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Democrat Prez nomination 2016.


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It just boggles my mind that you continue to make statements that are simply not true. Either bring reliable sources or just hold on to your beliefs, spreading rumors is against the good book.


"You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness."




You of all people are asking for facts when you post your opinions or what you want to happen as much or more than anyone on the board.

Half of the time after reading your post, I get at least a smile but in most cases, a good laugh.

Like you say quite often, don`t blame Hillary or Obama, BUSH DID IT.

You have the same answers as Clinton, "I didn't inhale" or "I didn`t have sex with that woman". Bill & Hill = Trailer Park Trash. Yeah, you will vote for them.

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Because that's exactly what's wrong with this generation. "Everyone" wants everything given to them. No one wants to work for it anymore.


<img src="https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xft1/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/12338888_199652847042392_1498961764_n.jpg" style="width:304px;height:228px;">


<img src="https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xft1/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/12357418_509632179198056_273311933_n.jpg" style="width:304px;height:228px;">


<img src="https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xta1/t51.2885-15/e35/12353398_455176724685094_2093429350_n.jpg" style="width:304px;height:228px;">


<img src="https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xtp1/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/12292790_934437386650326_334450713_n.jpg" style="width:304px;height:228px;">

Edited by echo88
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The minimum wage needs to rise, just not to $15 an hour. $7.25 is not enough money to live on.


Why should it raise? Why do people expect to be paid a lot of money for a job that requires very little experience or talent? How many people whose only job is at a McDonald's go home and just watch TV versus improving their knowledge and/or skills to make themselves more valuable as an employee?


If McDonald's is forced to artificially pay $15 per hour (above current market rates since it can find workers willing to work at $8+ in our town), then it will accelerate its investments in technology to eliminate the need for workers such as adding kiosks to every restaurant or incenting people to use smart phones to place their orders.

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You're kidding yourself if you think this generation doesn't want to work hard and earn their way out of the crippling debt we've accrued from college and make our mark on the world.


The boomers could go anywhere and get a job, pay off college by working part time in the summer, start a family, buy a new car, and get a nice house in the suburbs by the time they were in their early 20s. That doesn't exist anymore. That was the generation that had everything handed to them. And look at the economy now that they are in power. We can't afford to buy a house when we're paying $500/month for student loans.


I am 27, have an engineering degree from an elite school, and am still 40k in debt. I worked all through college and have worked my way down from 60k in debt. Interest rates are insane on these (some of my loans are 7%!) and it's so difficult to make any progress. I have friends with law degrees and Doctors of Pharmacy that are $200k+ in student loan debt.


You say we're entitled and want the government to give us everything, but we depend on the jobs that we have. Nobody is hiring entry level work. If we lose our jobs, we are in big trouble. I was laid off a year ago and it took me 5 months to find a new engineering job. I looked everywhere in the US but the jobs I applied for had 40+ people trying to get one job. I moved back in with my mother. The top of the companies have all the power, because they know we need these jobs. I accepted something way under my pay grade because I was desperate for any money and the experience. There are countless stories like my own. Where I live, people with meaningful degrees are working in the service and retail industries en masse.


We don't want everything handed to us, we just want opportunities that were available for our parents and grandparents. Is that too much to ask?


Why depend on someone else? I started my own company at age 27 when I decided that I was being paid less than what I thought I was worth.


Starting a business is not hard. I know people that are well off from owning businesses with low barriers to entry such as maid services, landscaping, photography, irrigation systems, bookkeeping, marketing, pet grooming, consulting, etc.


In terms of college, why go to an exclusive university if the ROI is not there? I saw a quote from a girl that complained that she could not find a job with her $250K degree in Hispanic Lesbian Women's Studies from Tufts. For me, she has no one to blame for that other than herself.


I graduated from a Top 5 private university having paid for it via scholarships, loans and working 80 hours in the summer and 20 hours during the school year but would not go there again given today's tuition prices. I gave my kids the option of having me pay for a degree from the State U or having them pay the difference to go somewhere else. They have all chosen the State U. A decision I agree with wholeheartedly given the difference in costs.


At the end of the day, colleges will keep raising costs until people stop buying their product. If the ROI does not make sense, then do not attend. Get a cheaper degree by attending junior college first if you have to.

