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2016 - Obama's America

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Just think, Obama fully supports planned parenthood. Planned parenthood targets black children all over the south with their abortion clinics. Is this any worse then what Adolph Hitler did against the Jews?


First, the argument that the Keystone pipeline would create thousands of jobs and be part of some drastic economic recovery is dubious, as it is only expected to create "4,000 jobs, mostly temporary construction work. That comes to less than 2% of the nation's overall monthly job gain in recent months."




Secondly, and really in the grand scheme of things most importantly, regardless of political affiliation, we cannot be at a point in our country where we are comparing the work done at Planned Parenthood to the Holocaust. Abortion issues aside, Planned Parenthood provides people with assistance in family planning and STD testing and care among other things.


I am unashamed to say that I am pro choice, and while I strongly disagree with their position, I would never discount, dismiss, or insult the opinions of anyone who is pro life. However, saying that Planned Parenthood is somehow attempting to target African American children for termination by way of abortion (which is not happening) and then comparing Planned Parenthood's work to the Nazi Party's attempt to eliminate Jews from Europe, and similar rhetoric on other issues, is partly why America has gone down this path.


You seem like a really cool dude Oklahoma and a great Irish fan so I say all of this with tremendous respect to you.

Edited by NYNDIRISH723
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Politics is always an emotional discussion and in internet forums that is particularly unproductive due to the total inability to convey subtly in writing - concepts like sarcasm and wit become lost as the reader assigns their own intentions, inflections and bias to ANYTHING written or read online...in that spirit of disclosure I will now rant on....


PRESIDENT Obama (I am so sick of the thinly veiled racism that exists in the continual discourtesy of denying the respect due to the office of the presidency to President Obama by continuously dropping the title and referring only to the officeholder by his surname) is NOT any of the following:


1) A Muslim

2) A Foreigner

3) Anti-American

4) Intentionally crashing the economy or ballooning the debt

5) An Apologist

6) A Socialist

7) A Communist

8) A Fascist

9) The Anti-Christ


People who buy into these obvious and ham-handed caricatures instantly label themselves as non-serious and agenda driven. There is no "Facts" involved in nearly anything that's getting you all ginned up about President Obama's policies or proposals - only irrational fear, preyed upon and stoked by those who seek power for power's sake and will gladly use your true desire to see something positive as a means to an end and their ends are NOT in harmony with the common good.


Why does the current debt exist? When 2000 gave way to the administration of George W. Bush, the United States Treasury of sound and running an annual budget surplus that COULD AND SHOULD have been used to pay down the existing debt at THAT TIME - the debt that was NOT the result of the demonic Democratic agenda but in fact bequeathed to us from Saint Ronald of Reagan and his defense budgets of the 1980's. At that time, with an opportunity to be a TRUE FISCAL CONSERVATIVE and pay down the debt using the then budget surplus, President Bush and his advisers saw an opportunity to enrich their donors (or as President Bush referred to the super rich as his "base").


Instead of responsibly caring about the debt at a time when we had the fiscal ammunition to actually DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, the Republican Party and its standard bearers in the Bush Administration decided that the best thing to do was to cut taxes disproportionally for the segments of the population that needed the most assistance to benefit those who did not. For all the bluster and pomp that the religious right likes to display, they are curiously mute on the teachings of our Lord's most famous orations regarding the poor and amassing earthly fortunes in lieu of aiding those who have little or none. Jesus did not come to teach us that the only good in the world is found in Swiss bank accounts or dispensed from dummy corporations in the Caymans.


So, now, when a Democratic administration led by President Obama has inherited the burning embers of the economy that was wrecked by unfunded wars and prescription drug benefits and starved of revenue by tax cuts that have produced the lowest income tax rates in generations and the greatest disparity in the nation since the Gilded Age, now they have once again found religion on the evils of debt.


