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Adopt a democrat


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When things settle down for me and i have a little more free time, I'd like for one of my republican brothers to take me under their wing and teach me about being a republican. Im pretty sure (and hope) im not getting an accurate portrayal of what you believe.


I'd like someone more toward the center. Baby steps.


Someone who can explain their point of view without constantly bashing the left when doing it. A turn off.


Basically just send me a link to a good article once in a while and i can ask you questions.


I'm not looking to be converted but i feel a need to be exposed to both sides.


So if anyone is interested let me know.



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When things settle down for me and i have a little more free time, I'd like for one of my republican brothers to take me under their wing and teach me about being a republican. Im pretty sure (and hope) im not getting an accurate portrayal of what you believe.


I'd like someone more toward the center. Baby steps.


Someone who can explain their point of view without constantly bashing the left when doing it. A turn off.


Basically just send me a link to a good article once in a while and i can ask you questions.


I'm not looking to be converted but i feel a need to be exposed to both sides.


So if anyone is interested let me know.



I'd be happy to help, though I'm so disgusted with the GOP lately that I'm not even sure I'd consider myself a Republican anymore. There are moderate, traditional/establishment GOP types who are focused mostly on economic policy. Then there are the Tea Party Members that have been making the most noise lately and they seem more focused on how America's moral fiber is being shredded by anyone not adhering to a religious right and also a eliminating federal government intervention in basically everything.

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What bothers me most about this entire campaign is that each side has painted the other with such broad brushes, and ugly paint, that the picture itself is blurred and a big bunch of nothing.

The democrat side says: If you're Republican, you must be misogynistic, Islamophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-science, anti-environment, and generally an evil person.

The Republican side says: If you're a Democrat, you must be of the mind to give all things to all people costs-be-damned, let anyone who wants to come into this country come in because things are good here and they aren't good where they come from, security is an after-thought, abortions for all no matter where or when, anti-military, anti-2nd amendment.


Now, that's pretty much the argument for each side.

Problem is, most people who actually think reasonably probably don't really identify firmly with almost any of that. I think most people believe 'some of this, some of that' but it's not all-or-none.

The media plays into it on both sides because it's all about revenue and selling ads. Controversy sells. Identify what side you want to emphasize and make everything a controversy, everything "breaking news", every issue or debate MUST have a winner and a loser.


I hate it. Just hate it. Most Americans are reasonable people. It doesn't really matter which side they're on. Just like on DomerDomain. We don't know each other. We sometimes argue here because of the lack of familiarity with each other. If we all met at an ND game we'd probably laugh at all of the nonsense and get along great, even though we may have been arguing with each other on the site. It's commonality that bonds us, and here it's ND. In the political realm it's the US. We're all part of it and most people are relatively sensible (certainly not all).


Sorry about the rant. Enjoy the entertainment tonight on Fox. Just don't ask me who won and who lost tonight's debate. It's really just spectacle, and Trump fighting for his political life. To quote Russell Crowe from gladiator: Are you not entertained?

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I think there are people focused on power that benefit from the kind of disgust that I see driving people away form politics.


The fact that certain groups are paranoid about gov. power doesn't make them necessarily wrong.


You have a good attitude, I applaud you.

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I would be happy to kick in my two cents after all is said and done. Like Pregame I am disgruntled with the GOP in general though I suspect for different reasons. A lot of traditional Republicans are fiscally conservative but have become socially liberal where the traditional Republican party is typically very conservative fiscally and socially, especially on issues of freedom of religion, abortion, and constitutional rights in general.


So I wonder if you might be better served by gathering people from the ultra conservative to ultra liberal scale as party lines suck bad right now. I am probably a moderate to strong conservative fiscally and socially.

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Traditional consertives believe in-


1). Right to life for all...including unborn babies.

2) The government to serve the people. Not government by a few making the decisions for everyone.

3) Government cannot make money. Government can only tax and spend. Opening up opportunities creates more tax money and incentive for growth.

4). Right to bear arms to protect yourself. The government cannot be everywhere for everyone. It makes mistakes which are to be expected. Therefore, being self reliant is the key.

5). A country is sovereign. In order for culture to assimilate, only so much legal immigration can be maintained for the benefit of everyone in the country.

6). Lowering corporate tax rates keeps money in the country. Higher tax rates equals more money sheltered off shore.

7) More choices equals better price and better service. Competition is best

8)The US doesn't need to support other countries. We have to take care of our own first...like a sovereign country

Edited by TheRizz
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Traditional consertives believe in-


1). Right to life for all...including unborn babies.

