2026 Notre Dame Commits, Offers, and Prospects The target number is ~25Β recruits for this year (7 Verbals, ?Β EEs [^]) : Β Overall 247 Composite Rankings: Total Points - #? Overall and Player Avg. - #? Overall 247: Notre Dame 2026 Football Offers 247: 2026 Football Recruiting Composite Team Rankings Β QB (1) FL QBΒ Noah GrubbsΒ [ND Verbal]: 247 Composite 4* 0.93 Β RB (2) TX RBΒ Davian GroceΒ [Offer]: 247 Composite 4* 0.96 GA RB Jonaz Walton [Offer]: 247 Composite 4* 0.95 PA RB Messiah Mickens [Offer,
I trudged about a mile from my parking spot to the tailgate. On the way to the tailgate, I was worried about being the odd man out not knowing anyone there.
I was scheduled to meet in person for the first time Schell, Domeanddomer, Chirodomer and Fanatic (Fanatic couldn't make it for personal reasons).
I got there and found Dome wearing his raccoon hat proudly lol! Met him, his father and mother and beautiful wife. They are wonderful people and immediately made me feel at home. Then I found that many of the people there I already knew. lol small world!
Schell and Chiro showed up. These guys are a hoot! Sooo funny!! We had a great time with our host Domeanddomer. Great tacos, beer and conversation! Bob Morton (ND's starting center from a few years back) stopped by the tailgate and took some pictures with us, super nice guy!
Well, Schell and Chiro bid us farewell as they were actually going into the stadium. Dome and his wife invited me back to his 60 inch flatscreen and mancave to watch the game. Come to find out that we watch the game in a very similar fashion. Standing, pacing and punching things. I now must buy a pair of hockey gloves! The ONLY way to express ones feelings.
Dome and I both thought we were going to pull this one out (well, maybe me more the Dome
). Wasn't a heart breaker because we are both realists. We took it for what it was.
All in all, great time with new friends although hated the loss.
Thank you Dome and your wife (and Killian) for a wonderful time and it was sooooo great to finally meet you, Schell and Chiro!!!
Now I know why I love DD so much! :thumb: