Outgoing Players Jaden Mickey, DB Tyson Ford, DL, Cal Aiden Gobaira, DL Deion Colzie, WR Jayden Thomas, WR Sam Pendleton, OL - Tennessee Rocco Spindler, OL Pat Coogan, OL Ty Chan, OL Benjamin Morrison, CB - NFL Draft Xavier Watts, S - NFL Draft Howard Cross III, DL - NFL Draft Beaux Collins, WR - NFL Draft Mitch Jeter, K - NFL Draft Rylie Mills, DL - NFL Draft Mitchell Evans, TE - NFL Draft Incoming Players DeVonta Smith, DB Alabama Malachi Fields, WR Virginia Will Pauling, WR
In the "Disappointment" thread, there was a point made about being dumb if satisfied w/ "10-2 or 9-3" seasons. I wanted to immediately respond in defense of Weis, but I decided to do some research and find out just how many powerhouse programs have had two or three losses each year in recent history. First, I found that Mack Brown started at Texas by going 9-3, 9-5, 9-3, 11-2, 11-2, and 10-3 in his first 6 seasons. In 6 seasons at the talent loaded state of Texas, he lost 3 games a season with a team that was far from having the issues ND had when Weis took over. He didn't have to fill the roster w/ talent AND bodies in numbers, he just had to coach and continue recruiting talent to Texas. Even after his National Title, he had two 10-3 seasons in a row. In the 2005 season, 4 years removed from a Title at Oklahoma, Bob Stoops went 8-4, 11-3, and 11-3. Tom Osborne averaged almost 3 losses a season for his first 9 at Nebraska and they were a powerhouse. Patience my friends, patience. Rome was not built in a day, rebuilding ND was not going to happen overnight no matter who was coaching. No one here knows what its like to coach at ND, no one here is even close to know what its like to rebuild a fallen program facing a schedule that NEVER overlooks ND. It is disheartening to think a keyboard and an opinion can send such a negative message of Weis and the program without having the credentials to back a word that is being said. I don't pretend to know all or think things are perfect at ND, and I have my frustrations with things, but it would be nice to see Weis, a good coach, backed by ND fans. We are playing well, we are making progress, we are restocking the shelves, we are building for the future...some support from our FANS would go a long way! GO IRISH