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Poor Obama


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Poor guy can't catch a break lately.


First the Obamacare website goes beserk.


Then he gets caught spying on, well, just about everyone.


Now it comes out he lied about Obamacare and the ability to keep your insurance if you want.


I'd be hiding in my cave if I was a terrorist, Mr. Obama needs some good press, I'm guessing those drones will be working overtime the next few days.

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still think the GOP and conservative movement is in worse shape.


The whole thing is a mess. He is the worst I can remember, congress is a joke and I live in the most corrupt state in America.


My political apathy is raging right now.


I'm honestly considering a run for congress as an independent for grins and giggles.

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It's political correct to blame some one else and then if that doesn't work, to play the victim card. Both parties have been doing it for years.


Makes me wonder why more people arent libertarian.

Edited by TheRizz
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It's political correct to blame some one else and then if that doesn't work, to play the victim card. Both parties have been doing it for years.


Makes me wonder why more people arent libertarian.


I think most people lean libertarian on fiscal issues but the national party is just downright nutty when it comes to foreign policy.

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I'm one of four libertarians(Brother, cousin, nephew) in our family. Most of the rest are progressive apologists that can see no wrong with anything the left does. It makes for some interesting interactions because while some of them are capable of looking at things objectively, there are several that are dyed in the wool liberals. Their pet politicians walk on water and anything that their party gets wrong or makes a mess of is the right's fault.


You simply can't it through their heads that there is next to no difference between the "two parties". About the only real difference is what special interests they answer to.

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The whole thing is a mess. He is the worst I can remember, congress is a joke and I live in the most corrupt state in America.


My political apathy is raging right now.


I'm honestly considering a run for congress as an independent for grins and giggles.


When you said you lived in the most corrupt state in the union I checked your info and sure enough....Illinois. Obama wants the entire country in poverty, high taxed and on food stamps.

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The whole system is corrupted by legalized bribes and corruption. Gerrymandering just compounds the problem.





As for cutting "food stamps" for the poor... a political distraction effectively used by crony capitalists.


Wealth distribution to the weak and poor should not be your concern ($40B), but wealth re-distribution to the towering elite (the 0.1%) is of concern ($1 TRILLION).


MONEY is POWER... and that money has been nimbly transferred to the 0.1% takers in the past 10 years. I call them takers because they certainly aren't using industry




watch these two videos, and then tell me it's the least educated, most hungry that are sending this country into a tailspin.

Edited by 1qa
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If I remember right, An increase in SNAP benefits was part of the ARRA and the increase was temporary. So, the cut in food stamps isn't technically a cut but a return to previous benefit levels. Inflation played into it in some way but I can't remember exactly how.


Regardless, I'm sure there will be some teeth gnashing over it.

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Is there one good thing he has done?


He is literally changing America for the worse.


He is losing allies in Europe. Losing allies in the Middle East. Allowing China and Russia to use their influence.


Obamacare is a fraud and train wreck.


Benghazi. Fast and Furious. Firing over 100 military officers. More are on food stamps. Wealth gap is increased. Slowest economic recovery on record. 6.5 trillion further in debt.


He claims to know nothing about most of this, so who is leading? Every president has their negative moments, but he seems to be taking the cake in this regard.

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When you said you lived in the most corrupt state in the union I checked your info and sure enough....Illinois. Obama wants the entire country in poverty, high taxed and on food stamps.


Illinois leadership is worse than congress. Pension reform here is a literal joke. My wife is a teacher, so we keep an eye on it, but they won't fix it. It got so Nd the governor tried to withhold legislator pay until they fixed it. They finally agreed on something and sued to get paid. Illinois is the laughing stock of America with no hope in sight.

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Is there one good thing he has done?


He is literally changing America for the worse.


Ruining America is a Republican-Democrat team sport.


I love no affection for the guy, but what we're witnessing is twenty years of malfeasance.


NSA - they didn't just start hoovering all electronic surveillance - it just got revealed (confirmed) by Snowden.


Debt - Unfunded (and unjust) wars, unnecessary tax cuts, Bank bailouts, Medicare D are huge causes


Jobs - I would argue that the "bailouts" did nothing to boost employment. The argument was that the Banks needed the money to re-open the spigot for lending and commerce - the banks just held the money; transferring wealth to the shareholders (people who already have jobs or money).


Wealth Inequality - Unnecessary tax cuts, bank bailouts and systematic deregulation leading to tax payers underwriting the risk that banks take.


Benghazi - small time compared to the Iraq war lie. But, waiting to hear if the CIA was running arms to the Syrian rebels... and that's why they didn't rescue the Ambassador.


Obamacare - it is Romneycare... it is the Republican plan from the Heritage foundation. I think it is a flawed way to deliver the best health outcomes. I don't like the federal/state mix of oversight - which means no one is accountable. Only good concept is the removal of pre-existing conditions. There are cheaper paths. ... every other OECD country delivers BASIC healthcare to its citizens.


Again... team sport... they're all corrupt and bought.

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everyone can talk a big game about politics, but those people usually arent offering any solutions and usually have no idea how to do the job. they listen to fox news or cnn and just repeat what is said there and write them off as their own opinion.


doesnt matter who is in white house. really doesnt. not an obama thing. it is a system thing. dems want repubs to fail. and repubs want dems to fail.


and until big money is removed from politics (which will never happen) things will always be corrupt. and the people voting to change it are the same people who might be the problem. so elect someone else right? sure, but that new candidate is approached by corporations who donate big money to his or her campaign to win. in exchange, that candidate looks out for the special interests of said company (companies).


but since im not qualified to run ... ill let barry O do his thing for a few more years. hell, George W had 8 years of vacationing more than any other prez if i remember right. and can you honestly say the country is in a worse place than when he Bush left office? oh well, in three years ill watch christie or another dem get elected and everyone bitxh about that person.

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