When Republicans had their chance, they held an auction on the country's future and handed out the biggest benefits to those who paid the most into the campaign coffers and foundations that they liked. The debt was NEVER an issue and representatives no less than then Vice President Cheney went on record as saying and I do quote: "Deficits don't matter."


Now, that they are no longer the party in power and not considered responsible for stewardship of the nation in their own eyes - only seeking a scape goat and future power grabs - the Party of Lincoln is awash in concern about the "exploding debt" and "financial cliff" and everything else that is trumped up and sold as "facts" by slick admen and propagandists of every ilk.


That is a child's understanding and outlook. That is the expectation of the general population, but not what I expect here among intelligent, educated people.


Donald Trump is a blow hard, self-promoting clown. He is NOT a serious man, he is W.C. Fields for the 21st century. He is famous and apparently that gives him currency in the dysfunctional country of ours. That is ridiculous.


Dinnesh D'Souza is a self-serving clown as well. He is attached to such ridiculous arguments as creationism and biblical literacy, often in direct opposition to positions of the Church and yet he is cited and quoted and held up as an authority? That is apostasy.


I could go on and on and on about this, but here's the rub...no one that subscribes to these crack-pot theories and un-serious people like D"Souza, Trump, and even Paul Ryan or Mitt Romney, REALLY wants a debate or an educated discussion on it...they want to shout slogans and talking points and scream down those who would better educated all sides to reach consensus. You are wrong about President Obama and your sources for information are compromised and illegitimate. If you cared about truth and reality, you would break the bondage of the propaganda being fed to you and see this....but that is EXACTLY what you are going to be thinking about me as you read this!


Here's the rub...republicans and conservatives LOVE to scream about the "liberal bias" of the media, but most of the time its not an agenda that is biased against their positions, its just the facts and truth have an inherent bias against those who would manipulate it for personal and tribal gains. You won't believe me and I don't expect you to either...but that does not make me stand on any agenda, just on the truth and facts that you have willingly blinded yourself against.


But good luck with that...


And Bingo was his name-0

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Lesson #1 for Okee:


There is a LOT of tension between indians and native africans in Kenya and east africa.




Find your own link. Search google for indians in Kenya, strife, tension, whatever.


Based on my experience it does not surprise me he is writing, this - making a movie like this.


But wait - okee pointed out he is a minority as well - so there you have it. This movie isn't racist because it was made by another race.

Edited by Domer Dude
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Wow!!!!!! Paul Ryan was incredible tonight!! One great speech after another including Condalesa Rice, but I have never heard anything quite as good as Ryan tonight.


Hey DomerDUDE, please no more liberal drivel. I have absolutely no interest in your attack upon the author. This movie is absolutely filled with facts straight out of the mouth of Obama. Maybe you should see it so that you have an opinion. Quit relying on the liberal media and think for yourself. This country needs people to wake up. Did you hear the speeches tonight??? Probably not.

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Instructions to liberals from Obama.


Dear Liberals,


Since I don't have a record to run on, the main stream media will supply you with an endless stream of attacks, even though they are baseless and full of lies, it is our only chance to steal the white house again. We must avert the people's attention from our pittifull record and focus on the people that are trying to save this evil nation. Just click on msnbc or any so called mainstream media and we will help confuse the issues.


Keep the focus off all the scandals. Soon the people will forget we sell guns to drug cartels. They will forget about Sollendra and all the tax payers money we funnelled to our friends that give us money. (Pretty cool, huh!!) They will forget that we have lost 500,000 jobs in my four years. They don't need to know of all the vacations I have taken and spent their money. I mean, we have a lot of support from all the people that were given huge sums of money to fail at some green business fiasco. Or all the lavish parties thrown at the taxpayers expense. They don't care about all the millions of babies we kill through promoting abortion. In fact, the American people won't remember because they are stupid. We can get away with this 4 more years if you guys just do your part and keep the focus off the truth. Keep the focus off me and what I have done, ha ha, guess I should also say what I failed to do.


