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Everything posted by scintrigue

  1. LOL HAHAHA conservatives putting their foot in their mouth because one of the donators is co-owner of news corp. (fox news-wallstreet journal). Matter of fact, this whole deal could be setup by him and Murdock to get ratings and get more conservatives in office in Nov. http://rawstory.com/rs/2010/0821/fox-shareholder-funded-mosque-imam/ "Prince Al-Waleed owns an estimated $2.5-billion-worth of News Corp. Majority shareholder Rupert Murdoch recently took a stake in the prince's Middle East-based media conglomerate, Rotana Group. Murdoch and Prince Al-Waleed are reportedly working on launching an Arabic news network that will compete with existing pan-Arabic networks Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya."
  2. NDFlife, I forgot about Fort Hood, Ill take the bow of shame on that one. I think mandatory voting will open up an opportunity for more parties. While you can not just add them, and it would not happen over night. However, slowly but surely starting in local elections different party canidates would gain ground. I think Austrailia and UK have a decent system, everyone has to vote, you vote a party in and said party gets full control. They scream and yell at each other and all of it is on tape, great stuff. In parliament they have around 9 different parties with 3 major ones. Hey its better than 2, and even some real small parties have a little say.
  3. Your data is legit, but was not what I was talking about. I was talking about "liberals", which is only 20% of the population. Or as defined by that stupid poll that comes out every once in awhile that shows conservatives are 41%. Just because people do not know what the two terms mean. But I am right too, to the original arguement Cory has said that low-income folks vote dem. True. But there are many more "low income" people than rich people, so if they all voted (or a lot more), again, there would not be republicans. I hope that clears things up. If people were required to vote like other countries, we would not have the issues we do.
  4. Yawn. We have already been over this issue. Liberals make more money, its fact. You really need a link. I did not say democrats did I? Or a specific voting blocks, because remember Liberal even the poor people hate that term, because Repubs have chastized it as communist socialist whatever. Not many people are smart enough to know what liberal actually means. Look up any mass killing. They have all been christians from the dude that shot all the cops to the dude that killed the abortion doctor. There have been a bunch of Mosques being firebombed but it gets no news. Just do a google search. A self-described muslim has done nothing to American since 911, that actually harmed another person. But almost the same amount died in the NO, and that was the gov't fault under GW a conservative what! Blah, blah, blah. The only facts you bring are easily discounted, remember your whole arguement about conservatives contributing more to charity and I actually had the access to the real study in which you did not, and totally burned you. Try again son. It is funny that a PHD grad like you say can not even grant access to actual studies and have to rely on third parties. HAHAHAHA. I just have to type in a username and PW and the real shit comes right to me. LAME. I still have access to my undergrad databases. What y'all go to some secondary school or something?
  5. That movie is crazy liberal, you should not show that to your children. And okay about your son, so what is the bitch-fest about again? Actually Liberals are more educated and make more money than conservatives. If those "hand-out" people that you talk about actually voted; republicans would not even exist. Next.......
  6. I really do not know what this has to do with conservatives aleinating other ethnicitys everyday, but....If you want my humble thought on your issue I can provide you some insight. First thing you need to do is go down to the store grab a baseball glove, some football pads, and a helmet and tell your son to get his ass out on the gridiron! Second, you need to cry me a river " oh my son is being discriminated", poor baby, welcome to how minorities live in this country everyday. I used to be a really good basketball player, and I would be the minority it was hard but once you gain respect there is no going back. "That white kid can ball" and other sayings are what I dealt with, being an animoly you stick out and are more respected. So if your son was any good, he would be respected even more than the average Latino player in the league as he is an animoly. So either get your son to stop crying about the refs and knuckle up or teach him how to look off a safety. Your welcome.
