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As a Moderator, I am NOT demanding it as I don't have the power to do so anyway.




Can we all agree just one thing.




I ask this to get the board back to normal, at least for awhile.


I am not asking everyone to not be critical of play calls, snot shots or even Charlie JR. being on the sidelines etc...


Just can we agree to have a moratorium on the talk about if, when, how or why CW should be FIRED or not?


Say "charlie sucks as a HC" or "Charlie is the Coach of The Year" for all we care, just come to an agreement to not touch the subject of his employment status until we either,,,,


1) Lose 2 more games (because, lets be honest, that will be pretty damning)


2) Until the end of the regular season.


Can we as the DomerDomain Family come to this simple agreement? I mean, we really can't do anything about it anyway and it would take a lot of heat off the board for now.


How 'bout it fellas and ladies?


Can we do it?

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In a word no, now cue gaydeer :llama::llama::llama::llama:


Seriously, I agree not to mention that CW should be fired...

I don't mind if they talk about it Speedster, just keep it to one of two threads, 15 threads about the firing or keeping of Weis is a little much......

I agree with fanatic.


I have no problem with people having discussions about it, but nearly every thread gets hijacked. If we can keep it to a thread or two I am fine with it.....but having it brought up in 75 threads is getting annoying.


We should just start a thread and sticky it.....then let that be the place where people can go at it. Make it "adults only" so they can name call and insult each other too.

I'm in. Besides what we all think should or could happen won't matter anyway, the AD will do as he pleases whether we like it or not! So lets sit back and enjoy the rest of the season

I agree with fanatic.


I have no problem with people having discussions about it, but nearly every thread gets hijacked. If we can keep it to a thread or two I am fine with it.....but having it brought up in 75 threads is getting annoying.


We should just start a thread and sticky it.....then let that be the place where people can go at it. Make it "adults only" so they can name call and insult each other too.


Why 2?


Why not just a "Charlie job" thread. That way I only have to ignore one thread, not two.

Why 2?


Why not just a "Charlie job" thread. That way I only have to ignore one thread, not two.


Very good point.

Why 2?


Why not just a "Charlie job" thread. That way I only have to ignore one thread, not two.


I tried that...it failed miserably as people still insist on creating their own thread about what happens if X recruit signs, will that save his job...and if X recruit signs, it won't matter because we have a crap coach...there are about 5 or 6 people who de-rail / hijack or pirate every thread they participate on with the fire charlie rants and drops... frankly, i would like to clean the boards up...


If the mods send out a warning to those people on the fire charlie bandwagon and they continue to launch their comments, than suspend them for a month... the board isn't that hard up for a half dozen members are they ?

As a Moderator, I am NOT demanding it as I don't have the power to do so anyway.




Can we all agree just one thing.




I ask this to get the board back to normal, at least for awhile.


I am not asking everyone to not be critical of play calls, snot shots or even Charlie JR. being on the sidelines etc...


Just can we agree to have a moratorium on the talk about if, when, how or why CW should be FIRED or not?


Say "charlie sucks as a HC" or "Charlie is the Coach of The Year" for all we care, just come to an agreement to not touch the subject of his employment status until we either,,,,


1) Lose 2 more games (because, lets be honest, that will be pretty damning)


2) Until the end of the regular season.


Can we as the DomerDomain Family come to this simple agreement? I mean, we really can't do anything about it anyway and it would take a lot of heat off the board for now.


How 'bout it fellas and ladies?


Can we do it?


With all due respect, your request is ridiculous. I'll say what I want to say about CW or the ND football program, good or bad. That you would even attempt to stifle honest debate reveals something that is not very pretty. Please just relax and let people speak their minds. If the posts get personal, follow the protocol with a warning and remove personal attacks on other members of this board. There is one person on this board who seems to be the only one (or two) allowed to make personal attacks and disguised profanity without any reprisal because (s)he is a big cheerleader who acts like a spoiled little girl when (s)he doesn't get her/his way and when everyone doesn't conform 100% to her views. I see one standard being applied to those who give honest criticism and another standard being applied to those who blindly support CW. Their is obvious moderator bias. That's fine but if it spills over into stifling honest but heated debate, it's just plain ridiculous and wrong, in my view. I think that the arguments made by those who are criticizing CW are generally good arguments backed up by data. On the other hand, those who criticize anyone who dares to wander off of the happy, positive, party line, are the ones who are making the personal attacks and questioning people's loyalty, etc., rather than providing a logical or cogent rebuttal. So I see the problem lies not with those who give logical arguments and who criticize CW but with those who are too sensitive and touchy to be able to handle the fact that someone, another ND fan, can disagree with their enlightened and annointed opinions about CW. Now they are the ones who started all of this personal BS but are the ones apparently whose hands are so clean because they cheerlead all of the time and who the moderators seem to give a pass to when they initiate the personal attacks and name calling. So the ones who start the mess get a pass and end up being the good guys while the other posters who never initiated any personal attacks or name-calling (with rare exception we see someone making a personal remark about CW's weight) end up being the bad guys. This is bass ackwards in my view. This reeks of lack of equity and fair play and is heading down the path of politically correct speech, which is something that is reprehensible.


