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Posts posted by scintrigue

  1. Yes, my opinion is that you are a pathetic Internet message board flamer. Where did I lose you? Get to work you lazy ass...


    I work harder than you with my pinkie finger. Get a life son. I know you old and have half accomplished what I have done in your life span. But seriously Rich-Rod "Get a life". Seriously stalker, you need help. Get to work, funny to me, see like Chiro I own mine sonny. And I continue my education, you got a problem with that? Not only do I own my own business, pay my taxes, root for ND on Saturdays, but am pursing a real Phd like others that fake it on this board. Get off MY %^&%!





    I never came at you personally? Matter fact, since I started I never came at nobody persoanlly. Y'all attack me, ban me whatever. I just speak my piece and y'all get your panties in a bunch. But I gotta give up to the mods, I know they are all right-wing and I have had private chats with some. Really good people keeping me on board and all. I mean seriously, Don Juan we went at it in that one convo, and you banned me, but you brought me back and I remember that good back and forth we had in the PM. It was a good discussion. I would love to have good discussions with everyone and sidetrack the personal vendattas against me. And thank you Pjack for stickin up, it was me and you against all in that NFL socialism discussion, you brought some serious heat could not have done it without you bro. You see it is a funny thing with this board, it does not represent Christians, ND, or anything of the alike (open forum). I came here like any other fan would for great insight on ND football and then I seen the open forum!!! My personal agenda you ask? It is to expose Hypocrisy. You see the Vatican is all about no wars, yet you support them. The vatican is about no condoms, yet I support them. Tucker Carlson your Republican fox news loser is about executing Michael Vick, yet you are pro-life, and I questions why are Industrail farmers not executed for the serious harm they do to cows, pigs and chickens similar to Mick Vick's actions. A pig is smarter than a dog. So I will continue to question. I will always question ignorance, until my soul burns slow.




    i am wondering if Scrin is secretly a republican and either performing a satire of an extreme left nut or simply a troll.

    And Dome, please stop with the whole, all people on welfare exploit it. and your whole, punish people who work for 70hrs a week to help some guy pay for his x-box is absurd. I'd rather it be, tax the guys rich ceo's who use "creative accounting" to get out of their taxes and commit fraud and steal from their companies to pay for their yachts, and use that tax money to help a poor man get by. Trust me America is not a meritocracy and never has been, no matter what Horatio Alger would have you believe. It happens sometimes but they are the exception


    No America is a Oligarchy. Or crony capitalism whatever you see fit. Definatly not free-market. That has not existed for awhile now, if ever. I love when conservatives use that term though, it is so funny!!! I never in my life have seen it in real form, it is kind of like communism, has anyone ever seen it? I mean the way Marx laid it out? Nope, never!! HAHAHA hilarious, so funny, neither have ever been done! Free-market=maybe in the 1200's, communism maybe also in the 1200's. Never has either been seen in true form in any of our lifetimes. Yet we fight for this? Funny to me, I dont know about anyone else?

  2. Harpers magazine from 1847, which read, "I know we've ge huge deficits, major environmental problems, several social ills, and so on. And these are serious problems. Unfortunately, we'll always have serious problems. However, equating 'serious' with 'fatal' would be to greatly underestimate this country. 'It is a gloomy moment in history...never has the future seemed so dark and incalculable. The United States is beset with racial, industrial and commercial chaos, drifting we know not where. Of our troubles, no man can see the end."

  3. Back to topic...



    Why is the government responsible for providing money/compensation to the 9/11 victims, their families or first responders? This was a vicious terrorist attack on innocent civilians that no one saw coming. Is it gross negligence, unsafe practices, or any other type of reason that civil lawsuits put forth? I would argue against that considering not one person in the entire US foresaw this attack. Not to mention that protection measures have to be taken within reason. A terrorist attack can happen anytime/anywhere (even post 9/11). I can hijack a bus right now and drive it into the nearest crowded building. Government responsibility for negligence? Lock down the bus driver seat from the passenger cabin? So it leads to the most logical answer that this is a PR or charity measure. Is the government authorized to do this? Should they do this? Check out this article on Davy Crocket and make your own conclusions:




    "I have as much respect for the memory of the deceased, and as much sympathy for the sufferings of the living, if suffering there be, as any man in this House, but we must not permit our respect for the dead or our sympathy for a part of the living to lead us into an act of injustice to the balance of the living. I will not go into an argument to prove that Congress has no power to appropriate this money as an act of charity."



