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Prayers for the families of the shooting victims in Connecticut

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Another senseless school shooting has happened just a couple of hours ago in Connecticut. It's being reported that several children have been killed along with one of the two gunmen.


This happened at an elementary school. A FREAKING ELEMENTARY school. Whether it be an elementary, middle or high school, it's senseless. But to be at an elementary school is just that much more disgusting.


I'm saddened by these senseless deaths (sorry for using senseless so much, I just can't describe it in any other words). I think I'm saddened almost as much that one of these animals was killed as well. He should have faced justice and have been put to death.


Please pray for the wounded and for those children that have died. Another sad day in America.

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God be with the victims and their families during this absolutely horrible event. Please let the number of children casualties be as close to zero as possible, though losing any innocent to such a senseless and cowardly act is too many. Prayers are with all the families, children, staff, and the community during this very desperate and terrifying time. Words cannot describe how awful these instances are, may the Lord send the SOB to burn in Hell for all eternity!

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I cannot imagine the anguish of the parents who are finding out today that they kissed their children good night for the last time less than 18 hours ago.


This is horror on a scale that makes me weak.


Footprints in the Sand


One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.


In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other times there was one only.


This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life, when I was suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints, so I said to the Lord,


"You promised me Lord, that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there has only been one set of footprints in the sand. Why, when I needed you most, have you not been there for me?"


The Lord replied, "The years when you have seen only one set of footprints, my child, is when I carried you."


Mary Stevenson, 1936

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I've been sick to my stomach ever since I first saw the breaking reports of this horrible event this morning. I can tell you what, I fired off a long email to my son's elementary school principle. While I cannot say how other school districts have addressed the topic of active shooter scenarios and prepared for that event, I can say with utmost certainty how my school district has.


I will say that there is A LOT lacking about how serious the subject is taken. I found out recently just how bad things had gotten with the district and their ho-hum attitude. I know a lot of details about our PD's efforts to consult and plan with the schools for such events, and it has fallen on deaf ears. After Columbine, the district and my department trained a bit and planned some for something like this, but years ago that dropped off considerably mostly on the school districts end and not from the PD's lack of wanting to!


I encourage each and every one of you out there to please contact your school and encourage them to work with local law enforcement in planning and training for a active shooter type event. Force them to implement training policies that require mandatory training to the employees at the beginning of every school year.


To put it in a different perspective, look at fire safety. Firemen have indoctrinated us as a society to be prepared in the event of a fire. Most schools have sprinkler systems, all have fire alarms, and multiple times a year schools are required to conduct fire and emergency weather drills. As a result of all these safety precautions we have a prepared response to keep our children safe in the event of a fire or weather event. How often has someone died as the result of a fire at school in the past say 10-20 years? I'd wager its EXTREMELY low. Now lets compare the statistics for school shooting at all education levels over the same time period. And schools districts and detractors think we shouldn't prepare our teachers and students to react to such an event?!

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I live in Brookfield CT, about 5 miles from Sandy Hook, things are crazy here right now. I worked at a local daycare for 4 years, this is hitting everyone hard. I've never seen so many police officers out on the streets.


I haven't allowed myself to hear the specifics yet, I need to get home with the my son before I can really let this sink in and wrap my hands around something like this.


Prayers to all the families, just incredibly sad what people do in our society.

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Shooter was 24 years old, son of a kindergarten teacher. Most of the victims, including his mom were in her room. Kindergarten???!!! They have his younger brother detained and are questioning him on his knowledge of the shooting.


I am sick to my stomach and have tears in my eyes. I have 12 minutes before I leave to go home to hug my two little boys.


4 and 5 year olds?? What have they done to deserve this??:pray:

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Shooter was 24 years old, son of a kindergarten teacher. Most of the victims, including his mom were in her room. Kindergarten???!!! They have his younger brother detained and are questioning him on his knowledge of the shooting.


I am sick to my stomach and have tears in my eyes. I have 12 minutes before I leave to go home to hug my two little boys.


4 and 5 year olds?? What have they done to deserve this??:pray:


They've done nothing wrong. And because they are innocents the Lord will lift them up to Heaven where they will never know pain or suffering again. They will be allowed to remain innocent children playing forever in the green pastures and playgrounds that the Lord has provided them, until one day they will be re-united with their earthly family.

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