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Democrat Prez nomination 2016.


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Agreed. I believe most people on both sides of the aisle actually have the same arguments. They both know what the problems are. The difference is our difference of opinion on the solutions of the problems. Take Bernie Sanders for example.. I agree with about everything he says as far as the problems in the country. (and i would be considered a right-winger by the media). Im just completely opposite of him as far as his solution goes. He wants government to fix the problem, I strongly do not. We all bitch enough about politicians as it is.. We dont need to give them more control.


Amen to your last couple sentences. Regardless of whose side you vote for, eventually the other side will come back as the majority. Why the hell people feel like the government should have more power and control over everyone's life is beyond me. The bigger the government the bigger the f-ups when they happen and it takes a sh*t ton of bureaucratic red tape to reverse course on just about anything no matter who's in charge. The bastards should be neutered.

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When was it? When was it ever a living wage? It used to be a wage for high school kids working at fast food joints..


I agree this a good discussion. I've always said I can be a democrat and you can be a republican but those people in washington are politicians.


To your point we don't live in 1960 anymore. You can't pay for college with a part time job, hell you can't pay for college with a full time job. Fast food gigs are no longer for the kids. Years ago I was discussing our jobs leaving back when GWB was president and I was told that we now live in a global economy. Our manufacturing jobs are leaving and that could not be helped. We're a service industry nation now.


If that's the case then we need to increase the pay of low earning service jobs because that's where our work is at.


S#!t rolls uphill with regards to the economy. I remember when GM decided to spend millions of dollars to buyout their employees who made a decent wage and rehire new workers barely above min wage. The result, they got rid of their best and most loyal customers and replaced them with folks who can't afford to buy a new car.


But alas, you don't have to be Nostradamus to see whats going to happen very soon.Just like in the early 20th century, workers are gonna get tired of worker hard and still barely getting by and that's when the unions are gonna rise up again. We all want that, right ;)

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Amen to your last couple sentences. Regardless of whose side you vote for, eventually the other side will come back as the majority. Why the hell people feel like the government should have more power and control over everyone's life is beyond me. The bigger the government the bigger the f-ups when they happen and it takes a sh*t ton of bureaucratic red tape to reverse course on just about anything no matter who's in charge. The bastards should be neutered.


I think government doesn't work because that wouldn't benefit the politicians. Just think if all the good folks in washington worked together and America was rolling again. Obama would get the credit and all the republicans would be out of jobs after the next election cycle. WE lose because they need failure to keep their jobs.


That said I still feel there is a place for the Government. A lot of you guys fear the government but these crooks can be voted out of office. I fear a few billionaires taking over the country by buying up all of the industries, and that includes politicians.


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I think government doesn't work because that wouldn't benefit the politicians. Just think if all the good folks in washington worked together and America was rolling again. Obama would get the credit and all the republicans would be out of jobs after the next election cycle. WE lose because they need failure to keep their jobs.


That said I still feel there is a place for the Government. A lot of you guys fear the government but these crooks can be voted out of office. I fear a few billionaires taking over the country by buying up all of the industries, and that includes politicians.



You are right. George Washington warned about the 2 party system in his farewell presidential speech. I hear it all the time during both debates when one will say "The Democrats are the enemy". Even insiders say that if Obama was for it...Boehner was against it. Same is true vice versa. Also right that big money needs to get outta politics. I'd add to that big govt needs to get outta politics too.

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What ever happened to working hard? If you are not happy with what you are getting paid, work harder or find a new job. Thats what I did. People just want to government to solve their problems, what a bunch of winey Pu$$ies. Make it happen people you are in control of your lives not the government.


Because that's exactly what's wrong with this generation. "Everyone" wants everything given to them. No one wants to work for it anymore.

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You are right. George Washington warned about the 2 party system in his farewell presidential speech. I hear it all the time during both debates when one will say "The Democrats are the enemy". Even insiders say that if Obama was for it...Boehner was against it. Same is true vice versa. Also right that big money needs to get outta politics. I'd add to that big govt needs to get outta politics too.


The issue is the voting system itself. We need to get rid of the first past the post system.



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Because that's exactly what's wrong with this generation. "Everyone" wants everything given to them. No one wants to work for it anymore.


You're kidding yourself if you think this generation doesn't want to work hard and earn their way out of the crippling debt we've accrued from college and make our mark on the world.