    A citizen leads a private charity drive for the 9/11 victims, families, and first responders. Given the sympathy across the country for this attack I guarantee people would donate millions to the cause. It would also allow choice to donate rather than imposing this charity requirement on all without their consent and authorization under the constitution.


    Because the President at the time said it was safe to go and try to help. A citizen? Okay stand up do something about it then. Are you standing yet? And I could really careless about what Crockett said some almost two hundrend years ago when asbestos or planes did not even exist. Lets not mention he was probably talking about soilders who have that ol' socialized healthcare, would you cancel that? They did not have 200k hospital bills back then or any dollar amount that can even relate to inflation of now. And you really think republicans that held this up even remotely thought of what you are talking about? No! It was a political gain, plenty republicans request billons in useless earmarks and could careless about deficit spending. They wanted to hold this up so they could put another +1 on their 911 agenda, republicans want to deny dems from anything that has to do with 911. They would have passed this easy once they took the house. Again, Cheney himself said deficits do not matter. So while you have noble thoughts here, you are falsely mistaken for anyone in office really following your beliefs.


    I really, really like this idea. We were able to raise a ton of money for the Haiti victims, I'd hope most Americans would open their wallets a bit for their own. Who knows if the celebrities would get behind this cause like they did for Haiti, but if they were on board, people would donate.


    The victims families got a lot in charities. This is about the volunteer fireman/police/regular citizens WHO DONT HAVE UNION OR HEALTH INSURANCE. For you ignorant folks that think that this was just for the staffed govt employees.


    We've always come to the aid of countries in need, especially those in our backyard. They assisted them with money because it would have looked horrible on the world stage had we not done so. I'm not saying I agree with it, especially given domestic issues that probably could have been addressed, but this is how the US does business post WWII.


    Hey I all for us pulling the 50k troops out of Germany and similar stories in other nations. Cut that defense spending, best policy I ever heard!


    Because his only capacity here is as a flamer promoting his personal agenda. 95% of what he posts here is FAR left liberal bullshit. Take a look at the original post in this thread, or any of his threads for that matter. All he wants to do is pick fights on an internet message board. If the guy would use that time trying to advance himself into a higher tax bracket he just might not have to angle so hard to spread other people's money around to underachievers.


    This is the guy that was promoting Chavez in Venezuela. The guy that thinks Cuba has a superior health care system. The guy that thinks people should be punished for working 70 hours a week to support people at home playing xbox 360. The guy that thinks the government should regulate everything from health care to credit card fees to banks to higher education to....yet I guarantee you he was the first one screaming about civil liberties abuses with the Patriot Act. Really?


    PJack, you've seemed like a pretty intelligent guy over the last several years on here. That being said, please acknowledge that "far left or right" is the problem with this political system. Guys like him are far more concerned with "who's right" instead of "what's right." For him to start most threads in an intentionally antagonistic manner, like this one, is a perfect example. I've asked him repeatedly what his purpose is and what he is trying to accomplish without a response. All he wants to do is rile people up...and THAT makes his a pathetic internet message board flamer.


    So you do not have a thought on the thread? You support republicans opposing this bill? Or are you going to continue stalking me in every thread? Is there some void in your life where you have to wake up everyday thinking about how much you hate me? Were you abused as a child, your parents call you ugly?

  4. This is from some Right wing looney website "campus reform". Trying to coax conservative parents not to send their kids to left-leaning schools. Apparently Notre Dame made the list.


