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Both QB's Play Against Tex (merged)

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There's another angle to this: It puts emotional stress on these two guys. It's possible Kelly did this to see how they handle it on the field and the locker room.


I think this is a great thought. You have to challenge these kids to see how they will react. GO IRISH!

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I said a long time ago, and not saying I'm anything special, but all one needs to do is read the tea leaves, i.e. Zaire's statements since spring. This kid is not going to ride the bench!!!!! He would bolt if he wasn't chosen as the starter or in this case the possibility of a 2 QB system.


Kizer on the other hand, seems to have a "smarter" demeanor about him, knowing that even if he wasn't chosen as the starter, that he's one snap away from being the man, just like last year.


A guy I work with kept saying all summer, "you have to start Kizer". I kept cautioning him because I think that although Kizer has the experience, Zaire is a very vocal leader and I think that's who BK was talking about yesterday in the press conference when he said players respond differently to each of the QB's.


Zaire reminds me of a Cam Newton kind of guy whereas Kizer reminds me of Payton Manning kind of guy. I just don't see how Zaire doesn't get the chance to start (not saying I agree with that necessarily, however).

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Tom Brady/Drew Henson

Chris Leak/Tim Tebow


Annnnd...that's it?


Both of those situations were unique in that the coaches said before the season both guys would play. tOSU isn't an apt comparison simply because Urban did name a starter for the VTech game with the expectation of Cardale being the starter.


Whatever. Let's see what happens.


Typical QB sh|tshow we have come to know and inexplicably accept....

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I have never been a fan of the 2 QB system. I understand the thought behind not wanting to have a guy transfer but lets worry about 2016! In my opinion, name a starter and give him the next couple of weeks to fully prepare with the first team. If the loser of the competition decides to transfer, then so be it.


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I think this is more a reaction to the constant QB struggles BK has had in South Bend more than anything else. Keep them both playing, and if one goes down with injury you have one ready to go with real game experience. I feel like this is the case more than lack of separation between the leader and the second team QB. I like to fault BK for stuff, but given the bad luck he has had I have a tough time faulting him for this. And as far as coaches who can juggle QBs go, BK is probably top 3.

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Found this quote from Sanford on another site:


12. Sanford on Zaire pushing Kizer this camp.


“To be 100 percent honest and transparent, this has been a very good version of DeShone Kizer this camp, there has been absolutely no letdown in his growth. In fact the way that Malik has come back and reinserted himself physically and as a quarterback and being able to take reps, I really believe that’s truly given DeShone that competitiveness which has helped him to grow significantly.”


If Kizer "has been a very good version...no letdown in his growth...grown significantly" that's all the more reason I want him as the starter. Don't get me wrong I love Maliks' skillset, but Kizer for me is the better choice.

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Here's the thing I notice about Zaire: he has so much charisma and leadership, it practically radiates from him.


Maybe I'm wrong about that, but that is the impression I've gotten every time I've seen him.


When things are going the wrong way, Zaire shows passion I've not seen from Kizer.


That said, I love them both. Kizer seems like the calculating, unflappable type. Zaire lifts the squad. Neither is a bad choice.

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Here's the thing I notice about Zaire: he has so much charisma and leadership, it practically radiates from him.


Maybe I'm wrong about that, but that is the impression I've gotten every time I've seen him.


When things are going the wrong way, Zaire shows passion I've not seen from Kizer.


That said, I love them both. Kizer seems like the calculating, unflappable type. Zaire lifts the squad. Neither is a bad choice.


I'm in the camp that believes leadership is extremely subjective and that it's not something we can see at all. Zaire seems to be a "rah rah"' type guy, and throughout my athletic career that guy gets old quick. I know I never needed someone in my face yelling "let's go" and the guys on ND are infinitely more competitive than me, considering the level they've reached.


I want the best players to play. We've seen what happens when you start a "great leader" (Joe Schmidt) at a very important position. Obviously Zaire is better than Schmidt at their respective positions, and that was hyperbole...

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And this is still a possibility given our history with QBs and our coach. I for one would not be surprised if it went down before Texas.


I was told by an ND Professor last night that the rumor is that Malik is going to transfer. He did say as a caveat that "you never really know about these things'. We'll see.

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I'm in the camp that believes leadership is extremely subjective and that it's not something we can see at all. Zaire seems to be a "rah rah"' type guy, and throughout my athletic career that guy gets old quick.


I agree that you can lead just as well by giving a quietly great performance, but it doesn't get old if the rah rah guy can back it up with performance and wins games in clutch situations. That kind of guy can galvanize an entire team.

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I was told by an ND Professor last night that the rumor is that Malik is going to transfer. He did say as a caveat that "you never really know about these things'. We'll see.


If he were to transfer right now, he isn't smart enough to be the starting QB at ND anyway. He can leave without sitting out a a year when he graduates in December, and still get a full spring and summer at a new school.

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