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sailor talk NEEDS TO STOP

Guest irishrick

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Guest irishrick

tell you what i respect the irish coaching staff, and coach Jon tenuta, HOWEVER i think he could soften his sailor talk a lot, i can accept the heated f word , but he could substitute something else, as it really is annoying and disrespectful to the team and this GREAT UNIVERSITY, AND i hope Coach charlie has a chat with him , yelling is acceptable but the profanity is just a little embarrassing . and excessive.. Iam sure some will say if he gets the team going its OK , i can't buy this , I could respect him a lot more if he used a little more tact. this is a Catholic University. WHAT SAY YOU ? 8)

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tell you what i respect the irish coaching staff, and coach Jon tenuta, HOWEVER i think he could soften his sailor talk a lot, i can accept the heated f word , but he could substitute something else, as it really is annoying and disrespectful to the team and this GREAT UNIVERSITY, AND i hope Coach charlie has a chat with him , yelling is acceptable but the profanity is just a little embarrassing . and excessive.. Iam sure some will say if he gets the team going its OK , i can't buy this , I could respect him a lot more if he used a little more tact. this is a Catholic University. WHAT SAY YOU ? 8)


A little salty language never sunk any ships Rick...now if he started using JC's name in vain, then I'm sure the priests would step in. :wink:

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Guest irishrick

Double Domer, i agree to a point, i use some tough language myself, i can understand SOME OF THE SALTY, But damn its so excessive and iam sure that we have ladies and young children that like to watch the notre dame articles, i just wish he could tone it down a bit. for the fans that watch the practices. thats all . i guess iam in the minority ? :)

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Guest bgcrow12

Hey irishrick: Give it a rest! You think those kids haven't heard that sort of language before? Listen to some of their music. As a former Sailor (32 years and 10 different ships) I resent the term "Sailor Talk." Working in the civilian community for 10 years after my retirementm the language was a "rough" or "rougher" and a lot of it was coming from woman. Don't like the language, my speakers have a volume control I'll bet yours does to....use it !

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Sorry rick, but I have no problem at all with Tenuta's language.

It might have something to do with that foul mouthed Catholic family of mine.

Sometimes they make me blush. :oops:


As far as the cursing though, it just reminds me of two-a-days with a coach or two chewing my :censored: out!!

It's simply seems like football more to me, and the atmosphere out there kinda has me jacked. :twisted:

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Guest SpanishElite
tell you what i respect the irish coaching staff, and coach Jon tenuta, HOWEVER i think he could soften his sailor talk a lot, i can accept the heated f word , but he could substitute something else, as it really is annoying and disrespectful to the team and this GREAT UNIVERSITY, AND i hope Coach charlie has a chat with him , yelling is acceptable but the profanity is just a little embarrassing . and excessive.. Iam sure some will say if he gets the team going its OK , i can't buy this , I could respect him a lot more if he used a little more tact. this is a Catholic University. WHAT SAY YOU ? 8)


I completly disagree. As a former player, and current coach I see nothing wrong with it. I would be more upset if we try to change Coach Tentuta into someone and something he is not. He is a great coach, and has done a GREAT job at Ga Tech with the defense... and I want him to do everything he did there and more at ND.

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Hey bg, you give it a rest! Rick just gave an opinion and we respect that around here even if we do disagree (WHICH BY THE WAY I DO DISAGREE WITH RICK IN THIS INSTANCE) but we disagree respectfully to one another here and we don't be telling each other to "Give it a rest".


As for you being offended by the term Sailor Talk. We all know it's an old saying from back in the day about rough language so YOU give it a rest. I guarantee you that Rick didn't mean anything disrespectful by it and if you would have PM'd him RESPECTFULLY with your concerns, he would be the first to apologize simply because your feelings may have been hurt. This isn't the first time you've got confrontational with a member here only to be welcomed and that was by ADMIN (SJ). So like you say, Rick has a volume control so he could use it (believe it or not I actually agree with you, although I may have said it more respectfully) So you have power NOT to click on a link if it gets you so wound up, use that power.


With all do respect, show some!

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Guest irishrick

I don't mean to step on anyone's fingers about this as i in fact use SOME of the same language, i just don't think its proper to use this type of foul mouth language with children and ladies that can watch the video of this fine young coach , As for the Sailor talk , that term has been around since the great john paul jones , no didrespect to any fomer serviceman of the US Navy as the game me a nice ride to Vietnam a couple of times , I personally think the team also needs a kick in the ass, But this is a good clean site with very little profanity being used or typed, . I just hope they don't use these clips of total profanity , if any of you are offended , then so be it Iam sorry , I was taught in a good catholic school the a person who uses a lot of cuss words isn't much . Nuff Said go irish :lol: 8)

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Then the critique should have been about those who chose to post the video. There was a disclaimer and parents have a responsibility to limit what their children watch.


Who are you really blaming here Rick, the source, distributor, or decision maker. I made my case for the value of the cursing in another thread. Check it out if you like.

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I think Tenuta is just what this team needs. Someone a little rough around the edges to toughen these boys up.


AGREED!!! I hope Tenuta doesn't change a thing. I can care less how he talks, just get the job done. Personally, I think the heavy amount of critiquing of his language is a joke. It's frickin football. Who cares.

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Guest irishrick

Barney, read your article, as you suggested, i just wanted to express my opinion that anyone uses the f word 14 times, has a problem in my opinion . yelling and some cussing and an occasional f word is not a problem , to get a point accross to young men , But i wished the hell i never sent this f message to dd as i have had a few em , riping me for expressing my opinion . the hell with it.Iam done , :( speedsterx thanks for your support. god bless you all.....

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I am glad I don't sleep with a teddy bear who doesn't use dirty language. Seriously... Who cares what the guy says. Are they going to be prepared to play ball? Shut up with the language issue. Playing in the band is totally different than playing football. Practice your tuba. This is ridiculous. Completely and utterly ridiculous that people are so soft that they can't handle some cuss words.

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Rick you should've expected this kind of backlash. I myself like what Tenuta is doing, that and all 13-14 f bombs. If that's how he likes to coach and get his point accross then fine. It obviously has worked, so we shouldn't tell the man how to do his job. These are paysites, with disclaimers. This entire "Holier than thou" act is get annoying; at the end of the day we need a coach with his fire and passion.


I think some people are content with ND being soft and getting ran over by every team in America.

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Guest irishrick

Nick iam not upset, i just feel that i gave my opinion on a excellent coach, who uses too much f words, if that upsets you so be it . thanks , i just wished that i hadn't posted it. thats all . :)

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I like Tenuta's style and realize that that is the way he gets the best out of his players. If it works, I'm all for it. There are other coaches who have been successful and used that approach.


However, I understand what irishrick is saying. Tony Dungy has a different way of doing things and it has worked for him. Mark Richt and Bobby Bowden are others that don't use this kind of language.



Tenuta is being himself and like I said, if it works I don't care how much he uses the F word. It's all about which style you prefer.

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