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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Your guess is as good as mine, but I figured it was worth a beer 🍺
  2. Twitter embeds couldn't have started working again at a better time. Thanks for all the shares, @FaithInIrish Forever!
  3. I'm combining the Men's Basketball prospects and commit threads into one megathread. This should help with visibility. I'll get this thread featured so it will show on the homepage when there's new activity going forward. If the activity or demand for basketball content picks up over time, I'll adjust the format as needed. I'd love to raise awareness to more Notre Dame Athletics. Thanks everyone!
  4. The countdown to the season thread is perfect. It's constant activity during the slow period and you're not limited to player numbers. Lots of wiggle room for creativity and types of posts to include. This thread has a chance to hit 50,000 views by the time it ends. 🔥
  5. @FaithInIrish Forever, I love the format you decided to go with for the countdown to this season. It's a great variety of content and I genuinely look forward to checking out the updates when I see a new post. Thanks for doing this.
  6. That had to be an amazing experience. Not many get to experience that in their lifetime!
  7. And YouTube's got you covered!
  8. Hey Faith. Awesome question! The Fall Practice thread should be it's own dedicated topic so it's the main topic of discussion. The more on topic a thread is, the more likely it is to be seen on Google. I've also learned it's better to have longer topics on a subject instead of a bunch of smaller threads like daily practices. 🙌
  9. It drove me nuts for a while since the Twitter embeds being disabled was something out of my control, but such an essential part of sharing information on Domer Domain. I eventually accepted the reality that I might need to look into requiring sharing a snippet from the tweet and a link to it. I'm glad it's not something I need to address yet, but it's so unpredictable right now. I have no idea if it's here to stay or not 🤷‍♂️
  10. That southern drawl is something I will never be able to forget. 😅
  11. HOORAH! I hope it continues, but I'm also not holding my breath. It seems something is breaking everyday with Twitter 😆 I have no idea why it started working for us again. At the same time, there seems to be a whole new slew of sites and platforms where embeds stopped working. It's definitely an interesting ride to be on.
  12. I appreciate you doing this thread (again), Faith! I just featured it. These are high effort and take a big commitment, so whenever you do something like this feel free to 'Feature' it from the get-go 👍. Thanks again! These threads are fantastic.
  13. I'm going to need to get the events updated soon. Thanks for the tag!
  14. Thanks for the added context here, @stay4awhile. I was assuming by the message that it was exclusive to Peacock. That lessons the sting quite a bit.
  15. That's exactly where things are headed, and I understand the necessity of bringing in new subscriptions. This is all fallout from the lockdown. All the streaming services and publishers were swimming in dough and could do no wrong. People were at home all the time, so they all benefited. Now these companies need to force people into the same subscriptions and find ways to keep them subscribed. Locking a team like Notre Dame to peacock does that. My biggest issues with it are the exclusivity factor and their approach. Forcing people to pay for something that they used to get for free is bad business. Period. It should be worth subscribing to because of added value. That's my 2 cents on the matter. It'll bring in a ton of revenue, I'm sure. I just think it's an extremely thing to do. P.S. I recently added a Peacock Ad to the footer. If you decide to sign up for Peacock, please consider using that ad since it will help directly support Domer Domain as well (Peacock looks like they disabled it temporarily)
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