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Obamacare vs. the U.S. Constitution

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Rush Limbaugh stating that he received the best health care in the world in Hawaii.



Its mandated "socialized" health care in Hawaii.


What you so conveniently neglected to mention is that it is mandated for employers to provide health care insurance.


You haven't refuted the original post, so I'm guessing you just want to ignore the constitutionality of Obama's health care initiative.

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Rush Limbaugh stating that he received the best health care in the world in Hawaii.



Its mandated "socialized" health care in Hawaii.



The taxpayers weren't the ones stuck with his medical bills because it looks like Rush paid for it himself. http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_010610/content/01125106.guest.html

Edited by mcdougal93
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What you so conveniently neglected to mention is that it is mandated for employers to provide health care insurance.


You haven't refuted the original post, so I'm guessing you just want to ignore the constitutionality of Obama's health care initiative.


Uhm yeah your source is a column from the national review, a conservative magazine. Why would I spend my time refuting your claim, when you couldn't use that source for any research paper. And it is still mandated.


Wasn't free and it looks like the taxpayers didn't foot the bill. Looks like Rush paid for it himself. http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_010610/content/01125106.guest.html


Hes not a resident of Hawaii.

Edited by scintrigue
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Uhm yeah your source is a column from the national review, a conservative magazine. Why would I spend my time refuting your claim, when you couldn't use that source for any research paper.




Hes not a resident of Hawaii.


Sorry, it's not my claim. It's the writer's claim. Why don't you refute the author's claim? Just because he wrote this for NRO doesn't mean he's a "Conservative whack-job".

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When you say "mandated" what do you mean? If an individual/company doesn't pay for health insurance, what happens? Just b/c a law states something doesn't mean: 1) it's enforceable or 2) it actually works the way some reps. want it to.


It is enforceable, and the companies that hope they dont get busted lose employees to other companies. Its been the law for 30 years and only 10% of Hawaii residents dont have health insurance. The drawbacks are lower wages and companies that hire workers under the 20 hr. a week limit.

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If 10% don't have heal insurance, it clearly isn't a fully socialized program. What's the punishment for individuals who don't carry insurance or who reject it from their employer?


Well neither is Obamas plan but don't tell that to the right wingers. That is why I used the "socialized" to put emphasis on the satire. I do not even know what socialism is anymore the way fox news and the right throw it around every chance they get to scare people. I am sure there is no punishment and why would you refuse it from your employer? Does any union worker refuse health care? 10% dont have it because they are 1. not employeed, and 2. work under 20 hrs a week.

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How are we doing?...No more he said she said nonsense I hope...the country will be saved by thousands of people discussing critical issues in places like DD...then going out and putting leaders in place who look to the future with intelligence and common sense instead of trying to build their power base. Stick with reality...it's not that hard to get too...read everything...question everything...nobody get's it right all of the time. Good luck. Our grandchildren will thank you.

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Well neither is Obamas plan but don't tell that to the right wingers. That is why I used the "socialized" to put emphasis on the satire. I do not even know what socialism is anymore the way fox news and the right throw it around every chance they get to scare people.


They call Obama a socialist because he espouses socialist policies.



Most socialists share the view that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth among a small segment of society that controls capital and derives its wealth through exploitation, creates an unequal society, does not provide equal opportunities for everyone to maximise their potential and does not utilise technology and resources to their maximum potential nor in the interests of the public.


Obama told Joe the plumber that we "need to spread the wealth". His VP told America that we need to do our "patriotic duty" and pay high taxes. Every major initiative that has come from the Obama White House has involved taxing the rich to provide "better opportunities" for the poor.

jt allen md
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They call Obama a socialist because he espouses socialist policies.



