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  1. Stop the ad hominem please it is pointless because you know nothing about me and I am certainly not the jerk here. I have a right to call you a bigot because that is what you are. Feel free to look up the definition. And I have a right to criticize your beliefs because your beliefs interfere with others. And yes, you have condemned gays and insulted them, please don't act like you haven't. You think gay people don't feel insulted when you refuse to acknowledge their right to get married as equal citizens? Do you think they don't feel condemned when you have no problem asserting that God hates them and openly believe they are sinful?
  2. And to the "hate the sin, not the sinner" people: You are nearly as intolerant as our friend AlabamaDuck. Being gay is not a choice and this is a fact so it isn't up for debate and shouldn't be condemned. To me, hearing you guys talk like this sounds like someone a judging an obese people with a thyroid condition making themselves feel warm and accepting by saying, "Oh we condemn the overeating, but not the person overeating." IT IS WHO THEY ARE. Can't you just ignore this gay bible crap like you ignore the Leviticus laws condemning shavers and at least be as morally upstanding as you pretend to be?
  3. Believing in the Bible to be the literal word of God is quite ignorant, non-productive, and is useful only to impose your own beliefs on others saying it's from God. You know where it says being gay is an abomination? You should, you like to preach that nonsense because you were brought up being force-fed this stuff about gays being immoral. (It's in Leviticus by the way). Bigots like you who never bother to turn the page reminds me of how religion can be and unfortunately too often is used as a tool for spreading injustice and hatred. (And I apologize if the tone sounds like name-calling, but in all actuality you are the definition of a bigot and you seem proud of it.) Literally on the next page of your bible: Leviticus 19:27 27 You shall not round off the side-growth of your heads nor harm the edges of your beard. So Mr. AlabamaDuck, have you ever shaved? Yes? I see, well done using the Bible to help you be a bigot. So what was that about hypocrites? And by the way, do you not even know what religion you follow? You are pronouncing your own religion wrong. It's Baptist, not Babtist.
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