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Everything posted by scintrigue

  1. 1. LOL, so the only time they bring it up is when a democrat senator dies. That should tell you right there. 2. http://www.alexa.com/topsites/countries/US for websites and Fox News average age is 65 and there not blacks or hispanics watching. 3. Really? The network that has zero black anchors is gonna talk about racism toward whites? 4. Okay, so apparently 250 years of a jump start was not enough for "white-people" to get a head start on the blacks. Ya know slavery, Jim Crow ect. did not hold them down long enough. You obvisously expect to have equal footing and right after the civil rights bill has passed and have everyone the same. That does not work. It takes a long time for education standards and an assimilation process, AA laws ect. are ways to try to give blacks and equal opportunity from a background that was horrendous through 250 years of oppression. I guess you figured that even though their parents were not allowed to obtain a decent education and were still being held under Jim Crow laws the 60's-70's black children were suppose to be able to compete for PHDs like everyone else. The admin. is not racist and I am not charging you of being one although your statements are generally leaning that way; I will say though that maybe you need to re-read some history and even other cultures outside the US and see how long it takes for a culture to advance and assimilate if they even so choose. Reagan did not help that one bit, when he decided just 15 years after the damn Civil Rights bill was passed to shut down gov't programs that were helping blacks. So in the end I have question. Have you been to an inner-city school vs. a suburban school? They are all public schools, yet one has amenties that rival universitys and one asks students to bring their own toilet paper. Now you think that it is not fair to help out the one bringing his or her own toilet paper to school a little more than the other? If so, sorry for waisting my time and yours in this thread, it would seem clear we are on opposite sides of the tracks.
  2. I dont see fox news talking about the KKK and Nazis all day long, so why would a "liberal station" bring up the black panthers? Fox News has high ratings because its demographic is old white people that dont use the internet. Same with AM right wing radio. Thats why the Huffingtonpost blows all other non-major media outlet websites like drudge ect. out of the water. It is not even close. And MSNBC has the highest ratings on their website of all news websites with CNN in 2nd and HUFFINGTON POST 3rd place all three are in the top 40 of all websites traffic. I doubt it. Fox news is never fair and balanced, just in your eyes. But then again, you get most of your news from fake e-mails so I could see why fox would appeal to you.
  3. Okay whatever. The point is no one cares about your thread, unless I post in it. But you can get mad and slander me all day, it still does not make you right.
  4. And no one responds you see now what I have been trying to say. Did you know Kegan is Jewish and I have been defending her, while you tried to slander her, hmmmmm.. I do not get the comments toward me about the jewish thing, its funny really because all I see is hyprocrisy. Glad to defend Israel go against every Jewish person in America. Name 2 Jewish people in congress or the senate you respect? Please! And other than the foreign policy they are highly socialist, so I do not understand why you hate America so much?
  5. First off, I was joking in fun with you, while you made like 10 posts saying "classy ect." after I had said nothing to you. I guess what I said was true though. Sorry. And women do not do exactly what I do? There are millions of women that play the game. You may have a naive view of women, because they got it the best. Look if some lady wanted to take me out and spend a few hundred on me, we can do whatever she wants. lol. But it does not work like that with guys, so why spend your hard-earned cash on someone for nothing. Its business. It is obvious you need to go to professor Tom and have him help you out a little. http://www.blowmeuptom.com/ Okay, he doesnt have much on that website anymore hes doing something different, but you can check out the youtube videos. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=tom+leykis&aq=f But here is one of the best ones : I suggest listening for both men and women. [ame] [/ame]
  6. Good, I dramatized it a bit. But fact is, Im not looking to get into a relationship right now, busy and all. And I am classy about it, the nice lady knows what shes in for. I let them know from jump-street. We can have a fling, you get no ring. lol man Im hilarious with the one-liners today, where do I get these? Hey I was just giving you some advice. Your probably that guy that takes his date out to dinner, movies, ice-skating, and then drinks on the beach. Meanwhile your total came to around 250$ for the night, and then when your trying to finally take her home she says "oh wow, I thought we were just friends".
  7. Technically, in most situations you pay women for sex. I have never directly, but dates are at least $50. So, take this down. 1. Eat before you go out. Most important rule, because the following will happen: You will order a small salad, and she will not want to look like a pig and will order the same thing. 2. If alcohol is involved make sure you sip your Sam Adams or whatever is your fav. beer. She wont want to look like a heavy drinker when your sipping, and women love to order $10 drinks, so make sure it is only 1! 3. Thats the end of the date out in public, no movies, or anything else that costs money. Take her home, do your thing and tell her to put on her clothes and GET THE F OUT. :rapture: Then start cracking open the beers and watch sportscenter.
