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Take a little time off from dd

Guest irishrick

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Guest irishrick

As i just recently had to go to the hospital because of a heart attack, and have been told to refraine from watching to much irish football games , iam going to cut back on my posting for a while and hold off from watching the irish play in close games, ive three blockages to the heart and with proper diet, exercise i should be okey, so for a while till i can get back on my feet please see that the dd is going strong. Thank the few who said prayers, as i got to get the wife well. So until i can get back keep the homefires burning . God bless all and go irish

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Guest SirJohn

I have been in contact with Rick on this quite a lot lately but didn't want to post anything at DD till he had his revelation.


We go waaaay back to year 2,000 on ND and my first ND contact, I consider him my closest friend. Rick just mend up.

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grab some fish oil pills rick, when you have a heart attack in europe they send you home with a bottle of them.. they are that heart healthy, get well

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