Remember I said I would cut the deficit in half. They won't remember I lied. Keep attacking others. Take the heat off me. Remember I said if I couldn't turn this job market around I would be a one term president?? Of course it was a lie. I didn't mean it. We can still bring this country to its knees. People have stopped trying to create new businesses. We can strangle them with regulations even more if I have another term. Stay faithfull comrades, I can't do it without you.


President Barack Obama

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Instructions to liberals from Obama.


Dear Liberals,


Since I don't have a record to run on, the main stream media will supply you with an endless stream of attacks, even though they are baseless and full of lies, it is our only chance to steal the white house again. We must avert the people's attention from our pittifull record and focus on the people that are trying to save this evil nation. Just click on msnbc or any so called mainstream media and we will help confuse the issues.


Keep the focus off all the scandals. Soon the people will forget we sell guns to drug cartels. They will forget about Sollendra and all the tax payers money we funnelled to our friends that give us money. (Pretty cool, huh!!) They will forget that we have lost 500,000 jobs in my four years. They don't need to know of all the vacations I have taken and spent their money. I mean, we have a lot of support from all the people that were given huge sums of money to fail at some green business fiasco. Or all the lavish parties thrown at the taxpayers expense. They don't care about all the millions of babies we kill through promoting abortion. In fact, the American people won't remember because they are stupid. We can get away with this 4 more years if you guys just do your part and keep the focus off the truth. Keep the focus off me and what I have done, ha ha, guess I should also say what I failed to do.


Remember I said I would cut the deficit in half. They won't remember I lied. Keep attacking others. Take the heat off me. Remember I said if I couldn't turn this job market around I would be a one term president?? Of course it was a lie. I didn't mean it. We can still bring this country to its knees. People have stopped trying to create new businesses. We can strangle them with regulations even more if I have another term. Stay faithfull comrades, I can't do it without you.


President Barack Obama



That sounds like the movie! Twisting Obama words. Good job, seems you learned a lot from the movie.

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I love $ucking with republicans because they are so stupid...





Will a real conservative with a brain stand up. John Huntsman...any one...no republicans won't vote for him because they cannot relate to someone with a brain...



[/ame] Edited by Domer Dude
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One thing you get pretty used to as an Oklahoman is your home state making some random internet Top 10 list. Sometimes these lists can be nice and positive — like being named one of the “Top 10 Cities to Relocate to if You Want to Work for a Natural Gas Company” — while other times they can be embarrassing and sad.


Well, an Ogle Mole forwarded us this list (via KOCO) from last February that belongs in the embarrassing and sad category. It ranks “The Ten States Running Out Of Smart People.” Oklahoma was ranked third. Here’s why:


The best Oklahoma performed in any of our metrics was 33rd, for a slight increase in the population with jobs requiring college educations. In every other category, the state experienced significant relative and actual decreases. Oklahoma had the sixth-worst decline in reading scores. Between 2000 and 2009, 39 states had better increases in adults with bachelors degrees, and 45 had better increases in advanced degrees.


Population Change (2000-2009): 159,419 (4.6%)

Bachelor’s Degree or Higher: 22.7% (42nd)

Population With White Collar Careers: 11.8% (37th)

NAEP Math: 41st

NAEP Reading: 38th


Yeah, this is kind of sad and everything, but is it really news? We all know we’re not that smart, right?


If you need proof, look no farther than how we vote. In addition to electing people like Sally Kern and Jim Inhofe to office, we can’t even vote for the correct state quarter. Our choice was so bad that the governor forced a re-vote. How pathetic was that?


We also have that problem called “Rural Oklahoma.” I heard a rumor that once you venture 10 miles outside of the Oklahoma City or Tulsa metros (and Bartlesville) your IQ drops five percent. And that’s not saying much. Seriously, they could have a casting call in Mustang for “Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader … with Down Syndrome?” and probably struggle to find contestants.


