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Everything posted by Jim2Dokes

  1. Are there snowflakes falling? Wow! Really? I appreciate your service, but this is stupid. Boo! That aoc gonna getcha! Lol one of 435, talk to your rep child
  2. I’m liking the bulldogs more than the gators right now. But, the score still needs to be counted. Maybe if Clemson has more points this weekend, ND can sue and we can still pull it out. It’s not over ever.
  3. For a Manhattan the best choice is a rye to balance the vermouth. A economical rye to go with a Manhattan would be Bullit. A good economic drink to sip on straight is wild turkey 101 for me. I do enjoy a good Irish whiskey aged as Pjacks stayed. There’s a lot of good whiskeys out there.
  4. My favs from Ny are Equilibrium, other half and foreign objects.
  5. Yeah, academic issues. Which could unfortunately mean a transfer at the end of the year judging by past history of ND.
  6. I have no idea what you are talking about on what to defend. You have something new everyday, make comments like “just wait for..” then nothing happens. Might as well argue with the guy down the street with the Jesus sign.
  7. If that’s all he’s got, it is best to wait a few years if ND gives him the coach in waiting guarantee. Vandy is and always will be a dead end job.
  8. I knew already, but then I watched OSU game and ND has minimal speed at the WR position. Those OSU receivers were flying breaking their routes. ND should grab a full back and run power I with this team, oline is game I am sure.
  9. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
  10. http://Trump Hey, at least a broken clock strikes right 2x a day. One of these days you will be right with your conspiracy theories. Unfortunately, you have said some pretty grotesque things about people you know nothing about. There has to be something in your bible about that. This shows the only person running for office with a relationship. 49 million have voted.
  11. Something angry people on the right do to get more angry.
  12. Here’s your boy leading the country: "Trump has taken onboard this idea that you never say you’ve made a mistake. If you’re a commander-in-chief, the people that work for you in the military know that not only can mistakes be made but they will be made," Schmitt said. "This inability to own up to the mistake of retweeting has to shake the confidence of those in the military about [his] judgment," he said. https://thehill.com/policy/defense/521511-trump-digs-in-on-conspiracy-theory-over-bin-laden-raid https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.politico.com/amp/news/2020/09/08/trump-military-defense-industry-booster-410396 Here he is draining that swamp, Eisenhower would be proud Meanwhile you can’t make this up: https://news.yahoo.com/ohio-printing-company-overwhelmed-mail-141518596.html Who’s corrupt? I could go all day. Have yet to see ANYONE from the Obama admin locked up. There are several from Trumps camp. He’s in power, yet the only law and order seems to be around his door. Many cops on here support him, shouldn’t you be investigating crimes in your neighborhood and not QAnon boards? https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/18/politics/gretchen-whitmer-lara-trump-cnntv/index.html Oh that’s just the fbis problem, this whole right wing terrorist thing.
  13. I truly do not want to hate on ND or Kelly. I believe he is a top tier coach and struck a gold mine in Clark Lea. However, Sagan has an ex head coach, nfl coord ect and Sweeney has a guy who has been apart of coaching offense for 20 years.
  14. 6 is a really good point, this FSU vs UNC game is huge in that respect. If UNC loses and ND gets blasted by Clemson and beats UNC, basically guaranteed a second shot at Clemson.
  15. Yeah and if ND beat LU by 40 we would look like a top 4 team right now lol. UNC has a great coach, but really at most a top 20 team at best with all the conferences. They are living off that close Clemson game and Mack Brown. No doubt Mack will bring them to a top 10 eventually (really top 10), he’s a great coach look at Texas now.
  16. UNC are well coached, but paper tigers. The real tiger is Clemson. The only team in the country that has showed any consistency during these times.
  17. The most comparable team, because Clemson is on another level. I don’t discount the game plan of BK getting the receivers involved, however it is telling that Book made his money on Boykin and Claypool.
  18. 27 million despite voter suppression and long lines due to voter suppression. Next Tuesday numbers will spike to unprecedented levels. I guess technically they already are at unprecedented levels, but the number will grow bigly. I predict.... 85 million before Election Day. My guess is not a good number for the GOP, they are banking on Election Day, hopefully the weather holds up. What’s forecast where y’all are living? I have been fortunate to travel through some swing states that I went through 4 years ago. Seeing a good 50-50 signs that were heavily favored for Trump 4 years ago. Mainly, door count wi, northeast MI, and northern in. This is how I know Trump will lose Mi and Wi, Indiana is GOP country nowadays. They don’t care about their pocketbook.
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