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Insomnia Thread (complete lunacy)


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There's no way I'm going to be able to sleep tonight. I've been trying for the last hour, but all I can think about is that stupid, winged helmet. Didn't they steal that design from Deleware? And why would they name themselves after an animal that's near extinction? I lived in Michigan--34 miles south of Ann Arbor--for my entire life basically, and have never seen a wolverine; ever. Not stuffed, not photographed, not anything. If they wanted to name themselves after a state-lived animal, I think they should've chosen the Quail. they're the most abundent animal--next to deer--in Michigan. :-D

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Guest rocketsan22

Never been so nervous in all the twenty years I've been watching Irish football as I am tonight. I am going to be right upset if tomorrow is a blowout, unless we are on the winning end of the scoreboard. Go Irish! Going to have trouble sleeping tonight...

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Glad to be the first one to show you a picture of a Wolverine Don! They are vile creatures!


I’m up for the next 12 hours so feel free to chat at me.


Isn't this a picture of one of the Rats from the Princess Bride?


<----can't sleep either

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I was going to post my interpretation of a "wolverine", but I don't want SJ to ban me from my home!


Now that I think about it, I have never seen a wolverine either. I have been to way too many zoos with my 5 year old.....but no skunkbears.



....and what the heck do winged helmets have to do with giant weasels?

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Yes, it was the creature off of The Princes Bride

Any movie that has

A six fingered man

Andre the Giant

An evil midget

And A Prince named Humperdinck

Gets two thumbs up in this guys book

If only they could have added Selma Hayek and the line” Yippie-kay-yay, mother-------”, It could have been one of the best movies ever!!!!!

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Do you remember when OSU won its last national championship? That whole season was full of ugly-a$$ wins. Two or three escapes were do to the phantom pass-interference call--including the NC game. My point is this; I'm at a point where I don't care about Notre Dame's perceived outlook, just keep winning--and if you lose, keep it close. The rest will fall into place. I'm done worrying--although I can't sleep right now--just play with some damn heart, that's all.

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