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  1. That is a big "if".... recruiting has been mediocre this year. Hope it picks up sometime soon.
  2. I think this is reasonable. Next year we will able to see which way the program is headed under BK but some on here are making some real stupid assumptions and excuses for this year's failures. To be honest, I was more dumbfounded by some of the decisions BK made.
  3. Lol. Any more excuses? "We were playing our 2nd and 3rd stringers!" Embarrassing. I've been hearing similar excuses since Charlie was coaching. But at least you're not soft and to prove your point you bring up the bcs bowls where we looked just a tad bit better than Hawaii did against Georgia. During this time frame Boise state and Utah did better in the bcs bowls with worse recruits. BK has done some good things but the way he has coached this year was baffling. Maybe this is the reason why we are having to settle for 3 star recruits. We are going to have to compete with programs like Yale, Northwestern, and Harvard with the latest offer. Let's hope academics are secondary in this case
  4. I think the point here is that we are accepting commits who are low on our board while teams like sc are bringing in guys like Juju Smith and Nelson Agholor. Even when we get 5 star players like Redfield they cant cover receivers or they are being replaced by a 3 star. Sad to see what teams like TCU can do with 3 star players yet we can't beat Northwestern with 4 star players
  5. UUgggghh. I can't seem to get this out of my head. I think I hate that term more than "decided schematic advantage."
  6. I'm a bit concerned with his offer list. Connecticut nor Duke have offered.
  7. Did not know this. I enjoy his columns and think he's one of the most articulate and brilliant minds around.
  8. Found something we agreed on. The Ray Lewis over the top pre game stuff made me cringe...rocket Ismail at an ND pep rally was bad too
  9. I'll go out on a limb here and say we get at least one commit if not more
  10. Oh my goodness. Appalachian state has no mountains nearby...have they offered?
  11. What does Marcus Vick have to do with this? This is funny
  12. If this happens its great news! I would have been happy with Quick and a DT. If Juju goes anywhere but sc I will be celebrating
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