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Why should it raise? Why do people expect to be paid a lot of money for a job that requires very little experience or talent? How many people whose only job is at a McDonald's go home and just watch TV versus improving their knowledge and/or skills to make themselves more valuable as an employee?


If McDonald's is forced to artificially pay $15 per hour (above current market rates since it can find workers willing to work at $8+ in our town), then it will accelerate its investments in technology to eliminate the need for workers such as adding kiosks to every restaurant or incenting people to use smart phones to place their orders.



The jump from $7.25 to $15 is a 107% increase. I don't agree with this and was pretty clear in what I wrote, the risk of pricing workers out and losing the jobs forever is very real.


I do believe that $7.25 is too low however and there is scope to increase this to the $10 an hour range. This is affordable for all employers and will help keep people above the poverty line.


These jobs are now jobs people need to keep full time, real employment. The jobs market is shrinking so low skilled workers who could have worked on production lines before now need to make careers out of this level or work.

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The election is in Obama's hands. It's either Hillary or Biden. Although I don't know why you would allow an investigation of your top candidate. My money is on Biden.


You mean Bernie? I saw he was polling equal or above Hillary in Iowa and New Hampshire. I would love if he won the Democratic nom simply to see Hillary's dreams crumble before her eyes...

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I graduated from a Top 5 private university having paid for it via scholarships, loans and working 80 hours in the summer and 20 hours during the school year but would not go there again given today's tuition prices. I gave my kids the option of having me pay for a degree from the State U or having them pay the difference to go somewhere else. They have all chosen the State U. A decision I agree with wholeheartedly given the difference in costs.


At the end of the day, colleges will keep raising costs until people stop buying their product. If the ROI does not make sense, then do not attend. Get a cheaper degree by attending junior college first if you have to.

I agree to a point. Where I disagree is that it's completely against the American ideal to not achieve to the highest level that you're capable of. For example, why should someone who can attend Harvard based on merit be hamstrung by cost/ROI considerations. Shouldn't we want our top talent to be with their peers? Isn't that how "we can make America great again?!" (Which is a completely bullshit notion but that's for another thread).


I used Harvard as an example because they're toying with the idea of eliminating tuition for undergraduate education. Take one look at their endowment (or any Ivy or ND for that matter) and it's readily apparent that they'll be ok.

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Maybe you could enlighten me on how she is solely responsible and Bush isn't for 4000+ Dead and 35000 wounded for a war we should have never been in responsible. Or how about what the current repubs want to do by doing it all over again creating new terriosts. Make no mistake, despite this retiric in this board ISIS is sole creation from the Bush admin. Just another shithole that Obama inherited like the recession.

Bush's policies are far from the only reason Daesh/ISIS/ISIL/whomever has risen in power. The true trail of their formation goes all the way back to the creation of Saudi Arabia by British diplomat, tribal rivalry, creation of synthetic nations that jam ideologically opposed tribes together under one flag, destabilization of regimes, etc etc etc. long story short, it's a lot more complicated than "this guy did it."


You don't have to look further than the Tea Party in America to see what happens when people become dissatisfied/disillusioned with people in power, to a much lesser extent. (Not comparing the Tea Party to ISIS, though I do think they're singlehandedly ruining the GOP)


I'm sure Echo can illuminate us even further.

Edited by Pregame
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Bush's policies are far from the only reason Daesh/ISIS/ISIL/whomever has risen in power. The true trail of their formation goes all the way back to the creation of Saudi Arabia by British diplomat, tribal rivalry, creation of synthetic nations that jam ideologically opposed tribes together under one flag, destabilization of regimes, etc etc etc. long story short, it's a lot more complicated than "this guy did it."


You don't have to look further than the Tea Party in America to see what happens when people become dissatisfied/disillusioned with people in power, to a much lesser extent. (Not comparing the Tea Party to ISIS, though I do think they're singlehandedly ruining the GOP)


I'm sure Echo can illuminate us even further.


The reality of it is Saddam was the best guy to keep Iraq in check. Likewise any of these other crackpot countries. Just leave them go about their own business, we should know by now there is no book or manual on how to manage them and 'democracy' will never, ever work there.


If people were actually serious about invading countries trying to develop WMDs then North Korea should have been bombed to oblivion decades ago. Instead they'll just be made poorer again and the people suffer more. It's so transparent than you just have to sigh and say **** it, I don't care anymore.

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