  8. GOD bless them all. Seriously, this is best thing since, well ever!!! I never plan to get married, have kids (may change my mind later in life) but for now I need this!!!! Until now all attempts to develop a male pill have failed with scientists working on a contraceptive jab for men given by doctors. But researchers in Israel have finally been able to create a oral pill that deactivates sperm before they reach the womb. And theyve developed a version that means it only needs to be to be taken once every three months. The breakthrough pill could be available in as little as three years, according to the scientist behind the discovery. Unlike the jab form of the male pill it doesn't use a combination of the male hormone testosterone and the female hormone progesterone to block pregnancy. (ew, no thanks) The scientist behind the male pill discovery has developed a tablet that removes a vital protein in sperm that is required for a woman to conceive. So while sperm still get through to the uterus they are unable to fertilise an egg. Using this approach, researchers believe they have a pill that is 100 pc effective at stopping pregnancy. Not only is it long lasting but it also has other pluses. There are no side effects as suffered by women who take the contraceptive pill. Men on the male equivalent hormone jabs, which are still undergoing trials report feelings of moodiness, depression and loss of sex drive. (see, I knew fukkin wit them hormones is bad news) Professor of Haim Breitbart of Israel's Bar-Ilan University, who has helped develop the pill said: "Men dont cope well with side effects and having side effects would probably put many off wanting to take a pill. We've had none of those problems with our pill." What we found is that by treating the mice with our molecule we can get sterility for a long period of time -in the lower dose, about one month, and in the higher dose we found three months of sterility. The mice behaved nicely, They ate and had sex. All I can say is that we couldn't see any behavioural side-effects - all their sex behaviour was retained, which is a very important consideration for men. Human trials of the pill are due to start next year. A big drawback against men being in control of fertility is the fear they would forget to take a pill. Polls have repeatedly shown wives and partners do not trust their men to remember to pop a pill every day. But now that problem has been solved. The new pill can be taken either once a month or once every three months. Professor Breitbart said: "I think most women would trust their man to remember once a month or once a quarter. Breitbarts pill jams the sperm's chemical machinery that allows it to create a pregnancy. So while the sperm reaches the womb it dies away unable to fertilise the egg. He said: We looked at a number of compounds that have no effect on male sex drive, but succeed in impairing the reproductive ability of the sperm. Because there are no hormonal side effect we believe that it will be fairly easy to get approval for this pill. Professor Breitbat stunned the world of fertility science four years ago by revealing the commonly held belief that conception was immediate once sperm entered the womb. The research showed that sperm could surive for up to three days before fertilisation took place. Professor Breitbart said: I then decided to turn my interest to see how to stop that process. I wanted to develop a form of male contraception that would be free of an intervention using hormpones. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/he...tive-pill.html Edit bolded: Are you serious women afraid we won't take the pill? You have got to be kidding, I would have it right next to the toothpaste! Trust men ha! I've dated so many women (or, not-dated but you know) that have forgot to take the pill, and were like "oh shit" gotta go get the morn. after. Not to mention, the ones who are like "im on the pill", but clearly you know they just want to get prego, because of self-esteem issues or they want your wallet for the next 18.
  9. It is not our fault we get educated and get jobs like Journalists and stuff. :nerd:
  10. Why? Because the republicans have not been able to nail her, and even admit she has "no agenda", but she should because she was nominated by a democrat. As the Repub. senator from South Carolina said "Roberts and Scalia had political agendas, you should to". That pretty much sealed up the nomination. Game and Check. Too bad that book thing did not hold any weight. But it sure made a another great "anything Obama does is BAD!" DD thread. Way to go, Obama must be on your mind 24/7.
  11. Shit, have you seen Michigan's class. HAHAHA, man I would hate to be a fan of UM right now.
  12. I agree with this. People are always trying to have a grey-line and get away with things. There needs to be more common sense, there should not have to be mundane details for everything. A waist of time and money. I doubt they fear anyones guns. That was back in the revolution days. That is why the right was orginally established. The only thing that scares politicians is when someone from their district is murdered, and they have to answer for not keeping the streets safe. Also, that comment I made regarding my intelligence was not a shot at you or Jon. It was a personal reflection.
  13. How do you define better? Your idea of "society" is much different than even border countries such as Canada. Your views are restricted to what your culture and values you were brought up in. I am sure that many would say their society is superior and they could be right or wrong. But money, technology advancements ect. do not make one society better than another, unless you, yourself, deem that so.
