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  1. Why do SEC schools take so long to offer these top players?
  2. Exactly why I posted about him. Since, he won’t be committing to us at this game.
  3. Peyton Woodyard, why did it seem like we completely stoped recruiting him?
  4. All of these players out and still give up 31+ lmao, nothing changes!
  5. I love Freeman and his recruiting. Though, Kelly didn’t lose games like this!! I don’t understand what these coaches saw in these QBs lmao
  6. I went to his last game, but the competition is so weak. Though, you could see how strong his arm is. Had a few slick throws.
  7. Where the hell is Tobias or dion? Why do we struggle with developing top wide outs!
  8. Still can’t figure out why Freeman didn’t go after more offensive transfers 🤦‍♂️
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