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Game Of Thrones fans,,,,(Spoilers if you have not seen finale)

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Many like me have not read the books yet but got totally into the TV series. Well, I found this video blogger that sheds light to the history of the lands, houses, kings and families. Her language is a bit NSFW but it really makes you understand where the story is coming from.


Here's a link to one of them. History of the Lannisters. I am caught up on all of them and am waiting for history of the Starks Pt.2. Very interesting if you're into it. And other than her hair, she's not bad to look at either. ;)




That's a good start but here's the link to her Youtube page to find all the video's


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Not sure where they go from here. A lot of stories seem to conclude in death. There should be spoilers allowed in this thread btw it is for GOT fans.


Maybe Speed can change the title to add (SPOILERS INSIDE) then we can chat freely about why the midget got killed in the way he did...

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Where do you think they go from here? One main jumped off a huge wall, another went blind, 2 dead, and 1 surrounded by 100s of people with blades. I have to say the remaining characters alive just aren't that intriguing besides of course the dwarf. I know the young boy is coming back this season, but that story of his quest to the tree ws fairly boring. I am sure winter is coming for real and that will be fun, so tired of kings landing as well. There are some spoiler free discussion points!! Lol

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Where do you think they go from here? One main jumped off a huge wall, another went blind, 2 dead, and 1 surrounded by 100s of people with blades. I have to say the remaining characters alive just aren't that intriguing besides of course the dwarf. I know the young boy is coming back this season, but that story of his quest to the tree ws fairly boring. I am sure winter is coming for real and that will be fun, so tired of kings landing as well. There are some spoiler free discussion points!! Lol


The return of the red witch to the Wall, coinciding with story line of John Snow should lead you towards some future story lines (if you follow the books... allegedly). The last 3 episodes of this season were riveting.

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Without getting into details (SPOILERS) - that was a hell of a finale...


It was Epic. After the initial shock wore off, I realized that there were a couple of story lines that gave the appearance that it was an end of a character, but in fact you didn't actually see the end of one and the other's situation coincided with the return of Stanis' witch to the wall. I cant wait to see what the Mountain will be doing next season to vanquish the queen.

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I know Kit Harrington said he wasn't coming back, but what else is he supposed to say? I think it's much more likely he will be resurrected by Melisandre. I can only assume Theon and Sansa were jumping to escape rather than commit suicide. I have no clue where Arya's story could go.


I can't wait to see the ungodly amount of carnage the FrankenMountain will unleash on the Sparrows.

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The return of the red witch to the Wall, coinciding with story line of John Snow should lead you towards some future story lines (if you follow the books... allegedly). The last 3 episodes of this season were riveting.


That's where the books ended from what I hear, except the assassination wasn't quite that way. But the book folks don't know what will happen either. Similar way the season ended the book ended. It is up to the show writers to do the rest of the story now.

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Huge GOT fan and I am glad this season finally got on track I still liked it but it was getting kinda slow in the middle part of the season. I am still working on the books, hard to find time to read these days. Every time I used to put the book I am reading in my patrol bag to read when things got slow I would have a crazy busy night so I have deemed it a curse :razz:

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I haven't read the books, but the concept of "warging" will come into play moreso in the next season. A boy may warg into a dragon, a man into a wolf, etc... Let's keep in mind the title of the series - a song of Ice and Fire. One could interpret that in many ways but Dragons vs Whitewalkers certainly has some merit, as does Snow vs Dani (though it certainly seems like part of that equation has been "solved").


I'll be curious of Brienne really killed you-know-who, they never showed the death scene, the viewer is just left to assume. And it's a pretty good assumption but stranger things have happened. For the two who jumped off the tower? I think both are still alive. The chick who goes blind in the show is blind in the book under the same circumstance, yet still becomes quite the badass.


Trying to be intentionally vague, but hopefully those who have seen the finale know what I'm saying, without ruining it for those who haven't. An amazing series, nonetheless, hoping to see more about the White Walkers in the next season, but only one person knows that Valyrian steel can kill them the same as dragon glass, and he's on a boat now (I think?).

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I haven't read the books either, but is it safe to assume that Arya and Bran are going to be the last ones standing? I really think the show is about their journeys and the rest are just bit players...


Granted it's all just theory of course, I don't know for sure on any level, but my understanding is that Arya, Bran, Tyrion, Jon, and Daenaryis (sp?) are intended to make it all the way to the end, serving as "point of view" characters. Since we all know what happened to one of those characters in the finale, it's safe to say either that theory is wrong, or that there is more than one way for a character to "exist" in GoT, especially given some of the people resurrected in the book that haven't reappeared on the show at this point (see: Lady Stoneheart).


But yea, while I don't suppose anyone but Dani out of the above list has any shot in hell (or even wants) the Iron Throne, it seems a safe bet that many of them at least make it to the end.


Pretty fascinating stuff, even talking about it in theory!

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One thing does seem pretty clear, Dany will have an even bigger role next year, and possibly start moving troops towards westros finally. I think it won't be until the end of the season when she actually starts the journey or arrives. I could see a dragon flying over westros and then a cut to credits to end next season.


Edit: but then there are still the walkers. Ahh who knows I give up.

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I haven't read the books either, but is it safe to assume that Arya and Bran are going to be the last ones standing? I really think the show is about their journeys and the rest are just bit players...


I'm not a book reader either, but I think Sansa ends up on the Iron Throne. Here me out:...


1. With a couple of strategic moves, she can plausibly control the armies of the North, the Wildlings, the Vale, the Iron Islands and Riverrun.

2. The person sworn to protect her has the only weapon left that can kill White Walkers

3. Her brother can control animals and humans, and will apparently learn to fly

4. Her sister is an assassin with a vendetta against almost everyone between her and the throne

5. She's had an awful go from the start of the series, she's a survivor and due for some good karma

6. Most important - "Valar Morghulis", she doesn't have to

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So no more books, is that correct? And I believe the writer is also finished? (Haven't read the books)So, to me, the show writers will have to come up with their own story line? Who knows what will happen then. I gave up guessing after what happened at the end of season 3 or 4.

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So no more books, is that correct? And I believe the writer is also finished? (Haven't read the books)So, to me, the show writers will have to come up with their own story line? Who knows what will happen then. I gave up guessing after what happened at the end of season 3 or 4.


There are two more books coming, but he takes 4-5 years between books so the show will outpace the books.

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I'm not a book reader either, but I think Sansa ends up on the Iron Throne. Here me out:...


1. With a couple of strategic moves, she can plausibly control the armies of the North, the Wildlings, the Vale, the Iron Islands and Riverrun.

2. The person sworn to protect her has the only weapon left that can kill White Walkers

3. Her brother can control animals and humans, and will apparently learn to fly

4. Her sister is an assassin with a vendetta against almost everyone between her and the throne5. She's had an awful go from the start of the series, she's a survivor and due for some good karma

6. Most important - "Valar Morghulis", she doesn't have to


Here is a cool thought. The Mountain is on her list.

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