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Good Article on Elko's 3rd down D


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The one thing that strikes is that none of his attacking includes down linemen stunting. Everybody, linemen and linebackers, goes full bore ahead. Our D linemen for the past three years have been doing a ton of half a$$ed stunts that never got there.


In the Lab: Elko on 3rd Down


Yeah I remember hearing this when Tenuta took over. I only care about results.

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Yeah I remember hearing this when Tenuta took over. I only care about results.


I hear you. I think Tenuta did a lot more blitzes by a defensive back covering the slot receiver than Elko will do. I don't know whether Tenuta did that as aprt of his scheme or because Mo Crum was weak. Morgn is a much better atlhete than Crum..


I think one of the concerns is explosiveness of the down linemen. You have to get penetration quickly for this scheme to work. I also think they need another explosive guy at inside linebacker to go along with Morgan. I don't see Martini being that kind of player. We'll see.


The last thing is needing a safety that won't miss when they bring linebacker pressure and the opposing O runs through an open gap. Jalen Elliot missed a tackle in this very scenario early in the spring game and Josh Adams was off to the races.

Edited by Frankus
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I hear you. I think Tenuta did a lot more blitzes by a defensive back covering the slot receiver than Elko will do. I don't know whether Tenuta did that as aprt of his scheme or because Mo Crum was weak. Morgn is a much better atlhete than Crum..


I think one of the concerns is explosiveness of the down linemen. You have to get penetration quickly for this scheme to work. I also think they need another explosive guy at inside linebacker to go along with Morgan. I don't see Martini being that kind of player. We'll see.


The last thing is needing a safety that won't miss when they bring linebacker pressure and the opposing O runs through an open gap. Jalen Elliot missed a tackle in this very scenario early in the spring game and Josh Adams was off to the races.


Yes he did. Obviously Tenuta fell under a different coaching era, but it's still the same. HC brings in new coaches and claims all will be well, when in fact its the HC who needs to be replaced.

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Yes he did. Obviously Tenuta fell under a different coaching era, but it's still the same. HC brings in new coaches and claims all will be well, when in fact its the HC who needs to be replaced.


JFC, again? Give it a rest

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This thread could have been a discussion about why people were skeptical, or optimistic based on understanding the scheme from the article and ND's personnel. There are questions about personnel, but those questions-and who may be in the mix to make it work or not- are at least more interesting than these ad homenum attacks. The other problem with a new scheme is understanding and executing discipline to stay in lanes. That lack of discipline, along with personnel like John Ryan and Mo Crum-likeable guys but not elite defenders- is why Tenuta's scheme didn't do well. Do we have enough explosive defenders and will they be disciplined enough to make it work? We'll see. But it is interesting to examine change, or at least it could be if there was more good faith in addressing the particular elements that make it work or not.

Edited by Frankus
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Let's not forget our DL dropping into coverage...


Agreed. It was a very predictible, unexplosive ineffective use of personnel. In fact, I'd say it is Exhibit A of how not to use your personnel effectively. I can't tell you how often I'd see Sheldon Day- one of the most explosive penetration linemen we've had in a long time- dropping back in coverage and just shake my head at the sheer stupidity of it. It never fooled QB's and neutralized our best pass rusher.

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I would add to the fact that it seemed that they tried to fit square pegs into round holes to make their system work. Your example: John Ryan. Didn't have the right personal, and yet we kept putting guys into key positions that would had never played those positions if they were on another team.


It wasn't as bad with BVG in that regard, but I think he was still very stubborn on his playcalling and its lingo.

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