    The University of Notre Dame is located in South Bend, Indiana, just 90 miles east of Chicago. Notre Dame was founded in 1842 as an independent, national Catholic research university. Today, Notre Dame has expanded to more than 11,600 students of which approximately 8,300 are undergraduates.

    Campus Life Of the 23 political campus groups, 16 are liberal and seven are conservative.

    The liberal campus groups are the American Civil Liberties Union; Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty; College Democrats; Diversity Council; Environmental Law Society; GreeND; MEChA de ND (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan de Notre Dame); Net Impact Undergraduate Club, which focuses on sustainability; Progressive Student Alliance; Proponents of Animal Welfare Service; NAACP chapter of Notre Dame; Social Justice in American Medicine; Social Justice Legal Forum; Students for Environmental Action; Students for New Urbanism; and Feminist Voice.

    The conservative campus groups are the College Libertarians; College Republicans; Federalist Society; Jus Vitae, which is the law school’s students for life chapter; Right to Life, which is the undergraduate students for life chapter; Young Americans for Liberty; and The Irish Rover, the only conservative student newspaper at Notre Dame. The italicized groups are affiliated with CampusReform.org's Campus Leadership Program, which provides students with advice, assistance, and support.

    Faculty According to campaign finance data from The Huffington Post, 82% of Notre Dame faculty and staff who contributed to presidential campaigns in 2008 donated to Democratic candidates. In all, 71 people donated more than $47,000 to Democrats -- and just 16 gave money to Republicans. According to campaign finance data from OpenSecrets.org, 44% of the donations made by contributing members of Notre Dame's Board of Trustees in the 2008 presidential election went to Democratic candidates.

    University Policy In May 2009, Notre Dame invited President Barack Obama to receive an honorary doctorate and deliver the graduation address. Critics, including many from the Catholic community, opposed Notre Dame's decision as a pro-life, Catholic university to welcome a president who adamantly supports abortion.

    FIRE, a prominent legal defense organization, gave Notre Dame a "red light" rating in its 2010 report. This rating indicates that Notre Dame has "at least one policy that both clearly and substantially restricts freedom of speech."

    In particular, FIRE highlighted policies that punish students for damage to the "psychological well-being of others" and "posting, viewing, printing or sending material that is contrary to the mission or values of the University" using university computers or other technology.

    Although these policies may sound straight-forward, conservatives should beware. College administrators consistently use ambiguous policies to silence conservatives on campus -- and have argued that conservative views are "degrading" or "disrespectful" or "intolerant."

    Last fall, members of the Gender Relations Center and the Core Council for Gay and Lesbian Students started a petition "to have 'sexual orientation' added to the University of Notre Dame’s non-discrimination clause –- it’s currently not listed alongside 'race/ethnicity, color, national origin, sex, disability, veteran status or age.'"

    According to a recent Observer article, a number of organizations at Notre Dame have petitioned to include “sexual orientation” for several years, but the University has refused to amend the non-discrimination clause stating, "after careful analysis from both the legal and theological perspectives, it was determined that adding the clause may not allow us to distinguish between sexual orientation and behavior, which is a distinction that we must maintain as a Catholic university."

    In January 2010, Notre Dame’s Student Government passed its own resolution that called for "sexual orientation" to be added to the non-discrimination clause, arguing that "as the only top-20 university without 'sexual orientation' included in the clause, 'this is just going to hold us back.'"




  5. I went to ND, always felt like the majority of my class was right leaning.


    St Joes County has nothing to do with ND.


    I don't have any fantasy bubble whatsoever, considering I went to Notre Dame. ND graduates all groups, sure, but if you take a look around, its mostly white, conservative boys and girls. Also, since when does being Muslim, Hindu, Baptist, Atheist, Lesbian or Gay preclude you from voting for the GOP? I love how you tell me to not make generalizations with nothing to them up.


    I did not intend to mean that in your way at all. I was just saying not only white Catholics graduate from there. And how does St. Joesph country have nothing to do with Notre Dame? When it is in the county. Look, Catholics most of the time always have voted for majority Democrat in elections.