Most socialists share the view that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth among a small segment of society that controls capital and derives its wealth through exploitation, creates an unequal society, does not provide equal opportunities for everyone to maximise their potential and does not utilise technology and resources to their maximum potential nor in the interests of the public.


jt allen md


Obama has not done anything more socialist than your man Reagan (in some circles called Americas great socialist) or George Bush. But I know, I know when Reagan did something you called it good economic policy, Obama its socialism. I know the talking points now give me the facts on how Obama is a socialist and also explain why some socialism is not a benefit it certain circumstances (Your own words, not some Joe Blow that posts for the hertiage foundation or worldnewsdaily). You wont, I know youll ignore this post because you have to do some hard thinkin' your right wing Blogs wont do for ya.

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Obama has not done anything more socialist than your man Reagan (in some circles called Americas great socialist) or George Bush. But I know, I know when Reagan did something you called it good economic policy, Obama its socialism. I know the talking points now give me the facts on how Obama is a socialist and also explain why some socialism is not a benefit it certain circumstances (Your own words, not some Joe Blow that posts for the hertiage foundation or worldnewsdaily). You wont, I know youll ignore this post because you have to do some hard thinkin' your right wing Blogs wont do for ya.


What did Reagan do that was "socialist." Reagan worked hard by first cutting taxes, firing the federal air traffic controllers union, decreased the size of social government, increased the military budget because Carter had left it in shambles. He got government off of our backs.


How is, in Obama's words, "redistributive justice" not socialist? How is "spreading the wealth" not socialist? How is taking over a private corporation and firing its CEO not socialist? How is taxing the rich more than they already pay (the top 1% pay more than the bottom 90%) not socialist? How is a confiscatory progressive tax system not socialist? (A plank in Marx's Communist writings)


Capitalism is about prosperity and freedom of the individual while socialism is about big government distribution of "fairness" by coercion.


Obama is clearly a socialist. His policies, his speeches, his desire to have free health care for all are socialist policies where you by coercion take from the producers and give to the nonproducers. This is not only immoral but it is what all tyrannical dictators and failed socialist countries have tried. It rewards sloth and punishes success. Take a look at the plank of the socialist party in the U.S. - it reads like an Obama speech. What they want, he wants.


The government does not have Constitutional authority to fine me or anyone else if they choose not to have health insurance yet our socialist-in-chief wants to do just that.


Socialism doesn't work, never has, never will.


As Maggie Thatcher said, "the problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of eveyone else's money."


She got that right.


Anyone who doesn't think Obama is a socialist hasn't studied the subject or any world history and is completely ignorant of economics, human behavior, and how and why capitalism is the greatest system on the face of the earth for increasing everyone's standard of living - if they are willing to work hard and do what they can and should do for themselves to become self-sufficient rather than to be a parasite waiting for a handout from others. People like you and Obama naively and falsely think poor people are poor because rich people are rich. And liberals have been shown to be among the stingiest people on the face of the earth when it comes to giving charity. Take Joe Biden for example. For over nearly a decade when he earned over $200,000 per year, he gave a measly $365 per year to charity; yet, he has the audacity to tell Americans that they don't pay enough taxes to help the less fortunate. That's the hypocrisy of the left - of people like you. You are very compassionate with MY money. Well you and your socialist buddies don't have the right to go beyond the Constitutional function of the federal government to confiscate my money for your useless giveaway programs that end up hurting the very people you think you are helping. We've had enough of you socialists and in November you will hear from us just like they heard from others like us in Massachusetts who love this country and their personal liberty.


How's that for my own thoughts?

Edited by RockneDrive
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Guest irishrick


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What did Reagan do that was "socialist." Reagan worked hard by first cutting taxes, firing the federal air traffic controllers union, decreased the size of social government, increased the military budget because Carter had left it in shambles. He got government off of our backs.


How is, in Obama's words, "redistributive justice" not socialist? How is "spreading the wealth" not socialist? How is taking over a private corporation and firing its CEO not socialist? How is taxing the rich more than they already pay (the top 1% pay more than the bottom 90%) not socialist? How is a confiscatory progressive tax system not socialist? (A plank in Marx's Communist writings)


Capitalism is about prosperity and freedom of the individual while socialism is about big government distribution of "fairness" by coercion.