If you choose to censor me because I criticize CW's lack of coaching skills then I'm outta here. I agree that comments about his weight are juvenile but it is completely legitmate to criticize CW and call for his firing. If you don't like those comments, ignore them.


I'm not going to agree to your request. I'm going to calls em' as I see's em and if anyone doesn't like it, then they should just ignore my posts and stop the incessant whining about "negative" posts. No one is twisting your arm and forcing you to read those posts. Move on and grow up.

Why 2?


Why not just a "Charlie job" thread. That way I only have to ignore one thread, not two.


yep yep...:llama::llama:

I totally agree with Speedster and da coach. I am watching a team get

better each week and should really be good next year. If the refs did not

steal the Michigan game would things be different? I mean we were just

a break or two from being undefeated in that case. We will win big the next

two games and set up the showdown for the BCS game with Pitt. It only

hurts our cause to constantly criticize our coach. Let's win Saturday night,

move up in the rankings, improve our stats, get Floyd back, kill navy and

hush up the detractors.


Why not just a "Charlie job" thread. That way I only have to ignore one thread, not two.


Where would you stop though? Why not create a thread for Hawaii's optimism? Why not create a thread for people who support CW? Where would you stop? Could I have my own thread about how it's important to have factual evidence supporting my claims?


I know, trying to be an objective Administrator, that often times I read a thread and somebody interjects their opinion on why CW and the Irish are on the right path... Now should I censor that or just let it go? Where would I stop? Even though it rubs me in the wrong spot to see this form of "hijack", it would be wrong of me to not allow someone to voice their opinion. For example; a long time ago I started a thread for "realists only". So who do you think jumped right into that thread? And it was my fault for starting such a fury-starter to begin with.


I agree with what Rockne is saying despite it going against what some of our staff thinks. I tend to agree with the bias statement simply due to the fact that we're all human and all form opinions instantly about each other, whether we intend to or not. Some that agree with us simply find favor when others who don't agree, wouldn't.


We don't set forth to do so intentionally, but nevertheless, it does happen and it happens with everyone in life, not just the staff at Domer Domain. But please note that DD's staff is made up of several different types of people. We all aren't one way or the other, which is good for balance IMO. SJ did a great job of finding people who aren't all clones of himself...and you need that for continuity. :grin:

With all due respect, your request is ridiculous. I'll say what I want to say about CW or the ND football program, good or bad. That you would even attempt to stifle honest debate reveals something that is not very pretty. Please just relax and let people speak their minds. If the posts get personal, follow the protocol with a warning and remove personal attacks on other members of this board. There is one person on this board who seems to be the only one (or two) allowed to make personal attacks and disguised profanity without any reprisal because (s)he is a big cheerleader who acts like a spoiled little girl when (s)he doesn't get her/his way and when everyone doesn't conform 100% to her views. I see one standard being applied to those who give honest criticism and another standard being applied to those who blindly support CW. Their is obvious moderator bias. That's fine but if it spills over into stifling honest but heated debate, it's just plain ridiculous and wrong, in my view. I think that the arguments made by those who are criticizing CW are generally good arguments backed up by data. On the other hand, those who criticize anyone who dares to wander off of the happy, positive, party line, are the ones who are making the personal attacks and questioning people's loyalty, etc., rather than providing a logical or cogent rebuttal. So I see the problem lies not with those who give logical arguments and who criticize CW but with those who are too sensitive and touchy to be able to handle the fact that someone, another ND fan, can disagree with their enlightened and annointed opinions about CW. Now they are the ones who started all of this personal BS but are the ones apparently whose hands are so clean because they cheerlead all of the time and who the moderators seem to give a pass to when they initiate the personal attacks and name calling. So the ones who start the mess get a pass and end up being the good guys while the other posters who never initiated any personal attacks or name-calling (with rare exception we see someone making a personal remark about CW's weight) end up being the bad guys. This is bass ackwards in my view. This reeks of lack of equity and fair play and is heading down the path of politically correct speech, which is something that is reprehensible.


If you choose to censor me because I criticize CW's lack of coaching skills then I'm outta here. I agree that comments about his weight are juvenile but it is completely legitmate to criticize CW and call for his firing. If you don't like those comments, ignore them.