  6. How does 9/11 have anything at all to do with fiscal policy?


    And if you're referring to 9/11 being the basis for the argument to intiate a war on terror, a war that was voted for almost 100% of Congress (Democrats get to vote too, if I'm not mistaken), then yes, you are right.


    If you're going to try to make an argument, don't start it with a generalization and oversimplification.


    Furthermore, Conservatives get hand jobs, back rubs and rallying cries because you're on a website for a conservative, Catholic university who churns out a good number of young republicans per year. Northwestern or any other liberal big 10 school may have the political leanings you are looking for, but most Domers are conservative, as I'm sure you already knew, making your question knowingly pointless.


    When was it declared conservative? Do you associate Catholic and conservative like there is some correlation. Because I could say the opposite according to real data. Catholics voted for Obama 53-46% St. Joesph country overwhelming voted for Obama. This may be a conservative board, and most on here never went to Notre Dame, not saying that is bad but do not make generalization when you have nothing to back it up. And sorry to burst your fantasy but Notre Dame is not just graduating catholic, conservtive white boys anymore. There are muslims, liberals, gays and lesbians, hindus, baptists, and prolly even some atheists.


    And conservatives really get Hands jobs and back rubs on here?



    as usual i think you are wrong, or just myopic regarding people using 9/11 to justify things...


    Just a quick dose of reality here... that bill gave $4.2 Billion to 18,700 reportedly injured people. that's better than $220,000 PER INJURY. and those range from true injuries down to the questionable reports of additional coughing and 'malaise'.


    even if you include ALL responders (40,000), including those who are not ill, that comes to $100,000 per person... References from MSNBChttp://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40794021/ns/politics-capitol_hill/


    All at a time when the government is borrowing 10% of GDP... I think some questioning is in order... do we really need a slush fund for the trial attorneys right now?


    That is a good number when you account for future cancer diagnosis. If you really want to get all upset about the deficit you need to talk to that Idaho republican who wants money from Pacific salmon fishing. Really? is Idaho on the coast now? $127,410,389 of taxpayer money requested by Mike Crapo in 2009 budget specifically for entities and projects not considered worthy of financing through transparent means in the official federal budget. This is an example, democrats do it to but when you want to talk about budget you need not to go far from your own.

  7. Rhetoric. So do you thing ND should stay in the 3-4 defense or a hybrid of both by dropping a guy down? What's your take on the QB situation next year?


    All facts. Of course they should stick to the 3-4, the 4-3 is basically a dead defense in college football. Most successful defenses use the 3-4. There are a few exceptions, but unless you have Mathis and Freney lining up at the end spot a 3-4 is always a great advantage. 1. It gives you the flexibility to disguise blitzes more effectively. 2. It provides more speed on the field. Of course you need to make adjustments to the 3-4 when facing a team that uses the triple-option. Dayne will of course start, it is not really a question unless he is not healthy. I do not think Kelly would waist a 5 star talent. Andrew Hendrix was red-shirted for a reason.



  8. And Democrats hate white people, selling it under the guise of "tolerance." Yet, on my walk to work everyday there's an african-american heritage museum. I'm waiting for the white heritage museum to open across the street and you'll see the real face of democrats.


    And, the 9/11 thing wasn't about hating first responders. It's about the fact that liberals just keep spending without making cuts other places to make room for more important things, like 9/11 first responders. They just want to add more and more spending instead of operating within a budget. That's where democrats are fucked up.


    Are you sure?


    The top earmarkers in both the House and Senate are Republicans, even after the GOP has spent much of the past year making fiscal restraint and runaway government spending the centerpiece of its political message.




    And there is a white hertiage museum, its called wall-street.


    Please tell me one time when a republican president operated within a budget and did not drastically raise the deficit. It was Dick Cheney that said deficits dont matter, and it was Bush and Cheney who kept all the war spending off the books, that is why the deficit jumped so largely when Obama took office. He actually accounted for the wars in the government debt.

