2026 Notre Dame Commits, Offers, and Prospects The target number is ~25Β recruits for this year (7 Verbals, ?Β EEs [^]) : Β Overall 247 Composite Rankings: Total Points - #? Overall and Player Avg. - #? Overall 247: Notre Dame 2026 Football Offers 247: 2026 Football Recruiting Composite Team Rankings Β QB (1) FL QBΒ Noah GrubbsΒ [ND Verbal]: 247 Composite 4* 0.93 Β RB (2) TX RBΒ Davian GroceΒ [Offer]: 247 Composite 4* 0.96 GA RB Jonaz Walton [Offer]: 247 Composite 4* 0.95 PA RB Messiah Mickens [Offer,
on rivals, there's a good article about ND's recruiting weekend.
Most of it is news that has already come out.
Joyner apparently liked his ND visit more than OSU's, but OSU is still the team to beat like most think.
Prater is officially visiting for the UConn game and its rumored his parents want him close to home, so they can watch him play.
Cooper & Nix may be close to switching their committments to ND.
Rumored that Henderson has ND jumped in the top 3 with OSU & USC.
ND moved up with Linder (Miami/ND battle) & Stone as well.
We're on the outside looking in for the 2 RBs (James & Bernard) and the 3 DBs (Riggs, Riley, & Shaw)