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Iowa Fan Blows .341


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Still alive? I'd probably be dead after that.


I am not sure of the numbers but isn't that basically alcohol poisoning that kills you. Apparently not.


I am guessing she is a very experienced alcoholic because I would think she would have fell unconscious before 2.5. I don't think a newbie could do that.


I don!t think you can do that with Beer. I assume she was going straight spirits, a litter and a half.

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Impressive !! She probably just had 15 Shots/ drinks. That is nothing for a pro. I have seen a buddy many years ago drink 2 1/2 fifths of Jim beam. Heavy drinking is like the guy that can eat 70 Vicodin in a day or drink 50 beers, both won't kill ya if you have the tolerance.

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I just looked up a bac chart. Basically, you're unconscious at .40 and dead at .45. Really makes you think how dumb and dangerous binge drinking is. This person has the most frightening stats around considering her age, size, and gender for alcohol dangers. She really is very lucky.


That would be for the average bear I suppose. I've had quite a few around the .40 mark. I think the highest I had for a female was .412 and male was .433 via blood test. Both were major alcoholics and probably walk around "sober" at a .15-.20. Classy comments from the girl, would love to show her some pics of the people who get those epic numbers over the years and how they've aged horribly. We're talking mid 30's going on 60 something looks. But hey she's like every other college kid.


Can't believe Johnson Co Jail took her for intox though. Just north of them is where I work and our Jail gets really iffy if someone is sooo drunk that they aren't functional, around that .30 range. Usually we just take them to the hospital if its just an intox person at that level.

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That would be for the average bear I suppose. I've had quite a few around the .40 mark. I think the highest I had for a female was .412 and male was .433 via blood test. Both were major alcoholics and probably walk around "sober" at a .15-.20. Classy comments from the girl, would love to show her some pics of the people who get those epic numbers over the years and how they've aged horribly. We're talking mid 30's going on 60 something looks. But hey she's like every other college kid.


Can't believe Johnson Co Jail took her for intox though. Just north of them is where I work and our Jail gets really iffy if someone is sooo drunk that they aren't functional, around that .30 range. Usually we just take them to the hospital if its just an intox person at that level.

Are all of the .40s you've seen unconscious? You're experience with this subject intrigues me. At what bal, have you seen major problems (poisoning, death, temporary blindness, etc.)?
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Are all of the .40s you've seen unconscious? You're experience with this subject intrigues me. At what bal, have you seen major problems (poisoning, death, temporary blindness, etc.)?


The two highest M+F I mentioned were both conscious. The female actually drove to a neighborhood bar, where she fell over backwards off a bar stool and injured herself. Shortly before getting that medical call, my partner and I had driven by that bar and saw a van parked very awkwardly in front of the bar, however no one was in it then. Well guess who the van belonged to...


The male, who is affectionately known as "Indian" Joe, is a drunkard of the highest order. I believe he is early 70's now, and the only reason he's still alive is from all the "formaldehyde" he drunk over the years and he's preserved that way. The guy has in the ball park of 1,000 intox arrests since we've been dealing with him, probably more since that's being conservative. Anyhow he fell off his bike, was conscious and flippin' sh*t as usual, but we had to take him to the ER because he had a boo-boo that needed stitching. They did a blood draw on him, which is the most accurate method of measurement, and he was .433. He eventually passed out lying on a hospital gurney, until we had to wake him for jail.


I can't honestly say there is a particular level that is an exact measurement. Like I said everyone is different and the hardcore alcoholics will top out in the .3's a lot. Can't remember anyone saying they were blind before. As for death, most that I've seen have usually been the result of aspiration on their own vomit while they were passed out. I've had a few that have gotten laid out in fight, hit their head on the ground, and died of brain bleeds. Most of the poisonings are usually college kids who drink too much, and that number can wildly vary among amateur drinkers. Some were barely even to .08 and were out cold, others might get into the mid .2's or close to .3.


Same goes for OWI's(drunk driving). I've stopped vehicle's with people around .08, and they were all over the road, running stop signs, or passed out behind the wheel. And I've had others that were high .2 to low .3's, who were stopped for an equipment violation like a headlight or something, with no signs of erratic driving whatsoever. Only when I made contact with those drivers then end up observing that they are actually drunk. Go figure. Some high level people don't do as bad on the Field Sobriety Tests as you might think either, they may fail everything but they weren't falling down, swaying this way and that, etc.

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The two highest M+F I mentioned were both conscious. The female actually drove to a neighborhood bar, where she fell over backwards off a bar stool and injured herself. Shortly before getting that medical call, my partner and I had driven by that bar and saw a van parked very awkwardly in front of the bar, however no one was in it then. Well guess who the van belonged to...


The male, who is affectionately known as "Indian" Joe, is a drunkard of the highest order. I believe he is early 70's now, and the only reason he's still alive is from all the "formaldehyde" he drunk over the years and he's preserved that way. The guy has in the ball park of 1,000 intox arrests since we've been dealing with him, probably more since that's being conservative. Anyhow he fell off his bike, was conscious and flippin' sh*t as usual, but we had to take him to the ER because he had a boo-boo that needed stitching. They did a blood draw on him, which is the most accurate method of measurement, and he was .433. He eventually passed out lying on a hospital gurney, until we had to wake him for jail.


I can't honestly say there is a particular level that is an exact measurement. Like I said everyone is different and the hardcore alcoholics will top out in the .3's a lot. Can't remember anyone saying they were blind before. As for death, most that I've seen have usually been the result of aspiration on their own vomit while they were passed out. I've had a few that have gotten laid out in fight, hit their head on the ground, and died of brain bleeds. Most of the poisonings are usually college kids who drink too much, and that number can wildly vary among amateur drinkers. Some were barely even to .08 and were out cold, others might get into the mid .2's or close to .3.


Same goes for OWI's(drunk driving). I've stopped vehicle's with people around .08, and they were all over the road, running stop signs, or passed out behind the wheel. And I've had others that were high .2 to low .3's, who were stopped for an equipment violation like a headlight or something, with no signs of erratic driving whatsoever. Only when I made contact with those drivers then end up observing that they are actually drunk. Go figure. Some high level people don't do as bad on the Field Sobriety Tests as you might think either, they may fail everything but they weren't falling down, swaying this way and that, etc.


I remember my first time starting to drink whiskey straight. One drink (2 shots ), rested, and I was spinning, couldn't drive, etc. Now 3 drinks (6 shots), and I don't notice any affects at all. Amazing how your body adjusts. But my BAC level is, I'm sure, over the limit.


It makes it more dangerous for driving, for any of us, because you don't know if you're over the limit or not. You can't go by how you feel anymore. the best advice is to not drive if you're drinking. That's what I do.

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Thanks for the lengthy reply JesseMoore97. Sure you have seen everything from your line of work. Tolerance and weight are certainly everything how alcohol affects all of us, individually. Either way, one must be careful and responsible and never drink and drive. Curious to know how this girl will be with alcohol from here on out and her parents' reaction.

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Thanks for the lengthy reply JesseMoore97. Sure you have seen everything from your line of work. Tolerance and weight are certainly everything how alcohol affects all of us, individually. Either way, one must be careful and responsible and never drink and drive. Curious to know how this girl will be with alcohol from here on out and her parents' reaction.


i've seen a bunch of people in the high .3's and low.4's...most are college kids brought in by their friends.....we just usually intubate them and put them on a ventilator for the night.....scares the **** outta them, that's for sure......

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