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  1. My wife went to the same HS as Steve so I had a chance to go watch him in a game last year. He's a big kid, that is for sure. What impressed me the most was not his blocking or his sack (for a safety, if I remember) while playing D-Line. What impressed me was what he did before the game. I watched him walk up to a couple kids at the end of the bench and throw his arms around them as he stood there talking to him for a while before kick-off. I was impressed because you could tell these were kids who may not ever get any significant playing time at the HS level. they didn't appear to be too big or althletic, but the senior ND recruit was at the end of the bench talking with these guys. Although just a snapshot, I thought that showed great leadership. I'm a big fan.
  2. Seems that most believe it to be a forgery. About as valid as Nostradamus. http://www.catholic.com/quickquestions/do-the-prophecies-of-st-malachy-suggest-we-are-living-in-the-end-times
  3. This is what exactly half my brain is saying. The other half is a bit different. The heart wants Manti to be clean. I hope he is.
  4. I'm having a real hard time just brushing this under the rug and feeling sorry for Manti. I have loved that kid since I watched him commit to ND online, but read this story and tell me what is going on. It says they met in person. The twitter account had a picture. So did "they" get a girl that looked just like this girl to go meet him at Stanford? There are way too many inconsistencies to just set this aside. http://articles.southbendtribune.com/2012-10-12/sports/34419536_1_brian-and-ottilia-manti-te-o-irish-head-coach
  5. So a true fan has to be incapable of objectivity? I can root for my team but still believe they aren't the best, can't I? I'm a White Sox fan. By this logic I'm not a true fan because I was saying in August that I thought they'd lose the division in the last 2 weeks. Guess what happened? I still watched the games and hoped I was wrong, but I guess I'm not a true fan? I guess a true fan of the Indiana Hoosiers has to think they are better than Alabama.
  6. As much as I'd love to see it, I doubt the Bears trade up to pick anything other than a LT.
  7. Zorich, maybe? He was another guy that had to fight through adversity and worked his tail off at ND. I was a kid when he was there and loved him, but not sure what the adult take on him at the time was.
  8. Is this for real? Christians are being assaulted? Do we need a history lesson to see the atrocities brought on people in the name of God? Spanish Inquisition, Salem Witch Trials, Manifest Destiny, for starters.
  9. You live in a fantasy world of ideology spoon fed to you by millionairs and billionairs. I live in the real world, where sh*t happens. Where it's not just a matter of "just try harder". If you see no problem with the fact that the top income earners compensation has skyrocketed and the rest of America is stagnant, then you are a part of the corporate demise of the middle class. Anything for the almighty dollar and screw everyone. You guys are precious.
  10. Actually, I'm fine. I made it through unemployment and am rebuilding my life. I just have empathy for those worse off than me. According to your ideology you're either successful or you're a whiny lazy sponge. There are absolutely those that abuse, but I'm not willing to hurt those that need just to spite those that abuse. I don't live in a black and white world, like you do. Life is too complicated to be summed up like that. I am working at a job now where nobody has gotten raises in 5 years. Yet the C-level employees keep getting their multi-million dollar bonuses. when people quit or get fired they do not backfill the position, just spread the work out amongst the employees. But the C-Level guys keep getting their multi-million dollar bonuses. The wealth is not "trickling down", it's being scooped up and hoarded. One of the c-level guys got a 7 million dollar QUARTERLY bonus. if that was a $1 million dollar bonus (still a hell of a lot of money) as opposed to a 7 million dollar bonus, what could be done wit the extra $6 Million? That would be enough to give 1200 people a $5K raise. Isn't that better for our economy? That those people have more money to be put back into purchasing goods and services? Pre 1980 the average CEO made 11 times that of their average emplyee. That's a pretty good differencr. Now they make 200 - 300 times more than the emplyee. All the while shipping jobs overseas. And we're suppiosed to feel sorry about their taxes? Give me a break. And the part about Romney not doing anything illegal and paying the taxes he's supposed to pay, do you mean the taxes that he and others in his position lobby to get put in place? Give me a break. Those with the money make the rules.
  11. Spoken like a true christian. I hope you never fall on hard times.
  12. All I can say is I'm sure glad I was never kicked out of high school for quoting Pulp Fiction and Reservior Dogs. That stuff is just as bad as anything Yuri tweeted. He's 17 folks. I know a lot of people that were "bad kids" in high school that are great adults now. Also, I know a lot of people that were great kids that are terrible people now. And these are people from middle class white suburbia with good families.
  13. To be fair, it is widely considered to be our largest state park.
  14. He's a senior in college, not high school. You mean to tell me he can't focus on reading the defense and actually receive the snap? If he can't do the most integral and basic part of being a QB then he can't be a successful QB.
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