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I'm shocked nobody is talking about the situation in Ukraine. Did I miss another thread or something? This is quite serious. If you haven't had a chance to see this, please take a few moments and do so.



[/ame] Edited by indyirishdad
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What's to talk a out that the world doesn't already know?


Putin is strong

Obama is weak and indecisive


Pretty much sums it up. My understanding is Ukraine took Crimea earlier somewhat against the wishes of its people, who are mostly Russian. They voted to sexed and Russia accepted. I don't really see the problem. Sure, there are international borders and Russian bases involved, butast I checked the US has troops all over the world as well.

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Pretty much sums it up. My understanding is Ukraine took Crimea earlier somewhat against the wishes of its people, who are mostly Russian. They voted to sexed and Russia accepted. I don't really see the problem. Sure, there are international borders and Russian bases involved, butast I checked the US has troops all over the world as well.


You can vote to get sexed there?

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Here's how I kind of understand it. Feel free to point out any flaws in my logic.


Ukraine had their protests, and Putin felt that he was going to lose his warm-water naval base in Sevastopol if the Ukraine decided to join the EU after the protests. So Putin saw that the Ukraine was under civil unrest and it would probably be easy to capture Crimea to retain the naval base. He knew there would be sanctions from the West, but it was worth it to him. He knows nobody is going to start a war over this. Simple cost-benefit moves by everyone involved.

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Here's how I kind of understand it. Feel free to point out any flaws in my logic.


Ukraine had their protests, and Putin felt that he was going to lose his warm-water naval base in Sevastopol if the Ukraine decided to join the EU after the protests. So Putin saw that the Ukraine was under civil unrest and it would probably be easy to capture Crimea to retain the naval base. He knew there would be sanctions from the West, but it was worth it to him. He knows nobody is going to start a war over this. Simple cost-benefit moves by everyone involved.


Sounds about right to me. Putin knows the Obama doesn't want any part of war with Russia. Politically speaking, it was a good move by Putin, even though it is slimy.

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From everything i've read/heard Crimea is mostly Russian people who want to be part of Russia. It has changed hands several times but most recently was part of Soviet Russia...given to soviet Ukraine...and then after collapse of Soviet Union became part of independent Ukraine. I know they had a vote and 96% of Crimeans wanted to join Russia. Not sure if it was a fair/open vote but from what i've seen on 60 minutes and news agencies I do not see a lot of pro-Ukraine going on in Crimea.


This is just a non-issue in my mind and more fear of a new cold war. Say Putin takes over Crimea and then takes over Ukraine. Congrats...you've taken over a bankrupt country and saved the US billions from having to prop it up. I mean it's not like eastern Europe is a model of prosperity. The US has a massive deficit and the last thing we need to do is be sending money or military action (which i know hasn't been talked about) to every single country fighting for democracy. Let Ukraine, Egypt, Lybia, etc. fight for their own democratic independence and we should just sit back and input sanctions like we're doing and that's it. Change takes time and the will of the people...

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he may be...but i like him...in a sick, twisted way. he doesn't give a sh!t about what anyone thinks...


And until our beloved president figures that out he will continue to bend over and say "thank you ....may I have another?" Got to give it to Putin. He has some stones.

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Further sanctions imposed. Tensions rise. The tennis match continues. For those of you who think this is no big deal, check your history. This is a big as it gets and extremely dangerous. Russia's primary objective is to kill the petrodollar, and with a flick of the gas switch they can devastate Europe.


Here is what Putin had to say prior to this crisis:


“U.S. is living way beyond their means and shifting a part of their weight of their problems to the world economy. To some extent [the U.S. is] living like parasites off the global economy and their monopoly of the dollar.”


Somebody needs to step away from the ledge here and it seems neither side wants to concede. Russia is on the attack and America is in response mode. This is the next chapter in a game of global chicken and neither side can afford to lose.


The entire mess is ridiculous and America clearly has a sinister hand in it, but what war was ever initiated based on common sense?


Hard times are coming for America gentlemen. Get ready for it.

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I love Putin's sactions on 9 Americans:


- While I’m disappointed that I won’t be able to go on vacation with my family in Siberia this summer, I am honored to be on this list" - Republican Senator Dan Coats of Indiana


- And some officials expressed mock outrage at being left off the list. Here’s Michael Mershon, spokesman for Rep. Jim McGovern, D.-Mass., a frequent and fierce critic of Russia: This is an outrageous snub. Hopefully he was at least "on the bubble"


Let's not blow things outta proportion. Russia is a powerful country but no one's racing to switch oil trading from the dollar to the ruble. America is not in for hard times. In fact if the stock market freaks out and falls due to the "crisis" I'll be taking my cash position and buying as much stock as possible just like Warren Buffett recommends. Obama is not bending over and taking it. He's being smart and not creating Vietnam war 2.0. What's Obama supposed to do? Launch a massive military offensive protecting a worthless piece of land while throwing america deeper in debt? Keep up with sanctions as much as possible. If that doesn't work then just say oh well and move on. we've got bigger fish to fry.

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