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Everything posted by RockneDrive

  1. Whatever dude. (In my best Spicoli impersonation) Yep, those facts should bring all fans to the same conclusion. Charlie must go.
  2. http://www.ndnation.com/blog/2009/11/weis-fact-sheet.html
  3. What makes Stoops think that ND fans would treat him any differently?
  4. Gee, what makes anyone think Charlie Weis might get fired? Did I miss something?
  5. With your hair all knotty and your nose all snotty, if ya didn't know what ya was doin', You shoulda asked somebody. Every time I'm up in my tree tryin' to get a little bit, you come around here with that rah-rah shit. Apologies to the genuine signifying monkey rap.
  6. Except for the porn editor part, you are probably right.
  7. I like visors. http://www.fotosearch.com/bthumb/FSD/FSD291/x18561497.jpg
  8. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
  9. That's exactly why if we learn how to laugh at ourselves, the mocking doesn't sting or bother us. That play on the fight song was funny! I think even CW would laugh at that.
  10. What is, is. We should be able to laugh at ourselves and not take it so seriously.
  11. From USATODAY: http://www.usatoday.com/sports/columnist/lopresti/2009-11-09-notre-dame-weis_N.htm
  12. I don't agree. Lou Holtz grabbed some face masks and he didn't exactly whisper sweet and gentle suggestions to his players. Sometimes you need to rip them a new one on the spot to get their attention and motivate them to do their job right next time!
  13. Bingo! That will get-er-done for sure!! Win-win!
  14. We do that exceptionally well. We should blow Pitt out.
  15. I hope you are off from work today. Someone might get their back all out of joint.
  16. If I'm the current coach and want to keep my job and win the game, here's what I would do: Go to the hospital and check in but don't tell anyone why. As I lay in my bed, players come to visit me. I purposely look sullen, pale, and can barely speak. I look to my team and say, Now go out there and win one for the Tuna! Sorry Charlie...........couldn't resist.
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