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obama phone!

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This country is on the brink. If this fool is re-elected and we truly are 20 trillion in debt by 2016 our kids are SCREWED. Obama said he would cut the deficit in half, does that make him a liar? Of course it does.


Obama stopped us from building the pipeline from Canada costing thousands of real jobs and making this country more dependent on foreign oil. Why, Rico, why the heck would he do that to this country??? If Obama was our enemy he couldn't have done a better job of bringing us to the brink of ruin. Should we see how long it takes for him to finish the job??? HMMMMMM......


Obama said the attacks on the embassies were not acts of terrorism, but were random acts. (yeah right, complete with mortar, heavy artillery and Al Queda flags) Does he think we're stupid????


Obama said the attacks were over some stupid film on utube even though we now have proof the attacks were planned well before the film came out. Nobody even saw that stupid film. Does that make Obama a liar. Of course it does.


Obama promised to be transparent. He locked the Republicans out of the chambers when he forced through the stimulus. He won't answer questions from congress concerning the guns he sent to the drug cartels. Does that make Obama a liar. Of course it does.


Obama said that he would unite the country that he would be bi-partisan. In fact he has divided the country more then any human being ever. Does that make him a liar? You know the answer to that one nico.


He wanted to try the terrorists in New York City. Does that make him an idiot?? Or just anti-American??


He snubs the Israel prime ministers and gives center stage to a terrorist leader who says he wants to destroy Israel and this is done on Israel's special holy day. Does this make Obama a terrorist. Of course it does.


Obama is for partial birth abortion. Does this make Obama evil or Satanic??


He sent billions of our 'stimulus' dollars over seas, does this make him stupid or is he trying to destroy our economy.


He passes over congress to implement his own mandates. Does this mean he is destroying our constitution?? Of course it does.


Obama flip flops on gay marriage and disses traditional marriage, Jesus Christ and the holy Bible. What does this make Obama??


Obama supports planned parenthood and their attempt to murder babies throughout our country and particularly our black children in the South. When babies survive abortion he doesn't want them to be cared for, but wants them to be put in a room and left to die. He voted for this 3 times as a U.S. Senator. Is he a murderer?? Only if killing babies in their mother's womb is murder.


He doesn't even attend his briefing sessions on national security. He wants to cut the military spending to alarming rates that will cripple our ability to protect ourselve. He mocks the Bible and speaks highly of the 'holy Koran'.


you have a very biased distorted view, im not an obama fan but you are like extreme fox news which is kind of sad. you sound like those 911 conspiracy guys who say bush and company had the two towers wired with explosives. :D


btw we need to stop all spending including military, this middle east bullshit is a drain. f the middle east and f Israel they are just as unenlightened as those arabs. bunch of savages.

Edited by Tenacious_ND
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Paul Ryan was asked by FOX’s Chris Wallace to do the math how he and Mitt Romney would pay for their tax cuts. Ryan’s answer: “Well, I don't have the -- it would take me too long to go through all of that. But let me say it this way: You can lower tax rates by 20% across the board by closing loopholes and still have preferences for the middle class for things like charitable deductions, for home purchases, for health care.” Saying that it would take too long to go through the math only feeds into a terrible narrative for Romney and Ryan:




Sorry, not sure why we should dump a president when there's zero factual information from the opposition.

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You are sick in the head if you think any one is "pro-abortion" muchless "pro-partial birth abortion"


What exactly are they then? You are either ok with abortions happening or you aren't.


If you are pro-choice, aren't you saying you are for abortions being allowed? Doesn't that make you pro-abortion?


Spare me the "Well I don't like them, but women need choice.". It happens over 1,000,000 times a year, it isn't like these are isolated incidents.


Stop trying to clear your conciense by arguing pro-choice and pro-abortion is anything but a semantic difference.

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What exactly are they then? You are either ok with abortions happening or you aren't.


If you are pro-choice, aren't you saying you are for abortions being allowed? Doesn't that make you pro-abortion?


Spare me the "Well I don't like them, but women need choice.". It happens over 1,000,000 times a year, it isn't like these are isolated incidents.


Stop trying to clear your conciense by arguing pro-choice and pro-abortion is anything but a semantic difference.


My conscience is clear cory.


It's not a decision I will ever have to make nor do I pretend to know every circumstance that could lead to pregnancy or abortion.


Abortion rates are also continuing to drop under this administration.

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My conscience is clear cory.


It's not a decision I will ever have to make nor do I pretend to know every circumstance that could lead to pregnancy or abortion.


Abortion rates are also continuing to drop under this administration.


Who said they aren't dropping. Hopefully one day they will be at zero.


My point was those who try to argue they are pro-choice, not pro-abortion, as though there is a difference.


Im glad you've never had to make such a choice, but that doesn't change the nature of the argument.

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Im glad you've never had to make such a choice, but that doesn't change the nature of the argument.


Proud parent like yourself.


I stand by my statement that there is a difference between "Pro-choice" and "Pro-Abortion"


Pro-abortion is a bs political statement.