  7. Wait according to that article it was a "flap" that Obama supported the building of the Mosque? I really thought it was 2010, I did not think the cursades were still going on. Its okay, more votes for my side of things. Conservatives have already Alienated Black people, Jews, hispanics, and now arabic folks. Have fun being in the white-only crowd. haha
  8. LOL hahahah. I do not water down my words with conservativism. "Have a burger", "professional left", "bi-partisan" ect. Bunch of BS if you ask me, Im a damn liberal by definition and proud of it. I do not get into idealogies, sterotypes, and double-talk. I would probably, in all honestly, be better ghost for Alan Greyson than any of these professional politicians. Oh and... Did I say anything false, in my previous post? And you suprised me Pursuit normally you do not conform to these right-wing fear mongering tactics about religions ect. Seem like a pretty libertarian guy to me, which I carry many libertarian beliefs and have agreed with you a lot in the past. Anyways WEEK-IN-REVIEW TOMORROW OR SUNDAY GONNA BE HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. It is real estate free for anyone to purchase. That mosque that you speak of have a learning center for children, a sports center, and many other exceptional activites to further childrens development. I am not sure what you think you are fighting, are you fighting an overall religion? Or are you fighting a group that organized it. Furthermore, all of the terroist that have attacked the United States and been successful this year, have all been Christians, so should they not have any sort of Christian church near the site where they killed people? Any why make America less safe? I mean that is what these terroist group pray upon, this type of idealogy. They love conservatives, why? Because on the intolerence that spews out their mouths. Muslims from the middle east take their religion very seriously and all the terroist groups have to do is turn on Fox news and tell 14 year old recuits that we are trying to destroy them. They would have their proof with the right-wing. So thank you conservatives for putting me and my family in more danger.
  10. Thomas Jefferson was a owner and student of the Koran. It is funny to me that slave-owners and primitive people were still 10x more intellectual than todays society. You know before christianity there was a 1000 different religions in the world. It is not like that story in the bible is brand new. Conservatives should really open their minds, but that goes against the definition of conservative. lol nevermind. Tory, bitter-ender, classicist, conserver, conventionalist, diehard, hard hat, obstructionist, old guard, old liner, preserver, reactionary, redneck, right, right-winger, rightist, silk-stocking, standpat, stick-in-the-mud, traditionalist, unprogressive http://thesaurus.com/browse/conservative
  11. HAHAHAHAHA Purdue 9-3. Hahahaha. They got beat last year by trick plays, no Clausen most the game, and Tate and Hughes as the starting tailbacks.
  12. Really? Can you explain to me further then without your famous edited right-wing videos and blogs? Because I swore that he was talking about sexual education and it had absolutly nothing with his stance on abortion. But you would know, I mean you got that degree from Glenn Beck University and all. <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHN_IZ7WjSU&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xd0d0d0&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHN_IZ7WjSU&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xd0d0d0&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
  13. You should have learned previously about chopped up and edited videos. That whole "punished with a baby" was rebucked years ago. C'mon man you know he was talking about making sure his children and all children were givin proper education on contraseptives. :ballchain: Keep reaching.
  14. You didnt even counter any of my arguements, just threw out more false idealogy. Reagan had the same stance on abortion Obama does. Bush bailed out the banks and distributing money through a check from the govt is all conservatives bitch about all day as socialism ect. Reagan redistributed wealth from the poor to the rich and Obama is running in 2012. And you already know what I smoke check the sig son.
  15. Maybe your right, I have followed Mike Leach's system for a minute now and have seen QBS throw for close or over 5000 yards and making no impact on the NFL while receivers like Walker and Crabtree contribute heavily. Mike Leach's spread offense INMO is much better than Kelly's, with Kelly being the overall better coach maybe! The fact remains that receivers are key to either offense, any QB Leach, or Kelly have put in is successful, shit I could sit back in shotgun and throw some darts to a reciever running a crisp route as you say. I wanted them to hire Leach to begin with but Kelly is the next best thing. Leach has the best o that college has ever produced and every single Big 12 team has taken it away. Look at Texas, Oklahoma is a carbon copy he used to be O-CORD FOR crying out loud, Kansas, Missouri the list goes on and on. The fact is the receivers make that offense, not the QB, it is fact look at the NFL rosters. Majority of QBs out of the spread have never ever been successful at the next level, but I can name McLain, I can name Briscoe, I can name the future Dez Bryant, Roy Williams, Iglesias , and the list goes on for impact Wide-outs. Now you can say well Bradford was the number one pick, and if you are right and he is successful I will concede my arguement. But until then I still contest that a spread QB has the easist QB job in the world, because the WRs do all the work, basically sit in shotgun do a 1-step drop and throw the ball, it is really not comparable to what Clausen had to do. And even late Weis agreed and went to the spread, which kept them in games sometimes and all Clausen had to do was deliver short passes in slants to get a few yards, which required the WR to run a perfect route, because they were not taught to do that it did not end well ask Kamara. If they were they would have caught that shit ask any TT wideout. fact.