Obama is clearly a socialist. His policies, his speeches, his desire to have free health care for all are socialist policies where you by coercion take from the producers and give to the nonproducers. This is not only immoral but it is what all tyrannical dictators and failed socialist countries have tried. It rewards sloth and punishes success. Take a look at the plank of the socialist party in the U.S. - it reads like an Obama speech. What they want, he wants.


The government does not have Constitutional authority to fine me or anyone else if they choose not to have health insurance yet our socialist-in-chief wants to do just that.


Socialism doesn't work, never has, never will.


As Maggie Thatcher said, "the problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of eveyone else's money."


She got that right.


Anyone who doesn't think Obama is a socialist hasn't studied the subject or any world history and is completely ignorant of economics, human behavior, and how and why capitalism is the greatest system on the face of the earth for increasing everyone's standard of living - if they are willing to work hard and do what they can and should do for themselves to become self-sufficient rather than to be a parasite waiting for handout from others. People like you and Obama naively and falsely think poor people are poor because rich people are rich. And liberals have been shown to be among the stingiest people on the face of the earth when it comes to giving charity. Take Joe Biden for example. For over nearly a decade when he earned over $200,000 per year, he gave a measly $365 per year to charity; yet, he has the audacity to tell Americans that they don't pay enough taxes to help the less fortunate. That's the hypocrisy of the left - of people like you. You are very compassionate with MY money. Well you and your socialist buddies don't have the right to go beyond the Constitutional function of the federal government to confiscate my money for your useless giveaway programs that end up hurting the very people you think you are helping. We've had enough of you socialists and in November you will hear from us just like they heard from others like us in Massachusetts who love this country and their personal liberty.


How's that for my own thoughts?


HERE HERE!!!!!! :thumb::usa2::rockon::clap:

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you don't like socialism? So I take it you will be sending back your social security check when you retire. And of course, if you happen to get or be unemployed, you'll refuse your unemployment check. And of course there's medicare and medicaid that you won't be using when you're older. Not to mention food stamps, welfare, etc..If you don't think we already have many social programs in this country, you are sadly mistaken. What we have in this country is a mix of capitalism and socialism. The question is, what is the proper mix.

It's interesting that you bring up Margaret Thatcher as England has socialized medicine. As does every other major western "free" country in the world. And let's be honest here, there are already social controls in the medical profession. You have to have a degree to practice it. You can't just decide tomorrow that you will hang out a shingle and start writing scripts. Then there are all the regulations as far as what you can and can't do and all the testing that pharmaceuticals have to go through. These are all programs implemented for "social" reasons. If this were pure capitalism, I could claim these cool placebo pills will cure your cancer, heal your broken heart, and clear up that nasty genital rash.

I am all for capitalism in most things. Competition and survival of the fittest are economically sound principles. With most things, if you don't care for the prices, you can not buy it. Buy something cheaper. But health care is not optional. Currently, there are people in this country who are dying for basic healthcare, but cannot pay for it.

I know this for a fact. I know pelople whoa re making these choices.

This is unacceptable.


when you pick up your mail in the morning, (Tuesday morning as tomorrow is a governmental holiday-ahaha) remember that the mail service is also a "social" program.



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What did Reagan do that was "socialist." Reagan worked hard by first cutting taxes, firing the federal air traffic controllers union, decreased the size of social government, increased the military budget because Carter had left it in shambles. He got government off of our backs.


How is, in Obama's words, "redistributive justice" not socialist? How is "spreading the wealth" not socialist? How is taking over a private corporation and firing its CEO not socialist? How is taxing the rich more than they already pay (the top 1% pay more than the bottom 90%) not socialist? How is a confiscatory progressive tax system not socialist? (A plank in Marx's Communist writings)


Capitalism is about prosperity and freedom of the individual while socialism is about big government distribution of "fairness" by coercion.