  9. What! Wait! Fox News----



    <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNnG-x1pnj0?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNnG-x1pnj0?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>


    Shep Smith I know you conservatives hate this guy now for sure.


    <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdl8IXxFAEQ?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdl8IXxFAEQ?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>



    Im just curious on why this has not been posted on here by our noble conservatives while I was banned, but yet if Obama Mooned Mitch McConnell this would be front paged and sticked?

  10. I should have put in my profile that I have bi-racial parents and that I moved here as a kid after my dad graduated from Notre Dame... Guess I thought it didn't matter, thought we were all ND fans and wouldn't make judgments about our locations or even our color... A real desperate grab for straws if you ask me.


    **like D&D brought up, why isn't your location listed?? sitting in the shadows casting stones and wild assumptions because of where someone resides, yet you yourself remain anonymous?? :llama:

    --I truly am intrigued, SC... (my guess is south central... "♪...and momma cooked the bacon with no hog...♫")


    I wasnt even talking about you.

  11. Define what? It's pretty straight forward.


    Yes, we are indeed granted various rights within our Constitution, but those rights are only secured when we are living a protected, stable environment. So, what's more important: the prohibition of ethnic profiling, or the risk of 'opening' our borders and becoming relaxed in regards to national security?


    When in the history of the world has there ever been a stable, protected enviroment?

  12. "I just have to look at the locations at the top right corner to know that most are from "small white communites".


    What? Perhaps that "top right corner", which btw I've noticed you won't publish, is a destination. You disregard the journey. You truly think that most successful people were given everything don't you? You show me a successful person and I will show you a person that not only has overcome adversity, but has also failed more than they have succeeded. Get off of here and go to work so that you can live in the nicer areas someday too. Stop collecting diplomas. They rarely do anything for you. At some point, you are going to have to use your brain to take calculated risks, be assertive, and work hard. Then you too will be taxed to death to help people that are not willing or able to do so for themselves.


    Why would I publish my info on a right-wing extremist board. You crazy? And again, you do not know me or my financial situation/life situation. This is one of those cases where someone assumes and then bam foot in mouth. I do not go around bragging about my life I talk about policies and the alike on here, no need to get personal. I know your my stalker and all but please stop.

  13. SC, you clearly aren't reading my posts or understanding what was said. I said PROFILING, not RACIAL profiling, there is a difference but you're not understanding that difference. Matter of fact I even challenged CJDomer about his argument for profiling terrorists in airports as being ok, but not ok for me to profile someone(note no skin color mentioned) driving around at 3AM for no good reason as an example(ie drunk driver or burglar). You don't have a clue how the world works with regard to law enforcement and the ability to make informed decisions that can be articulated in a report or to the court as to why a decision to stop someone was made. It has nothing to do with illegal actions, and courts have upheld numerous times LE ability use profiling in our line of work.


    In reality I lean more towards your position about "racially" profiling individuals in airports. I also know and realize that there are way too many possible skin tones and nationalities who worship under the flag of Islam. I know that there are many Muslim terrorists who operate all over the world in many different countries including the USA. The point is that when it comes to the hijacking of airlines and terrorist acts involving planes, Muslims have been largely at the forefront of this activity since its inception. There can be no arguing this fact. Profiling can be an intelligent and essential part of security if it is handled appropriately. One of the biggest arguments has been why it hasn't been, for instance detaining a small child because his name matches a name on the terror watch list, when its painfully obvious a 3 y/o is not who TSA is looking for. This tidbit is profiling, and note again its not racially motivated, clearly in this example profiling would tell you this child isn't a terror suspect. People in your camp call profiling bad, evil, and illegal when clearly the opposite is true if used properly.


    It was not a personal thing, I was using you as an example. If a police officer, tsa agent or anyone in authority is using racial profiling it is illegal and no one should be above the law. Now, you are talking about profiling behaviors. That is not the same as profiling people. CJ is wrong about not being able to profile at 3am. If the street has a lot of bars and someone is driving on said street you may look at the car more closely to see if it is swerving and what not. As far as the airport is concerned, you may make profiling judgements based on someones level of nervousness, not making eye contact ect. These are all behaviors that may make one think that something is up.



