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So the Higher-ups in the Catholic Church Support The Health Care Bill.

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Guest SirJohn

The discussion was on health care if you want to start a thread on your secrect leanings do so.. health care not hijact care.:grin::llama::llama::llama:

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The Catholic Church....


THE model of efficient, moral, responsible governing. (sarcasm in case you couldn't pick it up on a computer). This sham of a bill is a fiscal disaster and you cannot spin out of that fact. There are ways to improve the system, but this isn't it.


If this bill doesn't pass, the Dems will lose badly in November. If this bill does pass, the Dems will get massacred in November and, dare I say Obama will have cemented his legacy as a one term President. 65% of this country doesn't want this piece of crap farce of a bill.

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Guest SirJohn

The AARP, representing 50 t0 55,000,000 seniors support the Bill. I have correspondence with many Catholic organizations supporting the bill.


I cannot say about "higher ups in the church" and what exactly one would term that. The Bishops in Denver, a con Rep area, oppose it and many, many other Bishops in the USA, favor it. So I would imagine "higher ups' and whatever that non specific term implies are split as well.


What iis a higher up? Monsignor, Bishop, Arch Bishop or Cardinal of the USA? We get into the problem of do I as a Roman Catholic have to let a Bishop butt in and tell me how to vote?


Seperation of church and State here in America. You can't persuade me, and I am sure i can't persuade you, let the votes be counted fairly.

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Umm.... no you haven't. I really couldn't care less what the Catholic Church says about any political move, let alone what "the Higher-ups" say. Btw, would you actually care to support your op claim or are you just going to run with it as if it's fact without any backing?


This also may shock you, but I have never once watched Glenn Beck. I have better things to do with my time than watch political talking heads.


I apologize, I took a sterotype and ran with it. My bad. You seemed logical about the abortion issue in the past. And for that I comend you. It was mostly others on this board that said upsurd things like this:



Senior Member

Domer Domain All American Join Date: Jan 2008

Posts: 1,249







There is zero confusion as to where the Catholic church stands on the issue of abortion. To suggest that to allow Obama to speak at ND is an endorsement of that particular political stand is absurd.



In which statements are illogical. However, in that same thread you were logical. So, as far as sources here is a good one:



1. Google search

2. Type keyword "Catholic church supports health care reform bill"

3. Press the search button

4. Get 653,000 results.

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I apologize, I took a sterotype and ran with it. My bad. You seemed logical about the abortion issue in the past. And for that I comend you. It was mostly others on this board that said upsurd things like this:



Senior Member

Domer Domain All American Join Date: Jan 2008

Posts: 1,249







There is zero confusion as to where the Catholic church stands on the issue of abortion. To suggest that to allow Obama to speak at ND is an endorsement of that particular political stand is absurd.



In which statements are illogical. However, in that same thread you were logical. So, as far as sources here is a good one:



1. Google search

2. Type keyword "Catholic church supports health care reform bill"

3. Press the search button

4. Get 653,000 results.


i am confused... how is what i said illogical? the church is unambiguous about it's stand on abortion... ND's invite to the president wasnt supporting his stand on abortion but rather an invitation to a sitting president to give commencement and expose the graduating class to a world leader...


also, I dont see anywhere that the confrence of american bishops have endorsed this bill... please attach a link or story where this is cited because i dont see it in a quick search... i see some retired bishops, individuals in the church... some associated orgainizations, but not the official american organization or the church in rome...

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The really seems like a right wing website. It is funny that they copied a New York Times article and forgot to mention this:


WASHINGTON — The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has been lobbying for three decades for the federal government to provide universal health insurance, especially for the poor. Now, as President Obama tries to rally Roman Catholics and other religious voters around his proposals to do just that, a growing number of bishops are speaking out against it.



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so i take that to mean you agree that the US confrenece of catholic bishops HAS NOT ENDORSED THIS BILL?


just a few individuals... as there are other individuals who do not support this bill...


Jon 33 - I think you're on point there...



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Guest SirJohn

In regards to Tenacious responding to my seperation of church and state. Please read jeffersons views on that to a baptist minister.


It is true that nowhere in the constitution is seperation of church and state. It is also true that in the constitution there is no right to privacy. As well there is no right to a fair trial. These are Ideas developed later.


In Argentina the official religion is the catholic Church. This is a huge wrong and if we had it here i am sure I would violate that law what ever religion was decided on.


I have the freedom as an American to vote the way I want to vote.

To decide on a topic the way I want to decide.


Before I get shot down I hasten to say that fair trialis not in the constitution but an ammendment later on.


Not my Father, Mother, wife, relatives, priest, monsignior up to Pope have a right to pressure me from any decision that is my right to decide. Some advocate this, some that and I will chose between them. The argument ends anyway Sunday I believe when the vote comes. All this is verbage washed away.


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