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Everything posted by RockneDrive

  1. hahahahahahahahahaha You are a crackup! What is your source for this? The White House? LOL! Irrational gullibility reigns!
  2. If Obama has his way, I probably will do just that - lose everything I worked so hard to get. And the wait in line for any illness will be so long I'll die waiting or a bureaucratic government death panel will say "he's too old to keep him alive" and I won't be treated anyway.
  3. Obviously from the Samuelson camp. Liberal indoctrination goin' on at many universities. You probably thought Obama's stimulus would have a mulitplier effect and would create jobs. LOL!
  4. You reveal your ignorance here about what socialism is. First of all, socialism involves taking from those who have worked and produced and giving to those who have worked little or produced nothing by force and the threat of imprisonment if you don't. Social security is something that was forced out of my paycheck first by the government. They took some of my money without my consent that I sweated my ass off to earn and decided that me and millions of other Americans were too stupid and unsophisticated to take care of our own retirement. So the social security system itself it a socialist notion from jumpstreet. That being said, when the government later in our lives at retirement gives us that money, they are merely giving back to us what WE earned and were forced to give to them. That money is MY money, not YOUR money! So it is not socialist to get back from mommy and daddy gubmint what you aleady earned. What is socialist is taking money from the government that you did not earn. Government does not produce a product from which it can receive money - it has to take some of our money to do what it does, so if you get something from the government that you didn't earn and that particular program is not a legitimate, Constitutional function of the federal government, it's legalized theft. Our Founding Fathers created the Constitution to protect Americans from government as much as from foreign enemies. Milton Friedman aptly wrote about the Constitutional and proper role of the federal government and we should all be willing to pay taxes for the these, but not for unconstitutional social programs that are out of control - you know, entitlement programs. Friedman wrote: Friedman was right on! You should study some economics and world history and learn the difference between a command society and a free capitalist society. The primary reason why people all over the world want to come to America is because we are a free people and capitalism, not big-government socialism is what makes us the envy of the world.
  5. IS OBAMA A SOCIALIST? http://www.wnd.com/index.php/index.php?pageId=78330
  6. What did Reagan do that was "socialist." Reagan worked hard by first cutting taxes, firing the federal air traffic controllers union, decreased the size of social government, increased the military budget because Carter had left it in shambles. He got government off of our backs. How is, in Obama's words, "redistributive justice" not socialist? How is "spreading the wealth" not socialist? How is taking over a private corporation and firing its CEO not socialist? How is taxing the rich more than they already pay (the top 1% pay more than the bottom 90%) not socialist? How is a confiscatory progressive tax system not socialist? (A plank in Marx's Communist writings) Capitalism is about prosperity and freedom of the individual while socialism is about big government distribution of "fairness" by coercion. Obama is clearly a socialist. His policies, his speeches, his desire to have free health care for all are socialist policies where you by coercion take from the producers and give to the nonproducers. This is not only immoral but it is what all tyrannical dictators and failed socialist countries have tried. It rewards sloth and punishes success. Take a look at the plank of the socialist party in the U.S. - it reads like an Obama speech. What they want, he wants. The government does not have Constitutional authority to fine me or anyone else if they choose not to have health insurance yet our socialist-in-chief wants to do just that. Socialism doesn't work, never has, never will. As Maggie Thatcher said, "the problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of eveyone else's money." She got that right. Anyone who doesn't think Obama is a socialist hasn't studied the subject or any world history and is completely ignorant of economics, human behavior, and how and why capitalism is the greatest system on the face of the earth for increasing everyone's standard of living - if they are willing to work hard and do what they can and should do for themselves to become self-sufficient rather than to be a parasite waiting for a handout from others. People like you and Obama naively and falsely think poor people are poor because rich people are rich. And liberals have been shown to be among the stingiest people on the face of the earth when it comes to giving charity. Take Joe Biden for example. For over nearly a decade when he earned over $200,000 per year, he gave a measly $365 per year to charity; yet, he has the audacity to tell Americans that they don't pay enough taxes to help the less fortunate. That's the hypocrisy of the left - of people like you. You are very compassionate with MY money. Well you and your socialist buddies don't have the right to go beyond the Constitutional function of the federal government to confiscate my money for your useless giveaway programs that end up hurting the very people you think you are helping. We've had enough of you socialists and in November you will hear from us just like they heard from others like us in Massachusetts who love this country and their personal liberty. How's that for my own thoughts?
  7. I'm giving up using KY and therefore requiring longer and slower foreplay.
  8. They call Obama a socialist because he espouses socialist policies. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism Most socialists share the view that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth among a small segment of society that controls capital and derives its wealth through exploitation, creates an unequal society, does not provide equal opportunities for everyone to maximise their potential and does not utilise technology and resources to their maximum potential nor in the interests of the public. jt allen md
  9. purple microdot. not sure where i was then. when there is a kalidiscope in your head and you are flipping out while the walls are moving and people's faces are melting, nothing is creepy, even that song. And you hear shit you never heard before in the music. Far out. That's Richard Harris the actor.
  10. donna summer? heck I must be old. that song was sung by Richard Harris as I remember it: No I did not know it was written by J. Webb. What the hell what that song about? It only made sense on LSD.
  11. Is that the cake that was left out in the rain?
  12. Rumor has it that Jimmy Clausen won't need any of the black-eye stuff to put under his eyes, he makes his own.
  13. I have played football and was in the military yet still think he made a good point about being ranked 59th based upon past performance of our team. It remains to be seen whether that is an "insult" or not. If the team this year thinks it is better than 59th, by all means let that motivate them; but, the OP was making the point that we shouldn't have a sense of entitlement about this ranking just because we are ND - let's focus on getting it done on the field. Rankings are made by people and they are often wrong. We will see by the end of the season whether that ranking was accurate, too low, or too high. But I'm not sure the players are going to get all that motivated by it one way or the other just because they think they might have been dissed by it. Their primary motivation should come from a desire to be the best and to expect to win every damn game they play - to piss excellence - because they are representing the best university in the country.
  14. But no gay deer or cool font? How's a body to know?
  15. Oh, you are talking about when Jesus said that a prophet is not honored in his own town? Yeah, the folks loved that! They tried to throw him off of a cliff to his death.
  16. Ok. I thought is was foreplay. My bad.
  17. The word for that is sargasm. Why is that gay deer's butt right next to the cool face?
  18. I can't tell who is being sarcastic. We need a sarcasm button.
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