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Nothing this rat does surprises me.

Christ, what a jackass he is...

How he gets away with this sh!t is beyond me...

Seriously, what a freakin' loser.

I'm just surprised he didn't have him change into a Colorado jersey.

I'm just surprised he didn't have him change into a Colorado jersey.


LOL that's funny

I'm just surprised he didn't have him change into a Colorado jersey.


LOL! That is funny. Every week I think Lane can't sink lower, but then he does. I wonder if he sits at the dinner table on Friday nights and eats baby unicorns or something.


What a douche. Anyone know how Yuri Wright is doing at Colorado? Shame things ended up the way they did with him.

How he gets away with this crap...

Paging the Lane Kiffin Defense League...

But ndbadabing says that Kiffen is a great coach and an even better person. He's even met him......hmmmmm who to believe here?

But ndbadabing says that Kiffen is a great coach and an even better person. He's even met him......hmmmmm who to believe here?



HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! Two of the funniest things I have read in weeks!!!!!

I'm just surprised he didn't have him change into a Colorado jersey.


In Cody's defense, he was probably worried that he might end up pumping gas in South Carolina if he didnt bend to the will of Lane. I think its hilarious that Cody just rogered up what happened to the media. He might as well have ended it with, "So obviously he is a piece of sh*t."

In Cody's defense, he was probably worried that he might end up pumping gas in South Carolina if he didnt bend to the will of Lane. I think its hilarious that Cody just rogered up what happened to the media. He might as well have ended it with, "So obviously he is a piece of sh*t."


LOL. Well said. Well said on all points.

I just saw about this on ESPN PTI show. how can he get away with this, this is ridiculous!

you're not allowed to change jerseys during a game to deceive the opponent, but Kiffin said he did it to deceive opponents in upcoming games who watch USC on film. what?! deceiving the opponent is deceiving the opponent whether it's the game you're playing or games in the future.

he even said he's going to do it again. seriously? and the NCAA is going to do nothing? can they fine him? could the wins be taken back?

he should not be aloud to do this, period.

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