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Everything posted by scintrigue

  1. What race is this baby? If race exists. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3060907/Black-parents-give-birth-to-white-baby.html Man, I think all this news is coming up for me to roast y'all on DD. lol :violin:
  2. You can keep peddling your BS and trying to bring this woman down but the fact is you were wrong, so keep going and going making yourself look more like an idiot.
  3. You all look pretty stupid now. 24 years ago, farmers wife said she helped save their farm. Great job race-baiting Conservatives, I hope you are all proud of yourselves. http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/07/20/agriculture.employee.naacp/index.html?hpt=C1 You lose again. I am sad what goes on in your minds everyday. Next time you might want to wait a minute before it blows up in your face and stop trusting your conservative bloggers with edited videos. Now someone is out of work because of slanderous videos and Fox News blowing this thing out of crazy land. F'n amazing the levels these people will go.
  4. Fascism is a right-wing concept. I believe you are looking for communism. Either way your not even close. And this tea party republicans for small business and the individual, is this new? Sounds like Democrats. This is Fascism btw http://libcom.org/files/holocaust.jpg If you want it so bad so you can call Obama one, you are welcome to get in the line.
  5. I know this guy does not travel to go visit kids. I also know he does not do the coaching anymore, at least on game day. He might do some good at practice with fundamentals and all, but there is no way he knows anything about their "spread HD" offense. Look at him on the sidelines, whenever he tells his O-cord what to do, the O-cord just rolls his eyes.
  6. You mean the Prison system?
  7. I have no idea what your point is then, because I thought we were somewhat argreeing.
  8. No cultural anthropolgists dont use the term race as it does not exist within humans. Yes, that .01 does matter, but you also have .01 difference from your brother or sister. With that your sister could have received a gene to be prone to bi-polar disorder and you may not. Yes, you are correct on the evolutionary standpoint because Africans suffered from Malaria so the presence of the Sickle cell gene gives resistence. That still has nothing to do with race, it has to do with where they came from, if white people were a large majority in Africa for humans existence they would have developed that same gene. Good job, take another thing out of context and look for a Got'cha without contributing. 1. In recent times that is not true, more Africans were killed crossing the Atlantic than the holocaust. 2. I am not sure if it is genetic, the muscle structure may be different. This could go back to Jon's evolution point in which I cleared up that if White people were from African and delt with the Kenyan Mountains ect. than they would have also developed the same traits. But enviroment plays a huge role in why blacks make up a large portion of basketball and football players. I mean I am sure they could be good Hockey players to. Why are European basketball players better than American whites? Larry Bird is argued to be the best BB player of all time. Nash won the MVP on multiple occassions. Both of those players are better than most of the black ball players, so just because there are more does not they are better. Now if you wanna get into the WR and HB position in football, I could make the arguement that black athletes are put in those positions at an early age because of perception. That is the reason there are few black QBS, they are put into the WR or HB spot at an early age.
  9. Socio-economics. It is not a theory it is fact, genetically all Ethnicitys are the same. The notion of race is nearly as problematic from a scientific point of view as it is from a social one. European physical anthropologists of the 17th and 18th centuries proposed various systems of racial classifications based on such observable characteristics as skin color, hair type, body proportions, and skull measurements, essentially codifying the perceived differences among broad geographic populations of humans. The traditional terms for these populations-Caucasoid (or Caucasian), Mongoloid, Negroid, and in some systems Australoid-are now controversial in both technical and nontechnical usage, and in some cases they may well be considered offensive. (Caucasian does retain a certain currency in American English, but it is used almost exclusively to mean "white" or "European" rather than "belonging to the Caucasian race," a group that includes a variety of peoples generally categorized as nonwhite.) The biological aspect of race is described today not in observable physical features but rather in such genetic characteristics as blood groups and metabolic processes, and the groupings indicated by these factors seldom coincide very neatly with those put forward by earlier physical anthropologists. Citing this and other points-such as the fact that a person who is considered black in one society might be nonblack in another-many cultural anthropologists now consider race to be more a social or mental construct than an objective biological fact. http://www.answers.com/topic/race-1 I dont support AA based on race, I support it because blacks were held in captive from acheivement in American culture for more than 200 years because of their skin color. Now if you can give me a situation where all things being equal in a society then AA is out the window. I also support any program that gives anyone from a less than fortunate background an equal opportunity to succeed no matter the color of skin.
  10. Are you going to want this woman investigated to? http://thinkprogress.org/2007/11/06/bush-official-lauded-racially-offensive-halloween-costume/ She didnt even resign. You probably never even heard this story, I know I never did.
  11. I just asked a question in which your post is trying to create an arguement. Because it had absolutly nothing to do with my question. Race should not be on the forefront of the issues of the world because it should not exist at all. There is no race with the human species, genetically we are all practically the same no matter the color of skin, bloodline, ect. So if our leaders, educators, and all powerful groups spoke the facts about others and the fact that we all our genetically the same; then and only then will race never be something that makes people hate each other and get all emotional about. Like "Yes! I found a video of black person being racist, now I can say that not only white people are racist!" Like that contributes to society or something.
  12. Why would anyone be happy for having race being brought to the forefront?
  13. This is economics, get rich kids to pay fines for drinking underage. It is like Drunk Driving, there are ways to completely eliminate it like other countries have done, but that would slow down business. And business from drunk driving is probably the number 1 source of income from your local police department, business is good. Rounding up 43 kids and slapping them with $500 dollar fines or whatever is the only reason this happened.
