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Top 5 reasons to expect a good 2017!

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Yes we seem to have had a hundred threads on the top reasons we have sucked , and will continue to suck till the dawn of time!


Its really getting old---as the saying goes " whats done is done"



Last year was a nightmare-- but 2015 was a lot of fun and extremely hopeful until the final games.


I simply see NO PERCENTAGE as an ND fan to give up before we even start this next season....


Yes we can draw conclusions from the past but nothing is set in granite from past disappointments.....


Yes if I was a betting man putting money on 7 wins or even 8 wins would be the thing to do....


But there are GOOD reasons to hope for much better---


10-3 and a top 15 rank






The highest ranked player on our team is the most important player , the QB!


And under Kelly our QBs usually start out about as good as they ever get-- no reason to expect Wimbush cannot deliver a strong season right out of the gate.





We have fielded a 4 star offense for many years---to be frank the offense has played well enough that despite defensive problems we could have won perhaps another 8 games that got frittered away with poor game planning and poor game day decisions and adjustments---lots of close losses could have easily fallen our way had not BK made some problematic moves.....


With our new & talented OC chip long there is a real chance we will NOT blow games with play calling and strategy but instead win a couple we might not have,,,,


OFFENSE has been the strength of ND under Kelly and he has gotten in the way of his own success on many occasions.....


The scheme will be changed the offensive rhythm changed the play calling changed YET WE STILL HAVE A 4 STAR OFFENSE WITH TALENT!


We may end up much happier with our new look offense. And field a potent attack with less mistakes and better close out skills.


4 star offense could shine in 2017




We have fielded a 4 star offense over the years but a 3 star defense---now lots of good solid defenses are 3 star talent---MSU was loaded with 3 stars during their strong defensive run.....


Unfortunately for us our 3 star defense has played all too often like a ONE STAR DEFENSE..... just a mess...especially over these last seasons....


Coaching changes have a REAL SHOT at fixing that.....without an elite pass rusher and a 5 star or two on the DLINE we clearly have limits----BUT there is no reason to see a repeat of the DEBACLE of BVG----


A strong solid defense to compliment a 4 STAR OFFENSE could have a massive effect on our productivity as a team and greatly enhance our ability to WIN GAMES!!!!!




The new conditioning potential under our new regime could have HUUGE effects in the teams ability to play 4 quarters and 13 games without fading so predictably.....


Conditioning is not flashy but may be one of the most important changes of the off season and could pay tremendous dividends on the field.





Nothing like a fresh start , nothing like a fresh perspective ---and we have that in spades from the players and through the entire coaching staff...


I expect greater focus and energy top to bottom on this team ----and wanting to win may not help a weak team---BUT A HIGH LEVEL OF WANT TO on a team with a talented roster and a 4 star offense across the board could translate directly in to extra wins!!



Bottom line


I think we can win 10 games--- and I refuse to go into this season BITCHING AND WHINING and convinced all is lost before we even kick off---


After all fellas there will be plenty of time to complain and despair if we start out 3-3....


No reason to start the bitchorama prematurely


Football is a funny game---KELLY HAS MADE SOME GOOD CHANGES and has a talented roster-- those two could combine and very well pay off with wins....


For me---I will go into the season with optimism and an open mind--


Easter is the time for resurrection and perhaps we can see that for ND in 2017---


Nothing is set in stone and we may be pleasantly shocked to see what NO BVG ON DEFENSE AND NO BONEHEAD KELLY MOVES ON OFENSE could produce---namely more wins!




Go Irish

Happy Easter

Edited by hawaiiirish
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My 5 reasons to Bolster my hopes


1. Strength and conditioning- I'm in the minority because I thought there were plenty of good plays called last year. To me execution was a factor. Better conditioned athletes have a better chance to execute late in games.


2. I like our chances to run the ball better. I don't mean more necessarily.


Chip Long's option scheme will combine the run and screen pass and the run and quick pass alot. Alot of Sanders yards will be passing yards that you could easily think of as runs. I think the line will be better, I think yards per carry will improve. I think at the end of the year because of the pass option game we will say we were unbalanced when its just because of amount of screens and short passes.



3. Elko- To me he has shown that fundamentals are important. Diaco did this too. I look for ND to allow a good deal of yards but less points.


4. Special Teams- One voice, one coach, heading up ST. The key will be communication and of course just finding a way for ST to help ND and not hurt the team.


5. Streamlining- No more 3 bosses on offense. No More 9 coaches on ST. Less distance between the defense and the head coach.

I've NOT ALWAYS been right but I DO feel good about 2017 . 2016 gave me a uneasy feeling even prior to its start..

Edited by FaithInIrishForever
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Hawaii - clear and in depth - thanks. It is great to see you salvage the old half full approach. We both have followed for long enough, with many ups and downs. While it is easy to get down, we have to remember the immortal words of Ruby and the Romantics, "Our Day Will Come."

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“My original plan was to never de-commit because I thought that was bad,” Werner says. “But I say some things I will not do and I wind up doing them.”


‘There’s a lot of life left after football’


Werner visited Notre Dame three times in the first seven weeks of the 2016 season, but it wasn’t the start of the Fighting Irish’s disappointing 4-8 campaign that soured him on a future in South Bend. Rather, he said, it was the negative energy that emanated from the program’s players during his visits that caused him to consider looking elsewhere.


“I was on a visit and stayed with the players and they didn’t have good things to say about the program,” he said. “I’m a freshman and they’re juniors and seniors. Going into a program, am I going to go there for four years and not like what I’m doing?”



I hope this has changed



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DL clearly could have used a five star dynamic player to build on----NONETHELESS would "bet the house" the defense will be better then what we had under BVG----true that's not saying much but better is going to translate to more wins how much better -- and how many more wins is the question....



As far as "whistling through the graveyard"


I fully expect to see most analysts not whistling and still pegging us in the top 25 pre-season despite the mess of 2016....


The Roster is just TOO TALENTED to see as a "GRAVEYARD"!



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I think offensively it all hinges on Wimbush. If he gets hurt it could be another lost year. If he plays well-and if we can solve the red zone issues Kelly's had the entire time- we could be productive. Defensively, we are weak in talent and depth. Teams are going to score a lot of points, but hopefully less than last year.


It could be an average or decent year. There are no signs we're getting back into NC contention.

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There is no way we're going to be a NC contending team. So, as a fan it comes down to being content with the hope that we're going from awful to average.


Why is there no way? Is ND likely to be the best team in the nation any time soon? No. But ND played for a title in 2012. They were 1 win away from potentially being in the playoffs in 2015.


We all get this isn't the heyday of the ND football, but they've been in the talk for titles in two of the last 5 years. No, they weren't the country's best team in those years, but they were in contention.


If K-State goes 12-0 in 2012, ND plays them for the title and likely wins. You don't have to be the best team to win a National Title. You have to be really good and get a few good bounces.

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