Obama is clearly a socialist. His policies, his speeches, his desire to have free health care for all are socialist policies where you by coercion take from the producers and give to the nonproducers. This is not only immoral but it is what all tyrannical dictators and failed socialist countries have tried. It rewards sloth and punishes success. Take a look at the plank of the socialist party in the U.S. - it reads like an Obama speech. What they want, he wants.


The government does not have Constitutional authority to fine me or anyone else if they choose not to have health insurance yet our socialist-in-chief wants to do just that.


Socialism doesn't work, never has, never will.


As Maggie Thatcher said, "the problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of eveyone else's money."


She got that right.


Anyone who doesn't think Obama is a socialist hasn't studied the subject or any world history and is completely ignorant of economics, human behavior, and how and why capitalism is the greatest system on the face of the earth for increasing everyone's standard of living - if they are willing to work hard and do what they can and should do for themselves to become self-sufficient rather than to be a parasite waiting for a handout from others. People like you and Obama naively and falsely think poor people are poor because rich people are rich. And liberals have been shown to be among the stingiest people on the face of the earth when it comes to giving charity. Take Joe Biden for example. For over nearly a decade when he earned over $200,000 per year, he gave a measly $365 per year to charity; yet, he has the audacity to tell Americans that they don't pay enough taxes to help the less fortunate. That's the hypocrisy of the left - of people like you. You are very compassionate with MY money. Well you and your socialist buddies don't have the right to go beyond the Constitutional function of the federal government to confiscate my money for your useless giveaway programs that end up hurting the very people you think you are helping. We've had enough of you socialists and in November you will hear from us just like they heard from others like us in Massachusetts who love this country and their personal liberty.


How's that for my own thoughts?



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you don't like socialism? So I take it you will be sending back your social security check when you retire.


You reveal your ignorance here about what socialism is. First of all, socialism involves taking from those who have worked and produced and giving to those who have worked little or produced nothing by force and the threat of imprisonment if you don't. Social security is something that was forced out of my paycheck first by the government. They took some of my money without my consent that I sweated my ass off to earn and decided that me and millions of other Americans were too stupid and unsophisticated to take care of our own retirement. So the social security system itself it a socialist notion from jumpstreet.


That being said, when the government later in our lives at retirement gives us that money, they are merely giving back to us what WE earned and were forced to give to them. That money is MY money, not YOUR money!


So it is not socialist to get back from mommy and daddy gubmint what you aleady earned.


What is socialist is taking money from the government that you did not earn. Government does not produce a product from which it can receive money - it has to take some of our money to do what it does, so if you get something from the government that you didn't earn and that particular program is not a legitimate, Constitutional function of the federal government, it's legalized theft.


Our Founding Fathers created the Constitution to protect Americans from government as much as from foreign enemies. Milton Friedman aptly wrote about the Constitutional and proper role of the federal government and we should all be willing to pay taxes for the these, but not for unconstitutional social programs that are out of control - you know, entitlement programs. Friedman wrote:


“Fundamentally, there are only two ways of coordinating the economic activities of millions. One is central direction involving the use of coercion. The other is voluntary cooperation of individuals.” “Government has three primary functions. It should provide for military defense of the nation. It should enforce contracts between individuals. It should protect citizens against crimes against themselves or their property.” “When government tries to rearrange the economy, legislate morality, or help special interests, the costs come in inefficiency, lack of innovation and loss of freedom. Government should be a referee, not an active player.”“[G]overnmental measures taken with good intentions and for good purposes often, if not typically, go astray and do harm instead of good. There are many causes for the loss of freedom, but surely a major cause has been the growth of government.”“The most unresolved problem of the day is precisely the problem that concerned the founders of this nation--how to limit the scope and power of government. Tyranny, restrictions on human freedom, come primarily from governmental restrictions that we ourselves have set up.”"


Friedman was right on!


You should study some economics and world history and learn the difference between a command society and a free capitalist society. The primary reason why people all over the world want to come to America is because we are a free people and capitalism, not big-government socialism is what makes us the envy of the world.

Edited by RockneDrive
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