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Lane Kiffin

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The issue is not that we are disagreeing....


The issue is the selection of points that you chose to disagree on.


I cannot possibly understand how you cant come to the conclusion that Kiffin is a douche based on his public actions. You havent once made a point that backs your opinion (other than Saban talking to him). You havent defended his character or his actions....


How you act is a reflection of your character. If Kiffin acts like a douche, he is a douche.


So you have an opposing opinion, which seems to be unfounded considering your lack of non-douche evidence.


Which brings me back to my point about you, PT... you seem to be arguing just to argue. Antagonist.


Grow up Peter Pan...Count Chocula...


I haven't been around too long, but it seems there are about 4 or 5 ppl on the board who go out of their way to put Paraseighian's Theorem "in his place" with a lot of snide remarks or outright insults.


I don't see that he insults you directly, he just disagrees, and you can't handle it... is this just some inside joke? do you guys actually know him/her?


It's a drag trying to follow the thread when half the posts are "you're a douche for not knowing Kiffin's a douche" ... it seems Peter Pan syndrome is not limited to one.


Anyway, while Kiffin is largely considered a douche ... his douche-i-ness sure seems to get him hired at a lot of places. My theory is that he either has dirt on all these people, or he gives great head.


And, I am wondering why Denbrock hasn't been publicly announced... perhaps as part of a larger coaching announcement, seeing that we have a lot of GAs and indirect staff to find?

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I haven't been around too long, but it seems there are about 4 or 5 ppl on the board who go out of their way to put Paraseighian's Theorem "in his place" with a lot of snide remarks or outright insults.


I don't see that he insults you directly, he just disagrees, and you can't handle it... is this just some inside joke? do you guys actually know him/her?


It's a drag trying to follow the thread when half the posts are "you're a douche for not knowing Kiffin's a douche" ... it seems Peter Pan syndrome is not limited to one.


Anyway, while Kiffin is largely considered a douche ... his douche-i-ness sure seems to get him hired at a lot of places. My theory is that he either has dirt on all these people, or he gives great head.


And, I am wondering why Denbrock hasn't been publicly announced... perhaps as part of a larger coaching announcement, seeing that we have a lot of GAs and indirect staff to find?


Stick around a bit longer than you have and you'll eventually see the devil's advocate stance rear its ugly head. Go ahead and post something like "I hate when my di(k gets stuck in the vacuum" and he will be all "well maybe the vacuum doesnt like your di(k getting in the way."

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I haven't been around too long, but it seems there are about 4 or 5 ppl on the board who go out of their way to put Paraseighian's Theorem "in his place" with a lot of snide remarks or outright insults.


I don't see that he insults you directly, he just disagrees, and you can't handle it... is this just some inside joke? do you guys actually know him/her?


It's a drag trying to follow the thread when half the posts are "you're a douche for not knowing Kiffin's a douche" ... it seems Peter Pan syndrome is not limited to one.


Anyway, while Kiffin is largely considered a douche ... his douche-i-ness sure seems to get him hired at a lot of places. My theory is that he either has dirt on all these people, or he gives great head.


And, I am wondering why Denbrock hasn't been publicly announced... perhaps as part of a larger coaching announcement, seeing that we have a lot of GAs and indirect staff to find?


100 percent accurate. soup.

people attack the poster too often.

i said i think saban probably doesnt think kiffin is a douche and someone calls me a dick.

that is LITERALLY how this started.

(and remember my original post did not give my opinion on kiffin but on how i though saban felt about him if possibly hiring him).

makes total sense.

Edited by Parseghian's theorem
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100 percent accurate. soup.

people attack the poster too often.

i said i think saban probably doesnt think kiffin is a douche and someone calls me a dick.

that is LITERALLY how this started.

(and remember my original post did not give my opinion on kiffin but on how i though saban felt about him if possibly hiring him).

makes total sense.


You and Goblin both need a class on the use of the word "literally".

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Stick around a bit longer than you have and you'll eventually see the devil's advocate stance rear its ugly head. Go ahead and post something like "I hate when my di(k gets stuck in the vacuum" and he will be all "well maybe the vacuum doesnt like your di(k getting in the way."


Hahahaha.. I am losing it today.

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No, the attacks "LITERALLY" started when you deleted all history of your previous moniker and adopted an ever more idiotic persona.


NotreDameRoom is Parseghian's theorem? Whaaa?



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No, the attacks "LITERALLY" started when you deleted all history of your previous moniker and adopted an ever more idiotic persona.




The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. He's gone.

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I haven't been around too long, but it seems there are about 4 or 5 ppl on the board who go out of their way to put Paraseighian's Theorem "in his place" with a lot of snide remarks or outright insults.


I don't see that he insults you directly, he just disagrees, and you can't handle it... is this just some inside joke? do you guys actually know him/her?


It's a drag trying to follow the thread when half the posts are "you're a douche for not knowing Kiffin's a douche" ... it seems Peter Pan syndrome is not limited to one.


Anyway, while Kiffin is largely considered a douche ... his douche-i-ness sure seems to get him hired at a lot of places. My theory is that he either has dirt on all these people, or he gives great head.


And, I am wondering why Denbrock hasn't been publicly announced... perhaps as part of a larger coaching announcement, seeing that we have a lot of GAs and indirect staff to find?


I know him personally. And he does give great head.

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I haven't been around too long, but it seems there are about 4 or 5 ppl on the board who go out of their way to put Paraseighian's Theorem "in his place" with a lot of snide remarks or outright insults.


I don't see that he insults you directly, he just disagrees, and you can't handle it... is this just some inside joke? do you guys actually know him/her?


It's a drag trying to follow the thread when half the posts are "you're a douche for not knowing Kiffin's a douche" ... it seems Peter Pan syndrome is not limited to one.


You're hitching your wagon to the wrong horse.

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To recap:

You say something.

I disagree.

I'm a dick.


I say something

You disagree.

You arent a dick.


got it.

you guys want people that will agree with all your thoughts. sounds like BK


Keep it classy, guys. Lane kiffin is at least a proven cheater. What's the deal with the BK comment PT?

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Keep it classy, guys. Lane kiffin is at least a proven cheater. What's the deal with the BK comment PT?


If you can't tell, PT likes to throw in inflammatory statements at every opportunity. This board has taken a dramatic turn for the worse since he became a regular poster again.(He was NotreDameRoom before)

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