The boomers could go anywhere and get a job, pay off college by working part time in the summer, start a family, buy a new car, and get a nice house in the suburbs by the time they were in their early 20s. That doesn't exist anymore. That was the generation that had everything handed to them. And look at the economy now that they are in power. We can't afford to buy a house when we're paying $500/month for student loans.


I am 27, have an engineering degree from an elite school, and am still 40k in debt. I worked all through college and have worked my way down from 60k in debt. Interest rates are insane on these (some of my loans are 7%!) and it's so difficult to make any progress. I have friends with law degrees and Doctors of Pharmacy that are $200k+ in student loan debt.


You say we're entitled and want the government to give us everything, but we depend on the jobs that we have. Nobody is hiring entry level work. If we lose our jobs, we are in big trouble. I was laid off a year ago and it took me 5 months to find a new engineering job. I looked everywhere in the US but the jobs I applied for had 40+ people trying to get one job. I moved back in with my mother. The top of the companies have all the power, because they know we need these jobs. I accepted something way under my pay grade because I was desperate for any money and the experience. There are countless stories like my own. Where I live, people with meaningful degrees are working in the service and retail industries en masse.


We don't want everything handed to us, we just want opportunities that were available for our parents and grandparents. Is that too much to ask?

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You're kidding yourself if you think this generation doesn't want to work hard and earn their way out of the crippling debt we've accrued from college and make our mark on the world.


The boomers could go anywhere and get a job, pay off college by working part time in the summer, start a family, buy a new car, and get a nice house in the suburbs by the time they were in their early 20s. That doesn't exist anymore. That was the generation that had everything handed to them. And look at the economy now that they are in power. We can't afford to buy a house when we're paying $500/month for student loans.


I am 27, have an engineering degree from an elite school, and am still 40k in debt. I worked all through college and have worked my way down from 60k in debt. Interest rates are insane on these (some of my loans are 7%!) and it's so difficult to make any progress. I have friends with law degrees and Doctors of Pharmacy that are $200k+ in student loan debt.


You say we're entitled and want the government to give us everything, but we depend on the jobs that we have. Nobody is hiring entry level work. If we lose our jobs, we are in big trouble. I was laid off a year ago and it took me 5 months to find a new engineering job. I looked everywhere in the US but the jobs I applied for had 40+ people trying to get one job. I moved back in with my mother. The top of the companies have all the power, because they know we need these jobs. I accepted something way under my pay grade because I was desperate for any money and the experience. There are countless stories like my own. Where I live, people with meaningful degrees are working in the service and retail industries en masse.


We don't want everything handed to us, we just want opportunities that were available for our parents and grandparents. Is that too much to ask?


You're not getting why I put "everyone". Take a step back from the ledge now.


Edit - I feel for you, I really do. I have plenty of friends who have degrees and are still waiting tables at Applebees and TGI Friday's, etc. More people should suck it up and serve in the military so they can get the GI Bill and go to school basically for free. Its not why I enlisted but its a reason I know many who have and have met countless others with the same intentions. Enlisting in the Marine Corps is one of the best things I have ever done in my life. I went through two tours in Iraq to earn what I did but I wouldn't have changed a thing. Its the only reason my wife and I were able to afford our home otherwise we'd probably still be in my parent's basement as well. VA home loans offer 100% financing, that means no down payment and no PMI. She is a teacher with a Master's Plus degree in Education and goodness knows what else. My lack of college debt allowed us to focus on knocking off her debt while still being able to pay our mortgage. Believe me when I say I didn't mean that original comment towards our generation.

Edited by NYGoldenDomer
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You're not getting why I put "everyone". Take a step back from the ledge now.


When people say "this generation" they are typically referring to millennials.


Do you disagree that the problem is a lack of opportunity?

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To your point we don't live in 1960 anymore. You can't pay for college with a part time job, hell you can't pay for college with a full time job. Fast food gigs are no longer for the kids. Years ago I was discussing our jobs leaving back when GWB was president and I was told that we now live in a global economy. Our manufacturing jobs are leaving and that could not be helped. We're a service industry nation now.


If that's the case then we need to increase the pay of low earning service jobs because that's where our work is at.


S#!t rolls uphill with regards to the economy. I remember when GM decided to spend millions of dollars to buyout their employees who made a decent wage and rehire new workers barely above min wage. The result, they got rid of their best and most loyal customers and replaced them with folks who can't afford to buy a new car.



