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Texas Rose

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  1. Wow! What a topic! Tim told me about this thread and asked me to join in bc it is pretty much my favorite topic and the raison d'etre of the meaning of life. With respect to the Moderator's request that we speak of what we ourselves believe, and the most basic question is of God's existence, I will start here with what I believe. Nature can only magnify its source. Examine the constellations, the earth, land forms of mountains, desert, jungle, and all the earths creatures from the smallest bug to the magnificent creation of man. The more we learn, the more awe inspiring the brilliant, intricate, ordered, precisely interdependent infinite systems and creatures we see. The art speaks eloquently of the Artist. And the Artist tugs at me with His amazing testimony through His art.
  2. Shame on you with your disrespectful pictures of a naked old man and pictures that denigrate the dignity of women by portraying them as objects of lust. You are dealing with God's highest and holy creation. You have heard that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, have you not? Do you think you can do this and not have to answer to God for it? Your disrespect of my husband and women with these pictures cannot diminish their innate dignity. Your laughter smacks of a group of 4th grade bullies. We have referred to scientists, political figures, military personnel and UN conferences. Man up if you want to be in this discussion and step up to the plate with solid evidence of your own: If you can't --- and if the truth matters to you --- maybe its time to listen.
  3. This is an up close and personal testimony of a plane mechanic. You have a right to be informed for the health and freedom of your family and our country. Be sure to check out the video! Look up Airline Mechanic blows the whistle on chem trail operation.
  4. I recommend that all parties step away from destructive verbal jabs. How about these guidelines: If someone has a point to make, make it with referring to objective science and first person testimony of those in the know. If someone wants to comment on the information someone else posted, they must first go to the site referred to and read/see and or listen to it to give an informed response? Only informed comments can be constructive and reasonable if indeed the truth is the honest goal. What do you say?
  5. The first time I heard about this, I thought the person talking about it might be paranoid. But I know - and don't you? - that sometimes truth is really stranger than fiction. So, yes, let's go to the scientists! Google "Kristen Meghan" a former armed forces scientist who's job it was to manage chemicals used by the military to keep military people and the environment safe. I challenge you for your sake, but much more for our children. See what message Kristen is urgently trying to get to us.
  6. Thank you Hawaii!!! And Scotty, maybe somewhere in there you have a point. Although I doubt you intended it. and you didn't face or respond respectfully to my post, you actually proved my point in a backward way by your sarcasm and insinuation that I am prejudice in favor of Tim. You guessed right. I married my Tim almost 3 years ago now. Your insinuation that this prejudices me is correct. In many cases when people are married this long, the addage "familiarity breeds contempt," would ring true. So Tim must be a heck of a guy for me to tell you the opposite; that he is my soul mate and holds my love and admiration. And yes, in addition to Tim's leukemia and the chemo he endures with difficult side effects every day, I was diagnosed with advanced cancer in October. And do you know what? I couldn't have a better man at my side. I will thank you to treat my husband with the respect he deserves. God Bless You, Texas Rose
  7. Hey, Oklahoma Irish! Don't mind them! When one person makes fun of another, it is reflective of THEM. If they had something constructive and respectful to say, I would listen. If they also had a record of uncannily correct predictions of scores, wins, and players, I would listen even more. But they don't. YOU do! That's one reason I'm your biggest fan, with love, The Texas Rose
  8. All other human rights are based upon these rights in the bill of rights.
  9. The right to Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is basic and universal.
  10. I understand the question. No doubt that rape and incest are among the most heinous violent crimes. In fact, in my estimation, they may be worse than murder, because of the tremendous cross survivors must endure. Yet praised be Jesus Christ in Whom the greatest suffering always becomes a conduit for healing, strength, compassion and the victory of love. It is true that the Catholic Church champions the sacredness of human life from conception to death unequivically. Put simply, I will quote Dr. Suess who got it right, "A person's a person, no matter how small." Life is always an awesome sacred gift given by God. We are sparks of eternity! NEVER are we judges of anyone or any group of person's, (Jews, African citizens, old, handicapped, unborn, or any other person's), worthiness to live. " Thou shalt not kill ", no matter how man wants to change or rationalize it, is not God's suggestion. There are NO illegitimate children, only sometimes illegitimate relationships. The child is always wanted and created by God hand, and He is the only One Who can call them home. Because all human life is sacred, the woman or girls who is a victim of rape or incest is not helped in the least by killing her child. It doesn't erase the violence done to her, it only preys on her suffering and causes her to be complicit in the violent and painful act of killing her own child. Rape or incest she did not agree to, but with this act she is forced to live with her act of violence toward her child. Adoption is often a healing and courageous choice in such a case. I will get to the US law and Catholic Church next.
  11. Have you SEEN this movie? Whether you are republican, democrat, tea party, or independent, if you are interested in indisputable facts about the identity and agenda of this president, you will find them in the movie. Please don't vote in the dark when the future of our free country depends upon each one of us.
  12. I urge everyone who loves our Country to see this movie. You will see the incontravartable facts that are well documented and whatever side of the fence you are on, you will come away with a keen understanding of Obama's history and his life view. Then his denial of the pipeline, spending us into subservience to our debtors, mandates that illegally usurp congresses power and process and slap us with greater burdens of debt and laws, weakening of our military, funnelling of arms to drug cartels and ?, denial of his circle of closest friends and mentors, absolute irresponsibility, vast secrecy and arrogant absence of accountability with "stimulus" funds, strange coldness and animosity to Israel while coddeling those countries that bully and threaten her, and astounding disrespect for those who build small business, and his encouragement of division and jealousy among races and classes -- well - it all makes sense. In Obamas own words that he thought were off mic to the Russian leader - he promised much more "leverage" after he is re elected. Because of one of his "mandates" which is his self made edict, Catholic institutions like schools and hospitals are being forced to either close or drop their employees insurance rather than violate our conscience. If this is what Obama will do in an election year prior to reelection, what will he do after when he thinks he will have greater "leverage???"
  13. The truth will set us free - and keep us free. Those who stick their head in the sand become a part of the problem. Those who have the courage to see the truth and love their country and their freedom will take the time to watch this. See for yourself how unembellished and meticulously careful the author is to stick to facts. The truth is full of hope, because we still, at least at this election , have our vote.
  14. Who wants to argue with the facts, or worse, refuse to see them and yet presumes to judge what they refused to see? The author of this movie carefully, and without embellishment reveals and backs up facts that are sobering. If the truth is your conquest, why do you fear carefully substantiated facts?
  15. Though I am not the expert you all seem to be, perhaps I have a thought to consider... Hasn't Charlie Weis fought an uphill battle, seeing as the recruiting program that had been in place before he came left the future wanting for the proper talent? I understand that a good program takes time to build from scratch - this is so under the most skilled coach. For those who subscribe to a winning score as the ultimate measure of success, it is only fair to give Charlie time. My view goes deeper than that. It is realistic, (I don't think pessimistic), to say that the team the past few years has not won a majority of games. But where I come from, family loves you no matter what. They believe in you when the chips are down. They don't condemn you when you make mistakes. They challenge you to take courage, be someone of integrity who God can work through, learn from your experience and be the very best you can be. They give you the sense that as much fun as having the highest score is, real winning is found in this winning spirit. They cheer you on! In the case of the Notre Dame family, as long as faith in Christ unites us -Charlie Weis, the Team, and the Fans have something that the other teams cannot touch and cannot take. Even the recent events revealing the abdicating of faith by some in the administration who are supposed to be leaders cannot silence the throng singing the song of Our Lady!!! Long live the family of Notre Dame! :grouphug::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: Texas Rose
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