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it's fourth and eight and Im sitting watching the game with my wife. I was sure, as I'm sure most of you were, that the Irish were going to try the field goal. I said to my wife. If I were Charlie I'd go for it. There is no way Walker can hit that kick. Then Sharpley comes back on to the field and lines up the team. I was screaming at the t.v.! "What the %^%E#&*@ are you thinking Charlie? " How is that for a no win situation? Now put yourself in his shoes. Damned if you do, damned if you don't...unless it either goes through the uprights or is completed for a first down that is.

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and yes, I'm back!!!

Welcome back to the shooting gallery Hejd :D

If your kicker can't get distance then why try? At least its 30% that we get + yardage.

I'm not sure if it was the right call, but I did the exact same thing as you Hejduk. I was thinking to myself "go for it" because I knew there was a pretty good chance Walker would miss it, but when I saw Sharpley head back on the field I was questioning Weis.


catch 22

A perfect example is the 2pt conversion...If we don't run the ball, everyone would be screaming "Why did you abandon the run Charlie!". "We've been running on them all game!" etc.. etc...but we run the ball and everyone screams, "That was so obvious everybody knew it was coming!"


Damned if you do, damned if you don't

I don't buy his BS remarks about the kickers not being able to make it in warmups. To me that sounds like a desperate justification for a terrible football call. Yet another example of Charlie trying to be too cute on offense. If that's the case then why don't you punt it and try to pin Navy deep? Oh right, because we couldn't stop Navy. Ok, how about you fake the punt and hope to get 7 yards? Oh yeah, that would be stupid too. The risk he took was "can I get 7 yards and keep the drive alive or should I try for the field goal with the worst cast scenario being a miss or a block?" In my opinion, he answered those questions wrong.

For those of you who are second-guessing CW, what did you think about his play calling the first two years? (Especially the ones that were risky but which paid off.) Were you singing Charlie's praises then? Just curious.

I agree catch 22 is the most appropriate term for that situation. I was thinking he should go for it too since our kicking has basically been like throwing the ball out of bounds. Its disgusting...but yet, so are the rest of the problems on our team

For those of you who are second-guessing CW, what did you think about his play calling the first two years? (Especially the ones that were risky but which paid off.) Were you singing Charlie's praises then? Just curious.


I don't recall CW EVER not kicking a 41 yard field goal to win the game in his previous two years. Go for it on 4th yes. Risk the entire game on a 4th down play with an inexperienced, unproven QB behind the worst Oline in all of College Football.....with a 43 year winning streak on the line....AT HOME...and with a team that DESPERATELY needed this win? I don't recall being in this situation before. Face it, it was a piss poor call and even the casual football fan knows to try for the win. IMHO, he deserves a mountain of sh... for this game. He gets ABSOLUTELY NO pass from me with this one.

i think Charley did the correct thing and support him all the way , we got a good coach and a good team in the making so i think its time to give charlie a break on all this hate charlie crap :lol:

What does a coach do when he sees in practice every day that none of his current (can't recruit mid-season and no free agency) kickers, scholarship or no scholarship players, made longer than, say a 35-yard field goal AGAINST THE WIND and you are playing against one of the saddest defenses in the country and you want to make the best decision for the team and get a win? Do you kick the field goal when none of them ever made one that long during practices or do you think the odds are better to run the ball (or pass) against a very weak defense?


No brainer.

it is not whether he kicked the ball or not. the whole matter about charlie is that he cannot and has not coached these guys. they are not improving. what scares me is the new recruits seeing that also. you cannot tell me that ND does not have the athletes to beat Navy. with all due respect




the team plays with no HEART OR PASSION. and that disgusts me.

I guess my reaction to seeing Sharpley coming on the field on that 4th down was the same as a lot of ND fans. Now, I am starting to hear the press conference remarks about the wind, Walker was almost within 5 yards of his practice kicks before the game, etc... Geez, what if the wind dies down for a minute when he kicks, what if Walker gets a heck of kick on that one.... vs a desperation throw in which Navy blitzes and poor blocking. Yes, I know the defender leaped over the blocker, but still can't you hit the damm guy in the air! Yes, I am using hindsight, but I guess my reaction to forgoing a kick was universal in shock.


Now, the game is over. You have two schollie kickers and a walk on, where do you go from here. Is it possible for a kicker between improving technique and strength training can improve his range 10-15 yards so we don't have this issue next year? Do kickers lift weights? Do you offer a third scholarship to a kicker?

What does a coach do when he sees in practice every day that none of his current (can't recruit mid-season and no free agency) kickers, scholarship or no scholarship players, made longer than, say a 35-yard field goal AGAINST THE WIND and you are playing against one of the saddest defenses in the country and you want to make the best decision for the team and get a win? Do you kick the field goal when none of them ever made one that long during practices or do you think the odds are better to run the ball (or pass) against a very weak defense?


No brainer.


Personally, I see it as a no brainer that you kick it. First of all, it is unrealistic to think that these kickers aren't consistently making 40+ yard field goals in practice. I personally watched Walker kick at least a half a dozen 50 yarders in the warm ups for the SC game. So, no, I'm not buying the gee shucks we can't kick. He also made a 48 yarder against UCLA. We'll agree to disagree...but for my money, Charlie is NOT going to get a pass for this game. He is responsible for a game we never should have lost, to a team we never should lose to. To me, it doesn't get any clearer than that.

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