2025 Notre Dame Commits, Offers, and Prospects The target number is ~27 recruits for this year (24 Verbals, ? EEs [^]) : Overall 247 Composite Rankings: Total Points - #? Overall and Player Avg. - #? Overall 247: Notre Dame 2025 Football Offers 247: 2025 Football Recruiting Composite Team Rankings QB (1) CT QB Blake Hebert [ND Verbal ^]: 247 Composite 4* 0.89 RB (1) NJ RB Nolan James Jr. [ND Verbal ^]: 247 Composite 3* 0.87 WR (3) GA WR Antavious Richardson [ND Verbal ^]: 247 Composite 4
Even our most "addicted to BUMMERISM "----posters can't muster much energy to complain about the defense---it has been simply terrific.
It does seem unlikely though that we can continue to win consistently without some more punch from our anemic offense.
A full slate of deficiency ranging from the QB position to the RB position to the OLINE, and yes even the TE spot is struggling---starting from the less severe to the most problematic---
TE---we really have gotten NOTHING out of Koyack & NIcklas---since game one Nicklas has disappeared from view-- and to make matters worse our TE production has been doubly slowed down becuause Eifert has just not been the same since he had his bell wrung---Despite his big catch at the end of michigan there has been a major fall off since purdue and the incident.--Hopefully that will be behind him after two weeks more rest!
RB---There we have carries for THEO averaging 3.5 which although featured some timely & tough runs has overall been NOTHING LIKE LAST YEARS COMBO EFFORTS FROM WOOD & GRAY!!___
QB---We have seen some serious struggles from the redshirt ---and although tommy has come in to do some good things to keep everetts slate clean there really has been no fire from the QB spot---and i don't expect Tommy to turn this offense into something explosive--
OLINE--these guys have been a disappointment--just UNABLE to dominate any of the three big ten lines even for part of the game--
All of this is interrelated----Last year Tommy had several things going on in this offense that helped us move the ball that have been just not there this year---NO EXPLOSIVE RUNNING GAME--damn we had alot of long runs in 2011 and alot of corners turned for nice gains---NO FLOYD---the Wr position is truly struggling----Daniels WILL BE GOOD but is still finding himself---Goodman had two or three big catches but thats the ONLY catches---TJ & Toma have had the best moments but none of that is anything to get excited about---Brown--we have tried that go route 3 times and missed a TD and got a pick INT---Neal/ Smith/ ETC---NOTHING!
Inexperienced WRs and a lackluster Running game HAVE NOT HELPED MR GOLSON the way jonas gray/ Cierre Wood & MIchael helped last years offense move the ball well at least some of the time when we weren't turning it over!
A potential solution would be to switch to Tommy full time---- at least we get the audibles and a smoother running offense---But tommy has only thrown 17 passes--thats IT!!---His INTS will be coming if he gets more reps---and the general aura will be one of "going backwards" that will likely infect the whole team--defense included.--Tommy is an option but not a happy one. Good off the bench but as the full time starter thats a discouraging prospect.
Playcalling---many of you blame the conservative playcalling but i tend to discount that---yes we could run a few more reverses or misdirection plays--we could get Golson out of the pocket more---but EXECUTION & INEXPERIENCE seem to be the heart of the problem then simply more aggressive and imaginative playcalling.
So the diagnosis is somewhat systemic IMHO--lots of problems in lots of area's---so given that here is my best shot at a prescription to make the patient respond better--
FIRST---We need a more explosive running game---we need some 15 yard gains on a regular basis---that means COACH has to swallow whatever is bothering him about Cierre's behavior or attitude or whatever and FEED HIM THE BALL___
Cierre is the IMMEDIATE SOLUTION to our running game --he is faster and more explosive out of the backfield then THEO---HE MUST START IMO--AND NEEDS 20 CARRIES A GAME___That will give the offense a big lift---
ON WR___i think we have to accept that our WRs are going to need all year to develop at least---there simply is NOT going to be a new floyd emerging anytime soon---Its tough on Golson or Tommy not to have a floyd to go to but thats the way it is---WE NEED TO ACCEPT REALITY & COMPENSATE___
That means MUCH MUCH MORE TE---More EIFERT--More NICKLAS----And if they do to good a job taking that away--WE NEED MUCH MUCH MORE recieving from our running backs---MORE SWING PASSES & FLARE PASSES___GET THEO __WOOD & GA3 --THE BALL OUT OF THE BACKFIELD ON SHORT STUFF AND PRESSURE THE DEFENSE & THE OUTSIDE WITH THOSE PASSES---hell even our defense is vulnerable to a short passing game to RBs coming out-----
Let TJ--Davaris and Toma work within an offense that is looking mainly for the BACKS & TEs---and then we will get some nice plays downfield even if its only a few of them.
The OLINE--i have no real answer for there less then stellar play so far---maybe facing weaker DLINES will help or maybe some personel changes are due!
But overall---i suggest some overarching changes in the offensive gameplan----More TE--A running attack that features Cierre--A passing attack that looks for swing passes and short stuff and goes vertical only occasionally.---
We can't win on defense alone--well we can --but its not what we should be looking for---
Thats the best i can come up with as a plan to juice up this offense---
aloha's go irish!