  16. What are your ideals, I would bet we would agree on more than you think. I love my republican friends, we argue but we always come to an understanding, and me and you lately have had some agreement. I just F with people on this board cause they are so far-right, but like I said in previous post I am beginning to like you. I do not mind an opposite view, I think all of us want the same thing, just a different way of getting there is all.
  17. I love how y'all just bypass 2lakes intelligent post to fit y'all agenda. Anyways, your not going to get majority, and there is no way anyone is beating Obama in 2012 so cry me a river. Although I defend Obama on this Right-wing extremeist board, there are many faults with him and would love to see him challegned on some issues. Of course, I would be speaking as a liberal and would want him to move more to the left, as he is a center-right president like Clinton. I do not mind that, but I was looking for change and there is nothing different from Clinton. The healthcare plan is a Romney-Dole plan (republican, tell me im wrong). The financial reform is way right, and every one of Obamas cabinet, czars, are middle of the road. There is no way you can scream of socialism when most of the policies are 90's republican revolution ideas!!! Let us not forget Bush giving out real checks that he sent to everyones home as a "STIMULUS" he sent money to your house!!!! It did not create job, NO! He sent a check to your house!!!! WTF, that is not socialism worse than Obama???? That is down right Communism!!! Bush was so communist that he gave jobs to specific corporations that provided services for both wars (Haliburtin, blackwater, boeing ect.) These were no bid contracts, you want to talk about Fascism, communism, it is in your face. It is not his fault though! This has been going on for years, every president! There has been no clean president ever to date, name me a non-socialist president and I will draw up 20 plans that any president has made that would be considered socialist. Name me some fascism I can go back as far as you want. Obama is seriously really center compared to most of what y'all preach, that is why it screams of racism. Look at your history every single president is way more socialistic, communistic, and fascism than your president you have now. He is so middle of the road it hurts me, I am screaming for the republican Eisenhower right now!!! Please can I get Eisenhower back in office please please please!!!I will even take NIXON!!! Every single republican president besides Hoover and the false-democrat Wilson I will take in office over what we have now. Because to the far-right wing they are seriously the most liberal people I have ever read in a history book. Teddy-Liberal, Lincoln-Liberal, Eisenhower-Liberal, Nixon-Liberal. Tell me a policy Obama has done that is more liberal than any republican pre-Reagan. Please!
  18. Nice read. I would say though that while Charlie did focus on the QB position, Kelly's most important focus like most spread coaches is the WRs. Now the overall focus of the team is to be seen, but rest assured the Wide-outs are Kelly's primary concern. In a spread the WR's actually do most of the work, they have to run perfect routes, have perfect timing, and also not even have to care where the DB is at.
  19. I did, the first paragraph was fine. Then it just went into the standard right-wing dribble drabble about how the media got Obama elected ect. Blah blah blah.
  20. Right, and the shitty music they play on the radio. Thank GOD for sports radio. The left does control the internet though, not from lack of trying from the right they have to put out 2 min. clips edited to get hits.