  14. Hmm. So I do not create hits for DD? I strike controversy all the time and I admit it, but yet I get accused of being anti-semite for saying far less things. In fact, unlike Beck I agree with the Jewish and love them for it on many issues. In fact, all of your policies would strike anti-semite, but did I accuse you of such harsh falsehoods? No, In fact I just took it as looney conservatism. And in my last Israel post's I exposed you of not getting any women, I am sorry. I get them left and right no pun. Bitches! His ratings are down, he was a one hit wonder. Do not get your panties in a bunch. And he hates Jews, he said it himself Jews killed Jesus. So why do conseravtives hate the jews? They killed Jesus? Do you believe this? I thought Beck was the truth, he knows all? I mean if the Jews killed Jesus are you not a Nazi? Do you hate the jewish? I now believe since it has been written by the great Glenn Beck that every conservative hates the Jewish for killing Jesus. It has been spoken by on video from the great Glenn Beck himself.
  15. No, http://www.thejidf.org/2010/07/video-glenn-beck-jews-killed-jesus.html . The jewish are pissed at these remarks it is all over the place. So I am not sure why Glenn Beck and his followers are anti-semites, but maybe Jon and CJ can explain it seeing they know what defines and who is one. And the point was how can someone say that I have been misled by my education when they watch this guy? A college dropout and alcoholic.
  16. Your hero on Wednesday (Glenn Beck) just said that the Jewish killed Jesus in some rant to prove a point about christ not coming back to kill them or something. Whatever, point is, well I think you get the point.
  17. I win. You two tied for :second:.
  18. 1. Oh boo-hoo, you serious they did not intimidate him at all. If anything he was intimidating them by running up on them with cameras and shit. Those black panthers seemed like pretty reasonable people. Try running up to someone with cameras and see what happens, the dude is lucky he did not get popped over the head with the nightstick. So again where has it been documented that they ACTUALLY intimidated someone?????? You have no arguement all that video did was prove my point. Not to mention, the girl in the back all happy go-lucky laughing in the back on her cell-phone seems real scared to be next to those big black men with sticks. Please. 2. I heard that from you a 1000 times. Its like "well I will find the 1 thing in the world that shows that democrats associate with KKK". LOL its getting old. KKK donate to republicans, KKK show up at their rallies, KKK are REPUBLICANS plain and simple. So stop trying to cover it up. 3. Oh really? Ignore the other facts and go with what sticks out and assume I meant something by that. You lost this arguement I win again conservatives go home and cook your family dinner.
  19. 1. Can any of you prove that ANYONE came foward and said they were intimidated by the black panthers on voting day? So how is this even a story, no one said they were intimidated that is why the case got dropped, and credible news organization did not cover it. And want to explain why the Bush Admin. Not Obama downgraded it from a criminal suit to a civil one if it was such a big deal? 2. I can show you ties with the KKK and Nazi parties to republicans all day long son. 3. Republicans 70 years ago, are not the republicans of today. Name me 1 republican who was this Fiscally conservative, pro-life (most politicans were anyway back in those days anyways) GOD-fearing American, before your beloved Reagan who round up billions in debt on his holy path of conservativism. I could careless what was we are talking about today, and it is clear the KKK and other white racist organizations align more with the far-right of the GOBP, if you want to say that Black Panthers align with Liberals, okay so be it. I never heard of Black Panthers stringing people up on nooses or mass-murdering white people. Probably because its members are like 4 PEOPLE!!!
  20. Its google standard image search, lol. Glad to see your on top of weeding through the racist ones. HAHA. There are 1.5 million different items there buddy.
  21. The KKK have nothing to do with the far-right but the black panther party has everything to do with Liberals? Interesting. It is clear you are "EXTREMELY" far-right so any discussion with you is like talking to a wall. You need an education on abortion amongst other things but I have already pointed that stuff in other threads. You have substantiated nothing at all, you have simply pointed out how much you hate liberals with no basis or facts. I have never seen you argue any point with relevance or logic and yet you attack the left wing on this board for not backing up claims? You can not be serious. No, Fish pointed out that the "liberal" media did not raise the issue of the Black Panther saying racist comments towards white, which the far-right like to demonize liberals as if the black panther associates with them. I simply pointed out that Fox never says anything about the KKK or Nazi groups which are associated with the far-right, whether fact-based or not. If you are going to argue one point and not expect a relevant analogy then do not make the errounous point in the first place. In addition you must not have clicked on the google link above with all the racist tea-party signs ect.
  22. WTF? I thought that was the main point, why dont other news organizations go after the black panthers like Fox does. Then I said Fox never goes after KKK or Nazi members so why should they? Your late.
  23. And there are 1000's of things that the KKK and Nazi people have said on tape that are of the same ignorance or worse. I really do not see your arguement here. So what if a black panther member said those words, it is standard issue by hate groups to do those things. I do not see why the media needs to cover it, to give them more press. http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&q=tea%20party%20racism&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi About 1,590,000 results (0.10 seconds)
  24. You to can go to a University. Thats right! Glenn Beck University, for only $10 a month you can learn all there needs to know about the world. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20009560-503544.html I dont know, but I do know that KKK, Nazi, and even tea party members say shit like that all the time towards other ethnic groups and not every word gets covered. Fox news ignores the racism at the tea party events, its their event. You act like it is a big deal for a black person to say such words, white people say that shit everyday towards black. And no one cares about Woodrow Wilson, his economic philosophies were pro big business and were enacted by the future great republican hero Herbert Hoover. I got news for you, every republican president has enacted government programs that are deemed as "liberal". Shit, Eisenhower is down-right communist compared to Obama.
  25. I agree with most of what you said Clinton was a center-right president same as Obama. Besides taxing people, which if you are going to tax some things like smokes you need to tax other like fast food to pay for univeral healthcare. But generally I agree, your on point.
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