2026 Notre Dame Commits, Offers, and Prospects The target number is ~25Β recruits for this year (7 Verbals, ?Β EEs [^]) : Β Overall 247 Composite Rankings: Total Points - #? Overall and Player Avg. - #? Overall 247: Notre Dame 2026 Football Offers 247: 2026 Football Recruiting Composite Team Rankings Β QB (1) FL QBΒ Noah GrubbsΒ [ND Verbal]: 247 Composite 4* 0.93 Β RB (2) TX RBΒ Davian GroceΒ [Offer]: 247 Composite 4* 0.96 GA RB Jonaz Walton [Offer]: 247 Composite 4* 0.95 PA RB Messiah Mickens [Offer,
A little birdie told me that this weekend should be very good for us...
This isn't my most reliable source, but all signs indicate that Barr becomes official this weekend, rather than waiting until the end of the season/national signing day...From what I've been told, he has lost some momentum with other schools as a result of his injury and ND has remained hot on his heels, but he has been told to by those advising him to be careful on waiting too long.
He will play initially play linebacker for us, which was his point of hesitation as he wants to play RB...however he realizes that playing in an aggressive blitz scheme could get him to the NFL just as easy...