    WOW! Talk about stereotyping everyone on this board just because they have a different perspective than you. It must be nice for you to be able to profile based on your opinions in that last paragraph. Just because someone considers themselves conservative, Republican, or whatever and it disagrees with your world view doesn't mean that they don't have friends of a different skin color, watch FOX, or live in all white small communities.


    I rarely watch FOX news if ever because I can't stand any of the news agencies anymore because they all have their own agendas and nobody just reports the news anymore. I have friends that run the spectrum of skin color and have varying degrees of nationality to boot, unfortunately I my not be best buds with them because I rarely have time outside my work or family to socialize with others these days.


    My daughter is engaged to a young man who was born in Lebanon, and came to the US at a young age, and he is Muslim. From the moment I met this young man I have been nothing but impressed by him. Mind you I didn't have any preconceived notions towards him prior to meeting him, nor have I about any of my daughter's past BF's. About the only thing I care about is that they treat her with respect... yadda yadda Father stuff.


    I just have to look at the locations at the top right corner to know that most are from "small white communites".


    What everyone seems to forget is that our ENEMIES use our constitution against us. We are essentially victims of our own civil liberties. So the decision has to be made, safety or civil liberty? We do not live in an idealistic world where both can be adequately realized. Scanning people at airports is a step in the right direction. I find it laughable that people are so consumed with nudity in this country that they cannot even fathom someone seeing an outline of their nude body, in another room, with no face on it, to ensure muslims aren't putting bombs in their underwear. Sorry, I know that the feel good Kumbaya's will throw a fit over that, so I will restate it to say Muslim Extremists because that element of political correctiveness makes them feel good about themselves. We will never find a fool proof means of protecting people, but we can and must do better.


    On a side note, people's over obsession with nudity is causing a distraction from the bigger problem IMHO. Checked baggage screening. I have very little faith in what is currently being done and who is currently doing it.


    Civil liberties bar none! Unfortunatly our leaders have used fear against us and passed such things as the patriot act among others to restrict our freedoms.


    You seem to be willing to accept more than i would like to... maybe i am just unrealistic, but i dont like this one bit, and we are lurching into places i hope we never get to.


    They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.~Ben Franklin


    Perhaps it is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged against provisions against danger, real or pretended from abroad.

    ~James Madison


    Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.

    ~James Madison


    Great qoute. Like I said 9/11 was a horrible horrible day for America, but lets not put it out of prospective, give up our freedoms just because of one event. In all actuality by us doing so we are allowing the terroists to win.

  14. I've got a self-centered perception folks, you heard it here first! :grin: Just make sure to keep us all in the loop SC, by alerting us all to when someone who looks like George Costanza decides to take down a plane.


    It is not a cold. If you do not believe you have a self-centered prespective on this issue than why are you whining about your safety. No where did you place yourself in someones shoes who would have to go through this "profiling" process. No one has actually said what they intend to do with all the "muslims" "foreigners" "not like me so obvisous bad" people at the airport. A seperate line for anyone whos not white? A mandatory 30 minute background check everytime they go through the inspection process?

    No where did anyone mention that they we would have to throw out the 14th amendment or racial profiling laws. Instead it is "im scared". You have a better chance of dying from tripping on a rock than a terroist attack. But you want to de-humanize people just because of your irrational fears derived from the media and propaganda.

  15. Let me get this right. You're telling me the percentage of Muslim-looking terrorists (involving air-traffic) compared to "normal"-looking terrorists (involving air-traffic) is close?? You've listed three people when I can, off the top of my head, give you close to twenty that fit the profile. This is absolutely ridiculous to even argue about. How safe would you feel flying next to a couple of these quietly-rambling individuals??


    What is muslim looking? Muslims can be white, black, asian ect. And a lot of people from India are Christians. Name 1 arab that has attemped/succeeded in a terroist act this year in US


    What they should do instead of this body scanner crap and illegal racial profiling is hire actual enforcement that carries machine guns and dogs.