  14. It was great in its time, and still has many important features I never disputed that. But lets be real, it always needs updates. That is why women can now vote, there is no slavery (besides in prisons), and that original law of the land was so great that racists got away down south with poll taxes for almost 100 years!! And it was DEEMED CONSTITUTIONAL! Because of the great past supreme court rulings on this issue, they had to actually add an amendment about such a common sense issue as Poll taxes! What a waist of time and tax-payer money.
  15. 1. You know this is problem people have no common sense anymore. I mean c'mon can you take someone from 250 years ago seriously in modern times? The basic human rights are fine, but being able to be strapped at all times is not a basic human right, and is down-right dangerous. 2. You qouted the article headline, which was mis-leading to say the least, as fact.
  16. Good for them. I guess we will get hard evidence since it has been lifted on if the murder capitol of America. So if murders and violent crime go down, let me know. Uhm no, you were. You just back-tracked because you decided to read a right-wing headline instead of research the context and actually what she said without the editing.
  17. Yeah probably because that is not what she said. The Supreme Court was working with hypotheticals. "If you were a lawyer", "if this were to happen" ect. ect. She also said that if the FEC were to ban a book based on Campaign Finance Law that there would be a good challenge to that law. So in reality, instead of the right-wing media drivel that took it out of context, she basically said that the FEC cannot ban a book without a strong challenge to the constiution. This is referring to the case Citizens United v. FEC.
  18. I got you, I think the funnist thing is how people will not vote for someone or nominate someone who is pro-choice. Like look, it does not matter! Pro-life got lucky and it was outlawed for a total of 23 years in the history of America (most states). It did not work, hospital wings were full of women who gave themselves abortions and other nasty things. Its a wrap get over it.
  19. Catholics voted for a pro-choice president. And pro-choice is legal, so your mad that she supports the law of the land? Its always going to be the law, it is not going to change so why does it matter. The republican judges on the supreme court have had more than a decade to change it if they saw it fit.
  20. 1. She is wrong and her arguement has no basis. 2. Completely ashamed, this is what you do throw words in their to try to misguide the facts. If you are not ashamed of most of the same things I am with the history of America, than I do not know what to tell you. I am proud of many things this country has accomplished, but I am not going to sit their like someone who is blind to facts and ignorant of the truth. I mean sometimes I do hate being smart and knowing so much, and could possibly be a happier person not knowing the evils of the world.
  21. Your right. In fact, I will happily debate the issues I have with Israel, with anyone from there. Just like I discuss the issues of America everyday with Americans. Im not bias. So can you explain the fascination with conservative Evan. christians and Jewish people all of a sudden? Did they give up on trying to get African Americans to vote for them, trying a diff. demo? The old-white, bitter, christian, gun totin" demo drying up? <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPWIibPNAAI&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPWIibPNAAI&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
  22. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/06/27/palin-obama-israel_n_627285.html Sarah Palin speaks exactly like you some of you conservatives. She must know something! Really?? I dont get it. When did republicans start caring about Israel? Oh that is right, when they decided that their only base was Evangelical Christians, who preach to take their land when Jesus comes and BURN THEM!!! Tell me I am lying? Tell me, please! Tell me it does not say that in the bible. The fact is American Jewish people are LIBERALS, so to CJ; sorry son, you are in the wrong crowd, because the jewish people really do not like you. FACT! Ima be, Ima be, what what! Larry David, what! Weeds, What Hollywood what! Bill Mayer what! Ima Be, IMA IMA BE. <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vn6nfVjNpJU&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vn6nfVjNpJU&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object> Me hate the Jewish CJ? Really? I am not going to let that go. You are hilarious, Jewish people almost as a majority believe in everything I stand for. Fact is, even Israel has universal HEALTHCARE! Move to Costa Rica with Limbaugh! http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg260/rada2125/shaq-1.gif That Ether burns slow! http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/4591/umadjs3.gif Apologize. Please.. I was hurt.
  23. I dont understand the fascination with Saul on this board. I really do not understand what is different from what he said than what is in your average business textbook, or taught at your standard business meeting. If anything, what he says is more common sense America than anything.
  24. Since when did getting campaign contributions equal OWNING PART OF THE COMPANY! Man your funny. I think this thread has been debated enough. Im out. http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg260/rada2125/shaq-1.gif
  25. Alright, so null and void issue. But yes I read the article and it's first line: BP and its employees have given more than $3.5 million to federal candidates over the past 20 years, with the largest chunk of their money going to Obama. Obama received a total of $77,051 from the oil giant Wow, thats chump change to the 745 million he raised. Again, almost every company in America gave more to Obama than any other canidate, so in reality that is a horrible article and journalism. Because again any contributer who donates under 200 dollars, it counts as their employer.
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