Outgoing Players Jaden Mickey, DB Tyson Ford, DL, Cal Aiden Gobaira, DL Deion Colzie, WR Jayden Thomas, WR Sam Pendleton, OL - Tennessee Rocco Spindler, OL Pat Coogan, OL Ty Chan, OL Benjamin Morrison, CB - NFL Draft Xavier Watts, S - NFL Draft Howard Cross III, DL - NFL Draft Beaux Collins, WR - NFL Draft Mitch Jeter, K - NFL Draft Rylie Mills, DL - NFL Draft Mitchell Evans, TE - NFL Draft Incoming Players DeVonta Smith, DB Alabama Malachi Fields, WR Virginia Will Pauling, WR
So i took the red-eye from DC to LA tonight and this girl sat next to me. She apparently was flying standby and had to come from Chicago to DC then to LA. We started talking and she asked where I went to college. After I told her I went to ND she said, "oh, I talked to one of their football players today waiting for a flight to LA.". Immediately I thoght of a certain WR that didn't look to happy at the end of the BC game. I'm not saying, but I'm just saying. I hope she was confused or something, and I don't think it was him. We'll see I guess. Pretty random story though.