    It is pretty ridiculous to argue about, you can not get past your self-centered prespective and actually see that this is the type of behavior that made Hitler famous. It is unconstituional, racist, and does nothing but hurt our countries reputation. I understand that many people on this board live in small white communites and never have experienced the rest of world, have no friends of a different skin color, and watch propaganda on fox all day saying your gonna die. Because if you had friends who were arabic/persian/indian you would not want your friends to subjected to the humiliation of having to go through an "extra" process because they have been profiled based on their skin color.

  16. I know who they are...and that's a total of three people. I want you to point out current-day terrorism and all the diverse forms it takes, specifically when it comes to air-travel. (since we're talking about profiling now-a-days and specifically airport shakedowns...) We'll be waiting.


    What are you talking about? The guy that took out the IRS building was only months ago. And the most recent terroist attempts by Al-quada members were all black.


    Also, you really think that Al-Quada does not know that the TSA is more likely to inspect an Arab? I think they are smarter than that, the next terroist could be a female blonde for all we know. In additon, none of the people who actually commited the acts looked like Osama Bin Ladin. He might have organized it, but is no where to be found.

  17. Sorry SC, but the majority of air-trafficked terrorists do indeed look alike. I think I'll trust what I see with my own eyes and likewise what the professional pilot assesses to be a possible threat, rather than the Monday-morning QB who wants all to be treated equal despite the obvious obsession to kill Americans by a people who yell "Allah Akbar" before murdering innocent Americans and just happen to (ironically) have similar long scraggly beards and turbans...


    Do us a favor SC, when a Larry The Cable Guy or Jeff Foxworthy-lookin' guy or even the Catholic-looking guy takes over a plane, or bombs a US Embassy, or takes an American news anchor hostage, or kidnaps a US-contracted worker and beheads him on SandTV, or even sends a kid strapped with C4 to school, or perhaps kills a soldier who's protecting a village, or tries to bring box-cutters on board a plane/lights a shoe filled with explosives... Let us know when that happens SC, we're all waiting to see your theory trump our misconceived notion that profiling can indeed, help protect America...


    The first picture of the old man laughing, is the guy who flew a PLANE into the IRS building. The second picture is of a young Timothy McVeigh, and the third picture is the guy who wanted to blowup downtown Portland.

  18. What if you look like this:









    Point is, it is pointless to racial profile. It may make you "feel" safer, but it does not actually make you safe. Do TSA and many people have scemas toward people that may have features of Osama? Sure of course, and that is normal. However, to make policies that center around racial profiling is pretty much the defination of Fascism.


    Toby Keith, if qualified, I would approve hes a democrat.

    "So as far as leadership and patriotism goes, I think it's really important that those things have to take place. And I think he's the best Democratic candidate we've had since Bill Clinton. And that's coming from a Democrat."

    -Toby Keith on Obama.

  19. Feel free to join us in the real world. Idealistic liberalism at it's finest. The last 20 people to attempt or succeed to kill large populations of Americans all had a similar trait. Foreigners don't have rights over citizens, period. Sorry if they are inconvenienced while visiting our country. If they don't like...don't visit. If you belong to that particular profile and are a legal citizen then, sorry. Don't get mad at me, get mad at the extremists that are effing up your life. This is the new America by necessity, not choice.


    What trait is that? Who is a foreigner? They had American Visas. Most of them were from Saudi Arabia, a country we give weapons to and send our detainees to to get "rahabilitated". What is the profile?


    I'd profile every Muslim and watch list person. After all, they WERE the culprits that brought those planes down in NYC. Even though I find it astonishing that they were that good of pilots with missing tail numbers etc:spider:


    Who is a muslim? What skin color do muslims have? I thought it was a religion, so how do you know that someone is muslim? Do airports ask if you are catholic? What is the difference of you doing this and Hitler seeking out all the jewish?


