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5th Year Options

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are all eligible for 5th years. Wood and Welch has shown interest in transferring and playing somewhere else for his 5th year.


EDIT: forgot Welch was looking to transfer

Edited by NDhoosier
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are all eligible for 5th years. Wood has shown interest in transferring and playing somewhere else for his 5th year.


Welch and Wood have already announced they are transferring for their 5th year. Do you keep Hendrix as the third stringer or roll the dice with Kizer should EG and Malik both get hurt? Given how jaded we were from the injury bug this year, that decision isn't so clear to me now.


Massa - no way

Nix- He gone

Utopo - not needed/better to spend the scholly on new blood


That leaves Moore, Collinsworth, Lombard, and Heggie. Of those, I think only Heggie is a definite take for a 5th year :horn:


Seriously, the way I see it, we really only have 3 guys that are legit 5th year candidates in Moore, Collinsworth and Lombard with Lombard being a no brainer.

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Bringing back Hendrix would be a horrible mistake. He'd never see the field and would take essential reps away from Kizer and Zaire.


Kizer is redshirting. Basically it would be an extreme case for him to see PT. Furthermore, he will be a scout team guy next year with EG and Malik getting almost 100% of the reps. Like it or not, it seems that Hendrix would be a better gamble as a #3. Given his body of work this year in a back up role however, I tend to agree with you that we cut him loose...if he hasn't cut himself loose already.

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I believe Hendrix stated he was following Martin to Miami of Ohio


Unless he announced it this morning, he hasn't. I believe that's just conjecture and wild guessing on our part on this board. If he actually wants a serious chance to play (no guarantee, though), it would make sense.


It's assumed that Welch is going to play his 5th year at either Cincy or Miami, though. Maybe that's who you were thinking of?

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I see 2 locks to come back in that group


1) Lombard - hope hes healthy

2) Moore - desperate need for ILB and he can play


And I see 3 possibles


3) Collinsworth - started a few games and at worst would be productive spec team player

4) Utopo - if we get some transfers, keep him as depth

5) Hendrix - Don't want to burn Kizers rs, so emergency purposes


I think we fill up with recruiting but with transfers/injury/grades we end up with keeping 3

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