I'm not going to agree to your request. I'm going to calls em' as I see's em and if anyone doesn't like it, then they should just ignore my posts and stop the incessant whining about "negative" posts. No one is twisting your arm and forcing you to read those posts. Move on and grow up.


This is a perfect example of why we need to do something......

Where would you stop though? Why not create a thread for Hawaii's optimism? Why not create a thread for people who support CW? Where would you stop? Could I have my own thread about how it's important to have factual evidence supporting my claims?


I know, trying to be an objective Administrator, that often times I read a thread and somebody interjects their opinion on why CW and the Irish are on the right path... Now should I censor that or just let it go? Where would I stop? Even though it rubs me in the wrong spot to see this form of "hijack", it would be wrong of me to not allow someone to voice their opinion. For example; a long time ago I started a thread for "realists only". So who do you think jumped right into that thread? And it was my fault for starting such a fury-starter to begin with.


I agree with what Rockne is saying despite it going against what some of our staff thinks. I tend to agree with the bias statement simply due to the fact that we're all human and all form opinions instantly about each other, whether we intend to or not. Some that agree with us simply find favor when others who don't agree, wouldn't.


We don't set forth to do so intentionally, but nevertheless, it does happen and it happens with everyone in life, not just the staff at Domer Domain. But please note that DD's staff is made up of several different types of people. We all aren't one way or the other, which is good for balance IMO. SJ did a great job of finding people who aren't all clones of himself...and you need that for continuity. :grin:


I was honestly just trying to make light of a situation by pointing out that there wouldn't be much debate on the issue if there were two threads, one that supports Charlie and one that would like to see a change. If there were two threads would there be discussion or would both sides stay to their own threads? Or would they venture to the other sides thread to discuss, in which case, why have two threads.


Either way I will choose to ignore those threads. I am not saying they shouldn't exists, just that I won't read or post in them. They became much like the open forum is currently. Lots of bashing the other side, not much accomplished. So I left the open forum, much like I will leave any thread devoted to Charlie's job status.

Why do people take it so personally that some people don't like the job that Weis is doing?


We see threads all the time about optimistic signs of the team improving.


We see optimistic threads about recruits possibly jumping onto our 2010 class -- often without any evidence to support the thread titles, except for "whispers."


We see about 100 threads per week about how people who want Weis can basically go to hell -- and then people act flabbergasted when the people who don't like the job performance come in and defend their views and the grenades thrown their way.


And now we see a thread asking us not to talk about a MAJOR STORYLINE of this year just because some people are tired of hearing about it?


Like it or not, Weis' job performance and security is the whole ballgame. The kit and kaboodle. EVERYTHING. You can bet your bottom dollar that the administration is looking over every game just like we are, seeing what signs Weis' is giving that he should or shouldn't be retained as head coach.


This guy is one of the four highest paid coaches in college football, and has been rumored to be in the top 2. And the other three guys on the list all have winning percentages that would put Charlie's to shame.


Why should we stop talking about the fact that we may have a problem here? Why should we not express our disapointment in the "steps" we've taken -- some forward, but some certainly backwards as well? Why can't we continue battling out on these boards for different opinions, knowing full well that the decision doesn't rest with us?


So no, I don't think I will "stop talking" about Charlie's job performance/security. Because as Notre Dame fan, it's important to me that we have the best guy running the show -- and I'm not entirely convinced that right now, we do.

Edited by Katzenboyer

Why do people take it so personally that some people don't like the job that Weis is doing?


We see threads all the time about optimistic signs of the team improving.


We see optimistic threads about recruits possibly jumping onto our 2010 class -- often without any evidence to support the thread titles, except for "whispers."


We see about 100 threads per week about how people who want Weis can basically go to hell -- and then people act flabbergasted when the people who don't like the job performance come in and defend their views and the grenades thrown their way.


And now we see a thread asking us not to talk about a MAJOR STORYLINE of this year just because some people are tired of hearing about it?


Like it or not, Weis' job performance and security is the whole ballgame. The kit and kaboodle. EVERYTHING. You can bet your bottom dollar that the administration is looking over every game just like we are, seeing what signs Weis' is giving that he should or shouldn't be retained as head coach.


This guy is one of the four highest paid coaches in college football, and is been rumored to be in the top 2. And the other three guys on the list all have winning percentages that would put Charlie's to shame.


Why should we stop talking about the fact that we may have a problem here? Why should we not express our disapointment in the baby steps we've taken? Why can't we continue battling out on these boards for different opinions, knowing full well that the decision doesn't rest with us?


For me it was the manner in which the discussion was being conducted, on both sides. People were getting personal and it became mud slinging. I follow ND for pleasure, not to get aggravated or called an idiot or moron. That is why I will follow what entertains me, recruiting and the games on Sat

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