  21. Reports indicate that the Tea Party Movement benefits from millions of dollars from conservative foundations that are derived from wealthy U.S. families and their business interests. Is appears that money to organize and implement the Movement is flowing primarily through two conservative groups: Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks. In an April 9, 2009 article on ThinkProgress.org, Lee Fang reports that the principal organizers of Tea Party events are Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Works, two "lobbyist-run think tanks" that are "well funded" and that provide the logistics and organizing for the Tea Party movement from coast to coast. Media Matters reported that David Koch of Koch Industries was a co-founder of Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE), the predecessor of FreedomWorks, where he serves as chairman of the board of directors. CSE received substantial funding from David Koch of Koch Industries, which is the largest privately-held energy company in the country, and the conservative Koch Family Foundations, which make substantial annual donations to conservative think tanks, advocacy groups, etc. Media Matters reported that the Koch family has given more than $12 million to CSE (predecessor of FreedomWorks) between 1985 and 2002.[1][2] Koch Industries has denied specifically funding Freedomworks or tea parties directly, however. The company's director of communications wrote ""Koch companies value free speech and believe it is good to have more Americans engaged in key policy issues. That said, Koch companies, the Koch foundations, Charles Koch and David Koch have no ties to and have never given money to FreedomWorks. In addition, no funding has been provided by Koch companies, the Koch foundations, Charles Koch or David Koch specifically to support the tea parties." Koch's director of communications did affirm, however, that the company funds Americans for Prosperity (AFP). TPM's Lee Fang reports that "AFP was founded in part by the company's Executive Vice President, David Koch. He is currently the chairman of the board of the Americans for Prosperity Foundation." [3][4] Media Matters also lists the Sarah Scaife Foundation as having given a total of $2.96 million in funding to FreedomWorks.[5] The Sarah Mellon Scaife Foundation is financed by the Mellon industrial, oil, and banking fortune. [6] The Claude R. Lambe Foundation, also controlled by the Koch family, has donated more than $3 million to Americans for Prosperity. [7] The AFP is the third largest recipient of funding from the Koch Family Foundations, behind the Cato Institute and the George Mason University Foundation. Before 2003, when the AFP was still named the Citizens for a Sound Economy Foundation, it received $18,460,912 in funding. 84% of that funding came from the Koch Family Foundations ($12,906,712) and the Scaife Family Foundations ($2,510,000). Koch Family Foundations is funded by Koch Industries. According to Forbes, Koch Industries is the second largest privately-held company, and the largest privately owned energy company, in the United States. Koch industries has made its money in the oil business, primarily oil refining. Presently, it holds stakes in pipelines, refineries, fertilizer, forest products, and chemical technology. Americans for Prosperity is also connected to oil giant ExxonMobil. According to ExxonSecrets, between the years 1998-2001, Citizens for A Sound Economy and Citizens for a Sound Economy Foundation received $380,250 from ExxonMobil.[27] According to the U.K. Guardian, FreedomWorks has received funding from the tobacco conglomerate Philip Morris. The Guardian also reports that local branches of FreedomWorks' sister organization, Americans for Prosperity have also received tobacco money and opposes smoke-free workplace laws and cigarette taxes.[7] Freedomworks also opposes tobacco taxes.[8] These are the two major ones, there are many other lobbying groups that are involved in the tea party, there are so many it is impossible to know them all, but you best believe they are getting funded by big business. I think Americans for Prosperity has 6 lobbying groups in itself.lol
  22. How are you being non-partisan when you bring up the tea-party and are a known extreme right-winger. Like Ray said, the tea party movement is ran by groups that are funded by big business like insurance companies ect. and fox news. The republican party is the party of big business this is nothing new, and is directly related to this tea-party deal. It is a partisan issue. Now, if you would like me to actually say how I feel about about Obama ect. I can, but I do not on this board because it is fun to play the opposition and be extremely liberal when 95% of this board is Glenn Beck loving right looney-tunes.
  23. You all really just watch Fox news and go to conservative websites dont you? This story is dead, it is over. She did absolutly nothing wrong and there are 1000's of sources out there for you to see the actual video. Now your just trying to backpeddle because you were caught doing an "Irishrick".
  24. No. Initials of my name. And yeah, the game has passed him by a few years.
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