All that being said, I’m kind of happy that we are so dumb. For one, it provides more opportunities for those of us with average intelligence. No lie, if you put me in a cultured and educated state like, uhm, Vermont, I’d probably just be a fry cook at Hooters. But since I live in Oklahoma, I was able to use my smarts to become a typo-spewing obscure local social blogger.


Also, local groups can and should spin this list so it looks good. The Chamber of Commerce could just rename it a “Top 10 States with the Best Opportunities for Smart People to Find Work.” Meanwhile, the tourism department could write a press release about how Oklahoma was named the third best place to view stupid / uneducated people in a natural environment. They could even tie it to the opening of the State Fair. Or they could just wait for another state wide vote on something. Both could work.

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Instructions to liberals from Obama.


Dear Liberals,


Since I don't have a record to run on, the main stream media will supply you with an endless stream of attacks, even though they are baseless and full of lies, it is our only chance to steal the white house again. We must avert the people's attention from our pittifull record and focus on the people that are trying to save this evil nation. Just click on msnbc or any so called mainstream media and we will help confuse the issues.


Keep the focus off all the scandals. Soon the people will forget we sell guns to drug cartels. They will forget about Sollendra and all the tax payers money we funnelled to our friends that give us money. (Pretty cool, huh!!) They will forget that we have lost 500,000 jobs in my four years. They don't need to know of all the vacations I have taken and spent their money. I mean, we have a lot of support from all the people that were given huge sums of money to fail at some green business fiasco. Or all the lavish parties thrown at the taxpayers expense. They don't care about all the millions of babies we kill through promoting abortion. In fact, the American people won't remember because they are stupid. We can get away with this 4 more years if you guys just do your part and keep the focus off the truth. Keep the focus off me and what I have done, ha ha, guess I should also say what I failed to do.


Remember I said I would cut the deficit in half. They won't remember I lied. Keep attacking others. Take the heat off me. Remember I said if I couldn't turn this job market around I would be a one term president?? Of course it was a lie. I didn't mean it. We can still bring this country to its knees. People have stopped trying to create new businesses. We can strangle them with regulations even more if I have another term. Stay faithfull comrades, I can't do it without you.


President Barack Obama


I promised myself that I wouldn't go on any further in this thread because I don't think there's much to be gained from it - and I really don't want to alienate people or create riffs in a community that I find to be a pleasure to visit to discuss Notre Dame football; but one last set of corrections is in order, after which I must silently suffer the slings and arrows of right wing propaganda and disinformation with silence...and prayer for clarity to be visited upon those in the dark by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


1) Fast and Furious "scandal":




This is just pure lies and intentional deception of the population by politically motivated people who have their own interests at heart. YOU ARE BEING USED AS A USEFUL IDIOT IN THEIR WORLD....PLEASE WAKE UP!


2) Vacation claims/"scandal":


This can only be called specious at best and down-right "pants-on-fire" otherwise...


3) Solyndra "scandal":



This is probably the one thing on your hit list of "liberal agenda items" that is at least based on SOME truth - Solyndra DID go bankrupt, they DID re3ceive government funding and their top two executives WERE Obama campaign donors....but please let me know how thats any different than , oh, I don't know, let's say having the former head of Goldman Sachs as your Treasury secretary deciding which firms would be killed and which would get tax payer lifelines in 2008? Hank Paulson was orders of magnitude worse than Solyndra and EVRYONE KNOWS IT. To feign shock over donors somehow ending up in favorable positions is naive in the highest degree...but to hurl rocks from inside your own glass house out of spite is something else...


4) Jobs Numbers:




Is that "good enough"? NO, its not and even President Obama himself and the most liberal supporters around would admit to that, but to fabricate numbers that suggest he is LOSING jobs or worse yet doing so intentionally flies in the face of reality. Its just not true and I was raised to believe that we can have different opinions and interpretations of the facts, but what we can't do is selectively ignore them to make a phony case for anything.