2) The government to serve the people. Not government by a few making the decisions for everyone.

3) Government cannot make money. Government can only tax and spend. Opening up opportunities creates more tax money and incentive for growth.

4). Right to bear arms to protect yourself. The government cannot be everywhere for everyone. It makes mistakes which are to be expected. Therefore, being self reliant is the key.

5). A country is sovereign. In order for culture to assimilate, only so much legal immigration can be maintained for the benefit of everyone in the country.

6). Lowering corporate tax rates keeps money in the country. Higher tax rates equals more money sheltered off shore.

7) More choices equals better price and better service. Competition is best

8)The US doesn't need to support other countries. We have to take care of our own first...like a sovereign country


Ok, well that saves me a crap ton of time explaining the conservative viewpoint. Well said.

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Fed up with this election cycle more than any I can remember. No matter who wins I won't be happy, and that appears to be a common thread in everyone I know from both sides.


I'm not a republican and have voted democrat on occasion, mostly locally though. I am fairly conservative, especially the older I get.


I want less government intrusion in day to day life, from the federal level especially. There is way too much bureaucracy and hardly any accountability.


I am a firm believer in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Leave me alone and I'll leave you alone. I won't force my lifestyle down your throat, but don't you come after mine because you disagree with how I do it. I'm a big believer in family and family values.


Accountability and responsibility for one's own actions is paramount to me. If you succeed or fail in life it's on you, not me, and you reap the rewards or burdens. This is probably my biggest belief of them all.

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Traditional consertives believe in-


1). Right to life for all...including unborn babies.

2) The government to serve the people. Not government by a few making the decisions for everyone.

3) Government cannot make money. Government can only tax and spend. Opening up opportunities creates more tax money and incentive for growth.

4). Right to bear arms to protect yourself. The government cannot be everywhere for everyone. It makes mistakes which are to be expected. Therefore, being self reliant is the key.

5). A country is sovereign. In order for culture to assimilate, only so much legal immigration can be maintained for the benefit of everyone in the country.

6). Lowering corporate tax rates keeps money in the country. Higher tax rates equals more money sheltered off shore.

7) More choices equals better price and better service. Competition is best

8)The US doesn't need to support other countries. We have to take care of our own first...like a sovereign country

See, I'm more cynical of corporations then the government.

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But people in government can be voted out. Corporations concern me when they get too much power. And they buy politicians.


Based on the candidates that won the primaries based on people's votes, I'm more concerned with the politicians than the corporations. I do see your point and it's a shame that corporations have the power they do, but it's easier to place blame on an individual politician that has sold their soul to a corporation.

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This is one issue I always found funny. And no, I'm not knocking conservatives. It was TheRizz's #1 statement-the right to life for all. Save the fetus but bring out the electric chair. It's like you're playing God.


Anyways, I've had many discussions from both sides but this one always perplexed me. But carry on fellas. Good post Davis.

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Based on the candidates that won the primaries based on people's votes, I'm more concerned with the politicians than the corporations. I do see your point and it's a shame that corporations have the power they do, but it's easier to place blame on an individual politician that has sold their soul to a corporation.


So conservatives just want less government interference . im typing on my phone so im trying be brief. I know it's more then that.


Should the gov be like yhis board, you don't know the mods exist until things go south?

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Fed up with this election cycle more than any I can remember. No matter who wins I won't be happy, and that appears to be a common thread in everyone I know from both sides.


I'm not a republican and have voted democrat on occasion, mostly locally though. I am fairly conservative, especially the older I get.


I want less government intrusion in day to day life, from the federal level especially. There is way too much bureaucracy and hardly any accountability.


I am a firm believer in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Leave me alone and I'll leave you alone. I won't force my lifestyle down your throat, but don't you come after mine because you disagree with how I do it. I'm a big believer in family and family values.


Accountability and responsibility for one's own actions is paramount to me. If you succeed or fail in life it's on you, not me, and you reap the rewards or burdens. This is probably my biggest belief of them all.


Clinton is an awful politician and apparently an awful person in general. Trump... I don't even know where to begin. After last night I have come to the realization that he does not give a rip about winning the election and for him this was all just publicity for his next business endeavors.


The real failing here is in the GOP party, which is falling apart, putting Trump out there when he clearly has no interest in being president. The way things are going we will see a Kardashian in office in the next 20 years.

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