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Posts posted by jumpman5678

  1. 5 hours ago, Irish_Thunder said:

    After falling short yesterday, we should be looking forward to learning who the remainder of our staff will be in the coming days. Anticipate new coaches at the following positions:


    OL: Heistand/Chris Watt combo is the popular rumor

    ST Coordinator

    Defensive Coordinator

    WR coach

    Not sure if we will be adding any additional positions but these seem to be the logical ones. CFB Watcher on Twitter has a solid list for every one of those openings. 

    Lol that twitter account literally spits out the same exact thing Loy and the other beat reporters state on their boards. He has no inside information.

    • Flames 1
  2. The one thing that I really like here is announcing this in Thursday, after FSU installed their game plan. Nice move by the Wiley old coach.


    And if it weren't for posters breaking the news on the message boards, this probably would not have gotten out until tonight's press conference, or tomorrow. ND did not want FSU to have anymore practices after finding out the news.

  3. If this is the case, then I like our chances. The one really good thing Wimbush did was not turn the ball over.


    He has 4 ints and 1 TD. He could easily have another 3-4 ints with how many jump balls he has thrown that were dropped by opposing defenders. I remember at least two vs. Ball St. Therefore, I don't think it's accurate he was good at not turning the ball over.

  4. Dex is not playing until Week 5 against Stanford.


    Stepherson suited up for both home games during his four game suspension last season. So, there is absolutely nothing to read into BK's statement. Also, he is not at liberty to say if/why Dex is suspended because it is a student privacy issue.


    This. Dexter will not be back before Stanford.

  5. We should be okay at Safety. Gilman and Watkins will start with Heath getting playing time. We are pretty deep at Safety but the good ones are young.

    Also, Kyle Hamilton will start next year along with Heath.




    Coney plays LB, and is our starting MLB.

  6. I just listened to some of ISD's Power Hour. The first thing they talked about was Coney, and how they don't know what happened with this case. However, it did come across that this wasn't a good thing happening, and his punishment is unknown, since ND's punishments have been all over the board in the past.

  7. If the infraction was so significant, it would be known by now wouldnt it? An arrest made or something like that? The school getting involved and kicking the student out? From what we know these two are still enrolled. So the university is ok with them being ND students despite whatever infraction occured.


    And from what we know, Holmes stole a jacket. Not an offense that should lead to immediate dismissal from team. IMO


    No clue what Deon did but he violated a team rule in Orlando. Not arrested, so I doubt it was a major offense. Hell, weve had guys fight cops and get multiple duis that have been able to stay on the team in the past.


    Parents entrust their kids to BK. He shouldnt be throwing them to the curb at the first chance he gets. Its bad for the team and bad for recruiting. He should have his players backs. And I have no problem with kicking off KS, the guy is older now and has had his chances to straighten out and he didnt do it.


    How do you know it was Holmes' first offense? Do you 100% know he didn't do anything prior to this? Do Not Steal is the team's 4th commandment that is hanging in the locker room. What would that say about Kelly if he says, "Yeah, that's one of our commandments, but feel free to follow them only sometimes."


    As for Deon, how do you know what he didn't wasn't illegal? Just because he didn't get arrested, doesn't mean he wouldn't have been if a police officer saw him. I'll answer this one for you...He would have been arrested if a police officer saw him.

  8. What were these transgressions


    For Holmes, all I'm aware of is the shoplifting. However, ISD alluded to "mistakes" plural being made while he's been at ND, so it could be more.


    For McIntosh, I don't want to put them out on the board, sorry. However, I will tell you I'm not shocked about the dismissal, and he was already appealing a suspension that would have impacted next year.

  9. The whole rumor of Holmes being given a path to come back isn’t true. Driskell from Rivals is saying this, and it’s complete BS. I don’t know why he’s lying and telling people this, but every other site is saying it’s false. I also spoke with someone that talked to the family, and they’re all under the impression it’s a permanent removal. At best, it’s something they could look into down the road, but the plan is to stay this semester and figure things out after. I would imagine he transfers out after the semester.


    As far as McIntosh goes, he was already going to be out some time next year. He was appealing that as some of the boards mentioned, but he screwed up again during bowl week, so I’d imagine he transfers out as well after the semester.

  10. You usually have the scoop, was hoping you knew.


    There’s been rumors that he was late to a meeting, but that hasn’t been verified. There’s also folks that are typically in the know that have said it has nothing to do with being late to a meeting. However, they’re not willing to say what it was he did to get suspended.

  11. Some of you guys need to be careful what you wish for with wanting Book to start/play. I'm not trying to knock Book by any means, but there's a reason Wimbush is starting over him right now.


    While we may not need Wimbush against UNC, although I don't want to go into this game thinking it will be a cakewalk, we will need Wimbush against USC's, Miami's, and Stanford's of the world.

  12. A poster from another board has said that he's heard from a reliable source that the team has a crazy amount of injuries right now. More along the lines of November type injuries in July. He usually has a pretty good track record and wouldn't make something like this up.


    Has anyone heard anything? You would think if they're serious injuries, the word would have gotten out.

  13. The only positive spin to this, especially with the new staff, is that they can now more guys this cycle and in general they may like more than the guys transfering.


    This class was gonna be tight on numbers, that's obviously changing with every transfer. If Coney leaves, that's two LBs down. ND could very well bring in Bauer, McGrone, Simon, and someone else now. I really like Coney tho and hope he remains Irish.


    Hoge leaving makes little sense unless Hainsey and/or Banks have passed him on the depth chart. If not, he's one injury away from starting. Now, he would have to sit out a year anyways.


    Tom Loy confirmed that the player leaving is indeed a backup tho.

    Driskell over at Rivals reported earlier this week that the same source that told him we would see a transfer soon, also told him Hainsey may not redshirt this year. Not due to them being low on numbers, but because he did so well during the spring, and they see him being a contributor. If that's true, maybe that's another reason Hoge began looking.

  14. "Someone" as in "someone who's in a position to know such things", or "Someone who's just stirring the pot for some laughs"? Losing a guy who's been passed on the depth chart is one thing, losing a projected starter/co-starter is another.


    I don't think it's someone stirring the pot for some laughs. I think it was just a guess as there's more and more rumblings that it won't be just Hoge transferring. It was more of a "Coney is next. Wait and see." type comment.

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