This really could go on and on and on ad nasuem. I am not going to try any further though, I come here for information and discussion on ND football and visit other sites for debates and politics. I think it best to return to that division of topics.


Enjoy the game on Saturday gents!

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Wow!!!!!! Paul Ryan was incredible tonight!! One great speech after another including Condalesa Rice, but I have never heard anything quite as good as Ryan tonight.


Hey DomerDUDE, please no more liberal drivel. I have absolutely no interest in your attack upon the author. This movie is absolutely filled with facts straight out of the mouth of Obama. Maybe you should see it so that you have an opinion. Quit relying on the liberal media and think for yourself. This country needs people to wake up. Did you hear the speeches tonight??? Probably not.



So back to your comparison of Planned Parenthood and the Holocaust, is that something you genuinely believe to be an accurate portrayal to make?



It is quite scary that there are people that are allegedly educated that can come up with such mind numbingly stupid and ignorant comments like this. I think pretty much every comment you make on every board here is at a kindergarten level but this really takes the biscuit.



The system however gives every man or woman a vote and the number of OklahomaIrish calibre voters out there is frightening. It makes me shudder to think of this mentality prevailing but we will just have to see how things go.

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So back to your comparison of Planned Parenthood and the Holocaust, is that something you genuinely believe to be an accurate portrayal to make?



It is quite scary that there are people that are allegedly educated that can come up with such mind numbingly stupid and ignorant comments like this. I think pretty much every comment you make on every board here is at a kindergarten level but this really takes the biscuit.



The system however gives every man or woman a vote and the number of OklahomaIrish calibre voters out there is frightening. It makes me shudder to think of this mentality prevailing but we will just have to see how things go.


I will be happy to respond to Moostache when time avails but Soko is just another namecaller with no substance and deserves no response other then to point out to readers the mentality on that side of the aisle. I do wish to thank him for making my point for me. My basic point was to get people to see the movie and at least have an educated opinion. I think I have done that. If I didn't get the expected response from the far far far left then I wouldn't be successfull.

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I will be happy to respond to Moostache when time avails but Soko is just another namecaller with no substance and deserves no response other then to point out to readers the mentality on that side of the aisle. I do wish to thank him for making my point for me. My basic point was to get people to see the movie and at least have an educated opinion. I think I have done that. If I didn't get the expected response from the far far far left then I wouldn't be successfull.



So comparing pro choice ideology to a man who gassed 6 million Jews to death is the sane side of the aisle? Ok then.



My substance is that the opinion you stated above frightens the bejesus out of a lot of people that many Americans have lost the plot. I'm all for healthy debate on economic, foreign and domestic policy and the rights and wrongs of both sides mandates but religious zealots genuinely scare me... and I'm a man. I know many women who just shake their heads at some of the rhetoric that comes out of the GOP.

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I will be happy to respond to Moostache when time avails but Soko is just another namecaller with no substance and deserves no response other then to point out to readers the mentality on that side of the aisle. I do wish to thank him for making my point for me. My basic point was to get people to see the movie and at least have an educated opinion. I think I have done that. If I didn't get the expected response from the far far far left then I wouldn't be successfull.




Okie. I love ya on the football side of the board. Now. You ask ppl to come with facts and we did. We asked you to answer a couple of our questions. And just like a republicon. You completely avoid answering anything. Why?

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Touche...I am guilty as well in those quoted cases - though the jab at Reagan was different than stating a factual (and respectful) Administration of George W. Bush when referring to the whole and not the individual President Bush - and make no defense other than to say that what I just did pales by comparison to the outright hostility and disrespect show to our current President by members of the opposition party and its adherents, in public, on the air, in print and god knows what they say in private.


You as an individual are not the target of what I was saying - clearly I do not know you on a personal level to make such claims and wouldn't direct them at someone in a forum without cause. You are welcome to wear whatever blinders you want as regards the racism thrown out in the open towards President Obama, but that only calls in question your ability to honestly assess and recognize truth from fiction in my eyes.


