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Soko last won the day on March 9 2022

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  1. Riley Leonard was the not guy last week and nothing has changed. I don't understand the fuss.
  2. Leonard is the same QB as last week. He's not a good passer. I'm genuinely not surprised about this loss.
  3. Leonard must improve. The schedule will give him time to settle in but that accuracy won't fly when it comes to possible playoff level games.
  4. Guys, Leonard is not the one. He can run but I seriously doubt his throwing ability.
  5. I'm not sure this QB is accurate enough. Very strange play call to move away from the run on that late drive after they finally started making some holes.
  6. Soko

    NFL Draft

    Incredible. He'll be good for at least 1 missed tackle a game. High energy guy but he's very poor at bringing people to the ground.
  7. Soko

    NFL Draft

    Yes. They are very different players. Lots of offenses carry two TE options.
  8. 4.72 is plenty fast for his style of play.
  9. Liufau misses way too tackles. Tackling guys is a pretty important role for LBs so I'm out.
  10. Not much fear mongering about Chansi Stuckey now. However this is put up or shut up time now for Freeman. Year 3, stocking the roster with experienced players. His own recruits. And the softest schedule in years.
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