Outgoing Players Jaden Mickey, DB Tyson Ford, DL, Cal Aiden Gobaira, DL Deion Colzie, WR Jayden Thomas, WR Sam Pendleton, OL - Tennessee Rocco Spindler, OL Pat Coogan, OL Ty Chan, OL Benjamin Morrison, CB - NFL Draft Xavier Watts, S - NFL Draft Howard Cross III, DL - NFL Draft Beaux Collins, WR - NFL Draft Mitch Jeter, K - NFL Draft Rylie Mills, DL - NFL Draft Mitchell Evans, TE - NFL Draft Incoming Players DeVonta Smith, DB Alabama Malachi Fields, WR Virginia Will Pauling, WR
Domerhomer - you tried to be a nice guy and credit your source. And see what it got you? Paid sites have no expectation that info on their sites will remain solely within their control. Copying whole articles is not proper, but repeating what you saw or heard is not actionable at law. Complete nonsense. But to avoid the hassle in the future, just share the info, not where you got it - if its from that same anal retentive site.