laws. I may not agree with the ACA, but it's passed the house and the senate and been deemed legal by the US Supreme Court. It's a law, plain and simple. It's the Congress job to fund it, regardless of their opinion. Their opinion should've been expressed in the lawmaking process, the Republicans failed in that regard. Now they're basically being sore losers. I'm Active Duty military and I can't stand this kind of crap. I don't always get my way, but when I'm given a lawful order, I follow it. This political grandstanding is an atrocious miscarriage of the American system of politics. Now I have civilian co workers who can't work. These are are decent people being held hostage by tea party idealogues who can't stand that this health care law actually passed. They use disinformation and scare tactics to confuse their constituents and they've disrupted all of our lives for their own political gain. I've spent my entire adult life defending our constitution, I've never been so ashamed of the people who are supposed to perpetuate our prosperity by embracing that piece paper instead of pissing on it because they don't like the laws that it has produced.


I agree with all of this. All three branches of government had their say on the ACA. It was passed, signed, and upheld by a conservative Supreme Court. To not fund the ACA at this point is a slap in the face of democracy, the Constitution and the country.




and as far as Navy goes, I could see ND paying their way to play the game.

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panem et circenses, coined by Juvenal. Familiar with the history, and the tragic parallels playing out today.


Perhaps stripping us of the bread & circus for a bit would help the country focus on our broken process and misplaced / misguided focus... it just stinks that 800k govt employees hired to execute laws already passed by Congress are caught in the middle.


Irish_Convict: Just to clarify, I never said shutdown (sorry, I'm small that way), and while Obama has been late 4 of 5 times, most of those misses have been by 1 week... the exception being the post-2008 meltdown. So, what the hell has Congress been doing between then and now?


Personally, we need to pare back the nets so they are simply a temporary refuge. A little struggle helps people focus.

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I agree with all of this. All three branches of government had their say on the ACA. It was passed,signed,and upheld by a conservative Supreme Court. To not fund the ACA at this point is a slap in the face of democracy,the Constitution and the country.

and as far as Navy goes,I could see ND paying their way to play the game.


Well, it was a lame duck congress without any republican support, but yes, it did pass.


Now if Obama would stop trying to take out all the parts that aren't working on his own, I'd have a little more sympathy.


You can't take out parts and instruct the IRS to ignore other parts of the written law, the be shocked when other groups want to make changes too.

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Wrong Irish Convert. The president has dutifully submitted budgets every year. Maybe a week late, but that's typical, particularly when dealing with a hostile House like right now. Even moderate Republicans know that this is ridiculous. The speaker is a hostage in his own party. This shut down is nothing but a self-inflicted wound caused by the petulant tea party members. The president has submitted a reasonable budget to fund the law, now the house refuses to do it. That's on the house, not the president or the senate. Do yourself a favor and turn off Fox News.

As for ND football, it would be a real shame if the Navy streak came to an end because of idiot politics. I have many friends who played football at USAFA and those guys work their butts off. It's a devastating turn of events when these young men can't be rewarded with a Gameday. It's a fraction of the overall picture, but it does matter. Especially since it's so pointless.

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Wrong Irish Convert. The president has dutifully submitted budgets every year. Maybe a week late, but that's typical, particularly when dealing with a hostile House like right now. Even moderate Republicans know that this is ridiculous. The speaker is a hostage in his own party. This shut down is nothing but a self-inflicted wound caused by the petulant tea party members. The president has submitted a reasonable budget to fund the law, now the house refuses to do it. That's on the house, not the president or the senate. Do yourself a favor and turn off Fox News.

As for ND football, it would be a real shame if the Navy streak came to an end because of idiot politics. I have many friends who played football at USAFA and those guys work their butts off. It's a devastating turn of events when these young men can't be rewarded with a Gameday. It's a fraction of the overall picture, but it does matter. Especially since it's so pointless.


Exactly right my friend.

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I agree with all of this. All three branches of government had their say on the ACA.


Liar. Or, you're flat out misinformed. The legislative branch paid for votes, and there was absolutely ZERO discourse. How about this doozy of a quote, "You'll have to pass it to see what's in it." - Nancy Pelosi.


I just reviewed our benefits this evening after ObamaCare - Deductibles are quadrupled and people who make less money get better benefits at the same price. Why should I achieve anything if my benefits are going to be stolen?


I'm tired of liberals. If there's a civil war, at least the freeloaders that are driving up our costs would be wiped out.


Can't wait to do something great for Navy if necessary. I'd give them some of my money if it meant allowing them to travel for our game. You know why? Because they have honor and integrity unlike the liberals giving away the fruits of that same honor and integrity.

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Wrong Irish Convert. The president has dutifully submitted budgets every year. Maybe a week late, but that's typical, particularly when dealing with a hostile House like right now. Even moderate Republicans know that this is ridiculous. The speaker is a hostage in his own party. This shut down is nothing but a self-inflicted wound caused by the petulant tea party members. The president has submitted a reasonable budget to fund the law, now the house refuses to do it. That's on the house, not the president or the senate. Do yourself a favor and turn off Fox News.

As for ND football, it would be a real shame if the Navy streak came to an end because of idiot politics. I have many friends who played football at USAFA and those guys work their butts off. It's a devastating turn of events when these young men can't be rewarded with a Gameday. It's a fraction of the overall picture, but it does matter. Especially since it's so pointless.


He submits budgets that are not amenable. Also, when the President had the House and Senate in his corner, he never passed a budget, so F your shot at the Republicans.


Petulant Tea Party? You have no clue about money or hard work if that's how you describe it. The budget is UNREASONABLE, because we don't have the money to fund about bunch of BS. The government shoud manage defense, security, and infrastructure, but THIS government thinks it should be involved in the capital markets based on faulty science and ideologies they use as a cover for their own liberal hypocracy and corruption.


Stop believing what Chris Matthews feeds you. The House has offered multiple different resolutions to be amenable to the D-Bags in the Senate but they've made it clear THEY'RE not negotiating. They have a duty, too. Oh, they don't own the House so they can't have EVERYTHING they want. Well, F them. The Republicans did their part, which was not barring WWII vets from a public, free-standing unguarded monument or offering resolutions to help kids with cancer get money during the shut down. Harry Reid told the kid with cancer to F off. So, who's to blame there, douche?

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