This is what some people are not seeing or acknowledging. The job market has changed drastically as companies continue to outsource and automation threatens almost half of the remaining manual, low skill jobs out there.


I'm not sure what hope you have now if you don't have a vocational skill (mechanic, carpenter, steel worker etc...) or graduate with a minimum of degree, ideally no post graduate as the arms race continues. My sister in law just graduated as a run of the mill, average student and we are all scratching our heads wondering how she can get a job other than part time retail. Genuinely I see no hope she can get a good job in America at all and she is $100k in debt.


Basically it's not the time to hark back to the old days when flipping burgers was to pay for girls and beer. It's a real life job now and the number of these bottom feeder jobs will continue to increase as the only way to survive at the bottom of the job market barrel.


Raising the minimum wage too far also makes the case to eliminate those jobs altogether much easier to make. The people asking for $15 are making a rod for their own backs.

Edited by Soko
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I'm not sure what hope you have now if you don't have a vocational skill (mechanic, carpenter, steel worker etc...) or graduate with a minimum of degree, ideally no post graduate as the arms race continues. My sister in law just graduated as a run of the mill, average student and we are all scratching our heads wondering how she can get a job other than part time retail. Genuinely I see no hope she can get a good job in America at all and she is $100k in debt.


And this is the market talking. People are on the edge of booms and busts all the time. The market makes us adapt while govt says "I can fix this!!" and then just makes the problem worse. Bernie is trying to fix it by sending everyone to college for free. Good Lord I can see college costs skyrocketing even further once the govt guarantees everything. And for what? More college educated retail workers? Maybe the market is telling us a few things:


- Associates degrees are better for some professions

- Community college is better and cheaper than 4 year university for some degrees

- Maybe law school students don't need 4 years of history/english and instead go for 2 years and then switch to 3 years of law school (5 years total). Or maybe we don't need so many lawyers.

- If you're a C student in high school you should skip college and go to trade school


My dad always said a college degree is a ticket of entry. But my sister is in the same boat as your sister-in-law. She got a communications degree at Dayton and now works as an apt leasing agent for a developer. No way a college degree is required for that. I'm in my 30s and my youngest brother is at Marquette. I graduated during in 2005 and have a good job in Finance and was trying to steer him towards a biz degree but he chose IT. He was smart...tech is the new future.

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One thing that may help with college costs is a variable pricing model for degrees. I know a business degree costs a lot less than a undergrad biology or chemistry degree with all the labs. Plus you can pack about 500 kids into a biz lecture vs. more focused bio labs. Just a thought.

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When people say "this generation" they are typically referring to millennials.


Do you disagree that the problem is a lack of opportunity?


I've never heard the term "millennials" but ok. I don't mean us. Our generation is for the most part, I hope, past the fast food job stage. I am talking about the kids in college now and graduating HS getting ready for college.


As far as a lack of opportunity, I made my own opportunity. I enlisted in the Marine Corps. I knew I didn't wanna go to college. I also knew that if I changed my mind down the road I would know I could go for free. I enlisted and picked a job in communications. I now have a good paying career with excellent benefits in the aviation communications industry.

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What ever happened to working hard? If you are not happy with what you are getting paid, work harder or find a new job. Thats what I did. People just want to government to solve their problems, what a bunch of winey Pu$$ies. Make it happen people you are in control of your lives not the government.


Work harder or... work smarter and vote for someone who supports a raise.


I don't buy that a person working a low paying job is lazy. They often work harder then we do. And at 15 or so bucks an hour, the lazy folks won't keep those jobs.


I also don't think it will put people out of work. I have never been to a fast food place or a wal mart and said "man, they have too many people working".

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  • 2 weeks later...
The one whom is having a movie made about her despicable actions with Benghazi. I don't side with a party, they're all crooked pieces of s**t if you ask me. If she does win nomination I hope Sanders goes independent to take some votes away from her come Election Day. I don't care that she's a woman, I don't care that she's a Clinton, I don't care that she's a Democrat. I'm a Marine Veteran, I care that she left our men to be massacred defending our embassy.


The three Seals were interviewed last night on TV. They were told to Stand Down, twice. They waited 30 minutes for permission but when they didn`t get it they went on their own.

All three said that they could have saved them. There absolutely no reason to let them die.

This government could not care less about our Military.

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