Its one thing to say that you personally do not have racist feelings towards the President, but to insist that the Republican Party in general and many specific members of Congress, Senators and large donors likewise do not is fallacy.


So, if a Republican Congress is racist because of their dislike of Obama, does that mean the a Dem Congress is racist during their Bush-bashing years? Like I said, just because someone dislikes someone else of a different race, doesn't mean they're racist...there's more than just that one reason to dislike someone no matter what color their skin is. To group a large portion of a party as 'racist' calls into question your ability to honestly assess and recognize truth from fiction in my eyes.

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Typical. No substance. Again and again. When I read the liberal response they never argue their record. They only know how to smear the good names of true Americans.


Ann Romney was awesome tonight!!!:razz:


HUH? romney is jut not a good candidate. not sure he's worse than obama but he's not a guy that can grab an easy victory. ann romney is a stay home mom ;D thats not an easy job unless you have maids/nannies and such. oh wait. ;D

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So, if a Republican Congress is racist because of their dislike of Obama, does that mean the a Dem Congress is racist during their Bush-bashing years? Like I said, just because someone dislikes someone else of a different race, doesn't mean they're racist...there's more than just that one reason to dislike someone no matter what color their skin is. To group a large portion of a party as 'racist' calls into question your ability to honestly assess and recognize truth from fiction in my eyes.


Difference is, there was no debate about Bush's birth certificate, no question of his religion (conservatives clung to Jeremiah Wright 4 years ago and now President Obama is muslim?). Democrat leaders did not openly insult him as Republicans have, in Congress no less.


Look at the Red states, generally leaders in teen pregnancies and losers in education...now think about those states in, say, the 1800s. There is more to this than guns, religion, anti-abortion....this man has lowered these people's taxes and he's a villain?


Obama is a radical socialist....but Mitt supported (supports? who knows with his double talk) similar healthcare plans.


Look back at Okie's comments and the mention of the holocaust.....you're crazy if you don't think there is racism when viewing our President...in fact, you will rarely ever see a conservative address him as that title.


Bush may have been a blundering idiot and he was fairly treated that way based on his actions. He is not treated as a villain by liberals but is a comedic character.


Conservatives spit vitriol and speak divisively and cannot get their facts straight....when in doubt or there is no response....socialist, communist, foreigner, muslim, etc....flat out un-Christian crazy talk. All this under the guise of being the religious party, just sad.


I also agree that most of America is scared of these right-wing nut jobs that represent America's under-educated...the polls will tell.

Edited by Scotty88
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Fair enough.




Does this mean that when people dropped the title from the previous president's surname, they were also racist?




1) Don't know, don't care.

2) Probably not, but there are too many references to him being born in Kenya for him to have not known. If he was born in this country, then he just liked the "perks" (or whatever reason) of being deemed a foreigner.

3) No, I think he thinks he's helping - though, I think he's doing a lot of things as a means to an end.

To 4) I believe the unofficial Democrat policy (though, I'm not sure all of them actually get this concept) to get out of our current debt issue is to completely inflate the currency. Depending on how you view it, that may not be a bad thing.

5) He does apologize to foreign countries a lot.

6) Eh, I'd argue he is a socialist, but his policies are much more about keeping him in power than socialism.

7) Communism is usually (yes, not technically) applied socialism, so point 6 still holds.

8) Clearly not a facist (though, again, depends on definition).

9) If he's the anti-Christ, he sucks at it.




First, they don't label themselves - you do that to them. Second "There are no 'Facts'... ". Third, no, it's mostly his policies that anger me. Fourth, you assume you know what's best for the "common good." Can you please explain those policies to me?




