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Everything posted by gipper2nd

  1. dangeruss................you are so right about this! half the guys that post here were probably the same ones who thought Illinois wouldn't win even 3 games this season! Maybe the Zooker isn't that bad of a coach after all! Would these same guys want to play them right now............I doubt it. Between the OL & coaching...something needs to be done. The real concern that I have right now is..........does Charlie see any of this? He's told us that he doesn't listen to or watch anything about the team, ( by the media). He also said that he only listens to comments from one assistant, ( I forgot who). Isn't that a little too much of a "head in the sand" attitude?
  2. Everyone is talking about weak links, ( & there are plenty),................& Charlie says he'll play the best guys............My question is: Why does Charlie continually start the same guys? Does he not believe in his own philosophy?
  3. Your right Kid...............but also how many people are going to remember Charlies's quote: " If I don't win an NC in 5 years, they should fire me".?
  4. like I've said before...........this is probably why CW recruited Crist...........He is unsure of Jimmy's arm. Why else would he recruit him? Why else would Crist agree to come here, ( based on everyone's thinking that JC would start for 4 yrs.) ?
  5. Guys...........in my first post I said that my sources said JC was in the bottom two. Then CW announces that he now has a top 3 with one left out. In the mean time a radio show says that someone who is really close to CW says JC is not the QB that they thought he was....If I was a smart guy, ( like CW is), & I didn't want everyone to jump off the bus, wouldn't I change my " 2 front runner QB's by the end of May" to make it 3 front runners so that JC would still seem to be in the mix to start? It just a thought.............but it does have a lot of merit, don't you think?
  6. Long time reader.......1st time poster. Just thought I'd like to pass along what I heard this weekend. Was at a local restaurant & met someone who went to Oaks Christian high school, & said they know people at N.D., & also know J.C. & Marc Tyler quite well. They said that what they heard is that J.C. is in the bottom two of the QB's! This is supposedly from the horses mouth, but I guess we'll find out tomorrow. P.S...........Don't shoot the messenger.
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