2026 Notre Dame Commits, Offers, and Prospects The target number is ~25Β recruits for this year (7 Verbals, ?Β EEs [^]) : Β Overall 247 Composite Rankings: Total Points - #? Overall and Player Avg. - #? Overall 247: Notre Dame 2026 Football Offers 247: 2026 Football Recruiting Composite Team Rankings Β QB (1) FL QBΒ Noah GrubbsΒ [ND Verbal]: 247 Composite 4* 0.93 Β RB (2) TX RBΒ Davian GroceΒ [Offer]: 247 Composite 4* 0.96 GA RB Jonaz Walton [Offer]: 247 Composite 4* 0.95 PA RB Messiah Mickens [Offer,
Someone mentioned to me the possibility of USC coach Pete Carroll taking over the Arizona Cardinals months ago, and I reported it. Now I'm hearing the rumblings again. Carroll wants to prove that he can succeed at football's highest level. He's a West Coast guy who never really fit in with the New England Patriots and New York Jets. Coaching the Arizona Cardinals? I'm told Carroll would consider that. Sources tell me that Arizona will fire Dennis Green, so it looks as if the job certainly will be open. Carroll would listen to the Cardinals if the money is right ($4-5 million a year). And Carroll would want control of the works. Arizona would need to consider Carroll, given his relationship with the franchise's face for the future: Matt Leinart. If Leinart is happy, the Cardinals figure to get better, which is vital if the franchise hopes to keep filling that new stadium.
Found this over on Sproting news and this is the second time I have reads about this.Sounds like Petey is really think about it guys.Wonder what it will do to SC recruiting If Petey doesn't come out and say it isn't so.