That's not really a defense of Obama - that's just saying Bush did it too. Also, blaming Bush for the entirety of the current financial mess we're in is just stupid. Yes, he had a good part in it, but so did FDR, Reagan, Clinton, and every other president that came before. FDR instituted a lot of the "social safety net" policies that are currently causing us a lot of trouble. Clinton (or, more accurately, Greenspan) kept interest rates low during the dot com boom when they should have been incredibly high (that's how the Fed is supposed to work). Yes, Bush spent a whole helluva lot of money that he didn't have (btw, who deems Bush a TRUE FISCAL CONSERVATIVE?). Obama has dramatically increased that spending rate.



First, I'm guessing by "needed the most assistance" you mean the very poor. They are already getting the most assistance, so I'm not sure what you mean by "cut taxes disproportionally". How was he supposed to cut taxes for those that didn't pay anything? Second, the portion of total income tax revenue from the top 1% of earners was higher under Bush than under Clinton (http://www.ntu.org/tax-basics/who-pays-income-taxes.html). It's also at somewhere between 33% and 40% depending on the year. So, the top 1% pay somewhere around 37% of the total income tax revenue (despite not making anywhere near 37% of the income, http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/07/30/top-1-paid-more-in-federal-income-taxes-than-bottom-95-in-07/)


I'd also like to again point out, Bush was not a fiscal conservative.




In general, tax cuts lead to increased tax revenue. That's a pretty standard empirical fact. It won't necessarily work that way over many decades, but in the short term it does. I'd also like to add a rather key graphic in response to the dying embers quote:





Two comments. 1) if that first part is true (which it may be), how is that any different than the current administration? Also, do you really want to get into a which vice president said more ridiculous things between Cheney and Biden? 2) Is this another case of "well, he did it too"? Wasn't Bush deemed the most evil man on the planet by the left during his 8 years? Why were his actions terrible, but Obama doing the same thing is okay?



Some members of the GOP were preaching that while Bush was in office. It has become the party platform because the debt has gotten so bad. Or, are you more shocked that politicians will change their comments based on which way the wind is blowing? That's the same for every party, not just the GOP. Obama and Clinton are/were particularly bad about that very thing - there opinion depended on public opinion in most cases.



1) Who said they were intelligent? 2) People whose careers are based on getting re-elected. They are professional panderers, why is this concept surprising?



That is pure ad hominem.



Again, pure ad hominem.



I deem myself pretty educated on these topics, and I don't like Obama's policies. I'll discuss facts with you.




Wasn't the previous paragraph "the rub"? Can there be two rubs?


As far as the liberal media bias, it's pretty apparent that it's there - most people in the media (like in academia) are liberals. Their opinions (whether intentionally or not) are bound to seep into their work. Simply look at sites like Politifact (claims to be unbiased) that seemingly go out of their way to make Obama's statements not false (not necessarily true, but not completely wrong), while at the same time trying to do the opposite to Romney/Ryan. I'm not saying they all do it intentionally (though, I'm pretty sure at least an editor is doing so), but their work reflects their political leanings.


Four final links:

On the shrinking labor force which artificially lowers the unemployment rate: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/real-jobless-rate-114-realistic-labor-force-participation-rate (awesome website in general for those with a numbers/financial interest)


You didn't build that: http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/307056-2#


Private sector is doing fine: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/06/08/obama_the_private_sector_is_doing_fine.html


Unemployment with stimulus: http://pjmedia.com/instapundit/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/OBAMAUNEMPLOYMENTFAILCHART.jpg


wow.. you have no life.. who the hell has time to post that much! damn.

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HUH? romney is jut not a good candidate. not sure he's worse than obama but he's not a guy that can grab an easy victory. ann romney is a stay home mom ;D thats not an easy job unless you have maids/nannies and such. oh wait. ;D


I agree. Romney is not a very good candidate BUT... i will vote for him ten to one over Obama. They are both big government guys.. Obama is taking this country over the cliff in a Corvette while Romney will do the same in a Honda. Lesser of two evils i guess..:-|:cry:

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