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Do you know what a Republican talking point is?????? It is a factual statement that exposes Obama. Plain and simple. The grace period ended long ago. You can't blame it on Bush any more. Obama said Bush was wreckless and irresponsible for his 4 trillion in debt over 8 years, so Obama adds 6 trillion in just over 3 years. So is that wreckless???


This country is on the brink. If this fool is re-elected and we truly are 20 trillion in debt by 2016 our kids are SCREWED. Obama said he would cut the deficit in half, does that make him a liar? Of course it does.


Obama stopped us from building the pipeline from Canada costing thousands of real jobs and making this country more dependent on foreign oil. Why, Rico, why the heck would he do that to this country??? If Obama was our enemy he couldn't have done a better job of bringing us to the brink of ruin. Should we see how long it takes for him to finish the job??? HMMMMMM......


Obama said the attacks on the embassies were not acts of terrorism, but were random acts. (yeah right, complete with mortar, heavy artillery and Al Queda flags) Does he think we're stupid????


Obama said the attacks were over some stupid film on utube even though we now have proof the attacks were planned well before the film came out. Nobody even saw that stupid film. Does that make Obama a liar. Of course it does.


Obama promised to be transparent. He locked the Republicans out of the chambers when he forced through the stimulus. He won't answer questions from congress concerning the guns he sent to the drug cartels. Does that make Obama a liar. Of course it does.


Obama said that he would unite the country that he would be bi-partisan. In fact he has divided the country more then any human being ever. Does that make him a liar? You know the answer to that one nico.


He wanted to try the terrorists in New York City. Does that make him an idiot?? Or just anti-American??


He snubs the Israel prime ministers and gives center stage to a terrorist leader who says he wants to destroy Israel and this is done on Israel's special holy day. Does this make Obama a terrorist. Of course it does.


Obama is for partial birth abortion. Does this make Obama evil or Satanic??


He sent billions of our 'stimulus' dollars over seas, does this make him stupid or is he trying to destroy our economy.


He passes over congress to implement his own mandates. Does this mean he is destroying our constitution?? Of course it does.


Obama flip flops on gay marriage and disses traditional marriage, Jesus Christ and the holy Bible. What does this make Obama??


Obama supports planned parenthood and their attempt to murder babies throughout our country and particularly our black children in the South. When babies survive abortion he doesn't want them to be cared for, but wants them to be put in a room and left to die. He voted for this 3 times as a U.S. Senator. Is he a murderer?? Only if killing babies in their mother's womb is murder.


He doesn't even attend his briefing sessions on national security. He wants to cut the military spending to alarming rates that will cripple our ability to protect ourselve. He mocks the Bible and speaks highly of the 'holy Koran'.


A lot of people refuse to see and deal with the truth, but that is our responsibility if we are going to keep this country free.


If we vote for this man. Are we as guilty as he is rico??????


First off. Who the hell is Rico??? Can you provide some links for me please. You threw out a ton of talking points again. AND YOU STILL HAVEN'T ANSWERED ANY OF MY QUESTIONS.. Our embassies were attacked 12 times under Bush. And during his watch. Thousands of people were killed in NYC. He had knowledge of a pending attack yrs in advance and sat on his ass and did nothing. We're you outraged then? Your spitting talking points as facts. And a little research will go a long way my friend.. PS. Dude you really need to quit watching Fox News. It's making you sound like a maniac. Oh and ppl that watch fox news were found to be the most uninformed group out there. Relax. Take a deep breath. It's ok.

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What exactly are they then? You are either ok with abortions happening or you aren't.


If you are pro-choice, aren't you saying you are for abortions being allowed? Doesn't that make you pro-abortion?


Spare me the "Well I don't like them, but women need choice.". It happens over 1,000,000 times a year, it isn't like these are isolated incidents.


Stop trying to clear your conciense by arguing pro-choice and pro-abortion is anything but a semantic difference.


not really you could be for abortion in certain cases but not as a means of birth control. i do find it funny that a significant portion of people that are against any type of abortion love life until their tax dollars have to pay for that life :D its like life is so precious until it pops out of the womb then F em!


Edited by Tenacious_ND
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Here is a full list of Obama's seven 'present' votes on issues related to abortion:


1997 Votes


SB 230 Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act. Senate approved bill 44-7, with five senators voting present, including Obama.


HB 382 Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act. House version, passed Illinois State Senate, adopted as law. Under the bill, doctors who perform partial-birth abortions could be sent to prison for one to three years. The woman would not be held liable.


2001 Votes

HB 1900 Parental Notice of Abortion Act. Bill passed 38-10, with nine present votes, including Obama.


SB 562 Parental Notice of Abortion Act. Bill passed Senate 39-7, with 11 present votes, including Obama.


SB 1093 Law to protect Liveborn children. Bill passed 34-6, with 12 present, including Obama.


SB 1094 Bill to protect children born as result of induced labor abortion. Bill passed 33-6, with 13 present, including Obama.


SB 1095 Bill defining "born alive" defines "born-alive infant" to include infant "born alive at any stage of development." Bill passed 34-5, with nine present, including Obama.

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