    Like Dome said : Feel free to join us in the real world. How would you Profile??? Are you serious? Its late at nite you and your wife are walking down the street in a kinda bad area, walking towards you comes a big scraggly, shady looking dude, do you grab her hand extra tight?? A minute later a big clean cut guy dressed in nice tucked in clothes and you just walk by.. You just profiled like we all do, do you think judges and cops profile.. Of coarse ....come on man


    This is a schema, if everyone was big scraggly and shady looking you would not do this. This is not exactly profiling, profiling is the act of seeking out someone based on a characteristic, mostly by law enforcement. And if Jessie Moore, is using racial profiling he is commiting illegal actions and should turn over his badge and gun. It is in fact illegal.

  20. The issue here is there is absolutely no proof that all of these measures do anything to prevent another catastrophe. The manufacturer admitted the full body scanners would not have caught the underwear bomber.


    There are basically two types of people that will try to wreak havoc with an airplane. The first are idiots that will try to bring guns, knives, etc. aboard an aircraft. These people would have been stopped with pre-9/11 measures. In this group, one could also include people that will bring aboard a disassembled explosive and try to put it together while on board. Virtually no manner of security (bar not allowing any carry-ons) will prevent something like that as the individual components can be very common items.


    The second group of terrorists are like those that committed the 9/11 attacks. These people are very well financed and will be able to get around almost all security measures (especially when the enforcers are idiots that just don't want to be hassled). To stop these types of people, we will need to get the best and brightest to design incredibly tight security measures that will make it extremely annoying for everyone to ever fly.


    The government's solution seems to be an inefficient application of #2. We are being highly inconvenienced, yet not actually stopping any more attacks. It is all being done for show.


    (The most effective option would just be to profile passengers of every flight: race, sex, ticket purchase time, ticket purchase location, etc. Apparently, that concept is unacceptable because profiling is wrong. I guess the government finds it to be more efficient to conduct full body searches on little kids.)


    How would you profile? What race and sex would you be looking for to give unfair treatment because of their skin color or gentials?

  21. Ouch...that really stings. In reality, I see through your massive amounts of bullshit and call you out for what you are. JusOt not beating around the bush.


    You have actively stumped on here promoting your agenda that the government and, in turn, we the taxpayers owe it to you to help you pay for college. Also, the government needs to keep the credit card companies in check by limiting how much they charge you for transactions at your "company". Damn free enterprise.


    You dance around on this board gloating about winds by the Democratic party which, by any definition is meant only for flaming.


    You know why I don't like you? Because you are a self entitled individual that makes excuses for failures and you clearly don't want to work. Do it the old fashioned way. Earn it. The taxpayers don't owe you, nor every other lazy poor decision maker, squat. BTW, as far as education level goes, I have a really good feeling that I pay more in taxes than you make in a year. Not bad for a dumbass huh?


    Again, none of what you have said about me personally is true besides my statements about free education and yes to promote more profits for small business credit card rates (you know that annoying min. $5.00 you have to spend when all you want is coke, because it costs them more to process your card than they make off the coke?).

    -I am not a failure, I do not harass people on the internet.

    -Self-entitled, can mean various things. There have been various studies that actually say more successful people have a higher sense of entitlement.

    -Nobody in the world cares about your income level.


    Now I gotta go spend some of my hard-earned money on a new book thanks to you.



  22. Turning into "America, land of the free handout". I assume that's why you are still here.


    You assume wrong as usual. It is really funny to me that you act like a 12 year old everytime I post. Throwing uneducated personal attacks that have nothing to do with the thread, and nothing to do with me personally either. From your lack of social skills, and seemingly less educated among others on this board it would seem to me you are the one that would be in demographic for "handouts".


    That actually was kind of wrong for me to say, not to you of course, but the people that are hard-working americans that are collecting unemployment right now because of no-fault of their own, or the children that parents can not afford health insurance for them, or other dire circumstances of people receiving handouts. You see you blanket a term, without any real empathy for anything in the world. You must be really bitter, I am sorry for your life.

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